MFP without exercise?

Hey everyone,

Well I had 20lbs to lose after having a baby a few months ago. I've now lost about 7lbs so far so I have about 13lbs to lose. I'm on about 1320 cals a day and normally exercise (Jillians 30 day Shred DVD) , when I do I always eat back my calories.

Well I'm actually thinking is there really any point in me exercising? I really don't want to get toned as I don't really like that toned look & I don't want muscles. Also as I don't have much to lose it's not like a drastic weight lose or anything. So I'm thinking about not exercising. What do you guys think? Is anyone else not exercising & just sticking to their recommended calories?

Thanks x

Edit: I think a few people are confusing what I mean. Bascially I'm quite active anway & walk for about 45 mins on most day. The reason I don't want to do the exercise DVD anymore is because it makes me feel more tired which makes it harder looking after my baby because I just want to go to sleep lol. Also when I do exercise I always eat back all my exercise calories anyway, which means I'm just eating back all of the calories I have burned anyway. So if I don't exercise I will just be eating the same amount of food but won't tone up. I've already noticed my legs getting hard which I don't want lol x


  • dlf0001
    dlf0001 Posts: 20 Member
    I am not doing any organized exercise. I am also not logging in mowing grass, house work, stair climbing with my work etc. etc.
  • fcrisswell
    fcrisswell Posts: 234 Member
    I think you would have to work out a heck of a lot to get that muscle-definition you are talking about.

    You CAN lose weight without exercise. It will take longer.

    Exercise is GOOD for you. Gives you more energy, boosts your metabolism, and is good for your heart and lungs.
  • cesctheman
    cesctheman Posts: 139 Member
    You still have 13lbs to lose why stop excercising now. Its WORKING.Why change it you will get at your goal quicker.
  • BrownSkinBeauty1990
    BrownSkinBeauty1990 Posts: 59 Member
    Don't get me wrong I don't sit around all day. I was just thinking that if I exercise & eat my calories back after exercising then what's the point? As I'm just eating the calories burnt anyway?!
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    I think weight loss in itself sacrifices some muscle, it is not all fat you are losing.

    You should exercise just as part of a healthy lifestyle (you will not bulk up)
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    I have to say exercise for your heart, lungs, etc. Exercise does help in the weight loss, but it also helps in your heart rate, breathing, cholestrol, etc. Much more benefits than just weight loss. You won't get that "muscle toned" look from exercise alone, you'd have to introduce some weight lifting also.
  • randi50
    randi50 Posts: 112
    Just do cardio

    I will admit that the past couple weeks I haven't exercised as much as I was, which was daily. I lost 5 lbs by just eating my cals. I think my body needed a shake up though. You don't have to exercise everyday if you don't want that is up to you, but cardio if good for you.
  • daloverlyme
    daloverlyme Posts: 583 Member
    Some people can lose weight with or with out exercise. it depends on a lot of conditions. i lost 30 pounds without, and now i can barley lose even with exercise. keep up the great work!
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    It's good for your body! why stop?
    I have two uncles who are twins, in their mid forties, one has exercised as long as I can remember the other one doesn't, they are both the same age but guess who looks younger? The one who exervcise! wonder why? I will keep exercising after I reach my goal for sure!
  • TheEnd10
    TheEnd10 Posts: 20 Member
    I never eat the extra calories that I earn through exercise because I think it negates working out, but that's just me. :happy:
  • BrownSkinBeauty1990
    BrownSkinBeauty1990 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm pretty healthy anyway and have never been overweight up until I had a baby which is to be expected. I don't sit around all day or anything.

    But I don't get how doing my fitness DVD will make me lose more weight if I eat back the calories burnt anyway?

    By the way, the reason I don't want to exercise anymore is because I don't really have time with a baby to look after & I really hate exercise lol x
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Don't get me wrong I don't sit around all day. I was just thinking that if I exercise & eat my calories back after exercising then what's the point? As I'm just eating the calories burnt anyway?!

    Nope. Eating back your exercise calories isn't a waste.

    If you're supposed to eat 1400 calories a day and you exercise and burn off 400 calories (and don't eat them back) - you're only giving your body 1000 calories to live on. This isn't enough calories for your body to survive on and it will eventually go into starvation (or as some call it survival) mode. Which means, your body will stop burning any fat and will begin storing it for fear you're not going to feed it again.

    Daily calories = 1400- 400 calories burned = 1000 + 400 calories eaten back = 1400. You're now back at your daily calorie needs. When you put all your information into MFP and it gives you a number of calories - it has already added in a deficit based on how much weight you want to lose and how quickly. That's why it asks you those questions. So, eat back the calories -- your body will thank you (and you'll lose weight that way!)
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    well, technically, you don't have to exercise as long as you have the appropriate deficit in your calories, BUT (and a big but), it will really help your body and the skin from losing weight.
  • monicaP413
    monicaP413 Posts: 165
    I don't think you have to do a Jillian Michaels excercise routine everyday, but as we all know, exercise is good for you and will help with a lot of ailments and health issues and generally just help you feel good. It gets your endorphins going and helps with your body's functionality. Now, after saying that, walking is one of, if not the best exercise you can do. I say take a walk every day or most days and you'll be fine. If you don't exercise at all, you may tend to be more tired and not feel as good. My worry is not that I won't live a long time, but the quality of my life. Just my opinion!
  • hilarymcilroy
    hilarymcilroy Posts: 1 Member
    Keep it up!!! 20 pounds is amazing!!! Never forget your goals, girl, you got this.
  • BrownSkinBeauty1990
    BrownSkinBeauty1990 Posts: 59 Member
    Don't get me wrong I don't sit around all day. I was just thinking that if I exercise & eat my calories back after exercising then what's the point? As I'm just eating the calories burnt anyway?!

    Nope. Eating back your exercise calories isn't a waste.

    If you're supposed to eat 1400 calories a day and you exercise and burn off 400 calories (and don't eat them back) - you're only giving your body 1000 calories to live on. This isn't enough calories for your body to survive on and it will eventually go into starvation (or as some call it survival) mode. Which means, your body will stop burning any fat and will begin storing it for fear you're not going to feed it again.

    Daily calories = 1400- 400 calories burned = 1000 + 400 calories eaten back = 1400. You're now back at your daily calorie needs. When you put all your information into MFP and it gives you a number of calories - it has already added in a deficit based on how much weight you want to lose and how quickly. That's why it asks you those questions. So, eat back the calories -- your body will thank you (and you'll lose weight that way!)

    I know that's what I'm saying! I always eat back my exercise calories so I don't see how exercising would make a difference to my weight lose if I'm just eating back what I have burnt off x
  • kepete
    kepete Posts: 268 Member
    A nutritionalist told me that it's not recommended to eat back the calories unless you burn more than 500 calories in a day.
  • darconnor
    darconnor Posts: 49
    I think you would have to work out a heck of a lot to get that muscle-definition you are talking about.

    You CAN lose weight without exercise. It will take longer.

    Exercise is GOOD for you. Gives you more energy, boosts your metabolism, and is good for your heart and lungs.
    The goal of all of us should be overall fitness; looking better/great is just an added bonus! So I would never suggest NOT does a body good. You want to spend as many years as you can with that new little one. In fact it will set a great example; kids these days are often as sedentary as old folks. Keep it moving! That's my humble opinion. With this being said, I have finally come to the conclusion that I DISLIKE exercise. But I am working towards changing that!
  • Charger440
    Charger440 Posts: 1,474 Member
    Since I started this I have never eaten back my exercise calories. I want to loose weight NOT eat more. Doing the exercise helps you burn calories and if your loosing why would you want to eat them right back. Now if your maintaining weight I could see doing that as you would continue to loose weight if you didn't eat them back.

    As far as exercise goes, if your pretty active I don't see any reason to "exercise" if your only wanting to loose a few pounds. If your pretty active you prolly burn a lot of calories during the day anyway.
  • BrownSkinBeauty1990
    BrownSkinBeauty1990 Posts: 59 Member
    I don't think you have to do a Jillian Michaels excercise routine everyday, but as we all know, exercise is good for you and will help with a lot of ailments and health issues and generally just help you feel good. It gets your endorphins going and helps with your body's functionality. Now, after saying that, walking is one of, if not the best exercise you can do. I say take a walk every day or most days and you'll be fine. If you don't exercise at all, you may tend to be more tired and not feel as good. My worry is not that I won't live a long time, but the quality of my life. Just my opinion!

    Yeah I walk almost every day for at least 45 mins. Also exercising doesn't give me more energy :( It just makes me feel more tired which makes it harder to look after my baby because I just want to sleep hehe! x