Fake out?

So I joined the site about 3 weeks ago and have had significant success (i.e. 4lbs in 3 weeks = great!), but I have this little voice in the back of my head that says, "You're never going to get below 190...(nag, nag, nag)", because this was my wall the last time I was at this weight. I gave up before I could reach that small goal of getting under 190. Why should it be different this time? Am I being too hard on myself? How do I keep up the drive to push through this landmark goal for me? Am I just setting myself up for disappointment again?


  • ClarkMer
    ClarkMer Posts: 206 Member
    Keep telling yourself that you CAN do it.. If you believe in yourself you will work harder. Once you do drop below that 190 I bet you will get really motivated and it will be easy breezy from there
  • Sofytini
    Sofytini Posts: 1
    Hi katihamlin, the trick is to go slowly but surely. I've lost almos 4 lbs in 2 weeks and I'm right on track with the 2lbs/week. I allow myself to eat my cheesecake once in a while, I just do more exercice that day. That's what I didn't understand before, I would starve myself and go nuts after a few weeks and give up. So don't lose hope, keep on tracking all you do, and you'll acheive the under 190 soon (which is also my goal :smile: )
  • karilynn27
    karilynn27 Posts: 190 Member
    I think you need to focus on the short term. If you worry about the total weight loss transformation first, it becomes overwhelming and its harder to focus on the next day.
    Focus on the little things, think about the day and what you are eating, working out ect. If you focus on the small things you can only succeed.

    CONGRATS ON YOUR WEIGHTLOSS SO FAR! You are doing woderful!! Focus on your success and today!

    Love Kari
  • keljo05
    keljo05 Posts: 173
    do what I do.. put duct tape over that little trouble maker and lock it in the file cabinet in the most unused area of your mind, lol.

    Just keep working towards your goal. Don't give up if you have an off day.. don't give into the little voice.. you are in control.. remember that. I always stalled my weight loss at no more then 47lbs lost.. then regained it. This time I heard that voice.. listened to it.. and then ignored it and finally broke thru that record to lose a current amount of 50lbs. It may have been an on again off again 8 month journey.. but I still won and lost the weight regardless of what my previous thoughts might have been.
  • ChessRonin
    ChessRonin Posts: 160 Member
    That voice is a vicious liar! Ignore her (or him, however you anthropomorphise it) at all costs. You can succeed, and the only thing standing between you and your goal is open road; it's up to you to muster the courage to keep your feet moving even when external forces keep you from moving forward. At some point you'll break through and continue to make progress, but if you give up, you'll be blown back into the oblivion of mediocrity from whence you came.

    Bottom line: Keep on truckin, you'll get there!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    So I joined the site about 3 weeks ago and have had significant success (i.e. 4lbs in 3 weeks = great!), but I have this little voice in the back of my head that says, "You're never going to get below 190...(nag, nag, nag)", because this was my wall the last time I was at this weight. I gave up before I could reach that small goal of getting under 190. Why should it be different this time? Am I being too hard on myself? How do I keep up the drive to push through this landmark goal for me? Am I just setting myself up for disappointment again?

    One you are on here so you have started off good. Now you have to talk that little voice down every time it tries to be negative. We are our own worse enemies. We know our weakness and flaws and aren't afraid to throw them at ourselves. You have to get pass that and start seeing the positive. Don't focus on the number this time around. Change your goal to something tangible like fitting in a certain size jeans. Buy a pair and put them in your closet. It takes aways the importance of the scale and puts the focus somewhere else.
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    I was just reading about this yesterday in "Women Food and God" by Geneen Roth. I have the same problem! I'm right at 200, tasted victory with 199 and went back up! I just beat up on myself all week. I've been slowly crawling out of this hole with her suggestion.

    She calls that "The Voice" and she suggests that you come up with a voice that is different from your own to separate between what you honestly, really feel about yourself and what the superego is telling you. Mine is a creepy voice, whenever I hear it, it makes me laugh and then I feel empowered!

    You can absolutely get past 190 because you're working hard and it's showing :) So show that voice that it's wrong!!
  • ericapledger
    ericapledger Posts: 32 Member
    Tell that little voice to shove it! You are in control! You have the power to do it!