Looking for HCG Success Stories


I am on day 5 of the HCG injection shots and have lost a total of 10 pounds. Is there anyone else out there doing the same lifestyle change? I hate the word d i e t


  • crystal10584
    how do you maintain after the injections? wouldn't you just gain the weight back?
  • LillysGranny
    I know 4 people who've done HCG and only ONE of them has been able to maintain her weight loss. Don't mean to discourage you, but I don't think you can undo years, or possibly a lifetime, of bad habits in just a few weeks and expect a good, long-lasting result.
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    I did hcg diet injections for two months. i have been able to keep the weight off since January without any injections and have continued to loose because i did change my Lifestyle and i promise you that is the only way it will work.
  • KarenB4G
    KarenB4G Posts: 252
    I am also going back through a great bible study on a book called - Bod4God.
  • Jill_Clemmons
    This is not a success story, but it is the TRUTH. And one of the most positive, motivational things you can do is to warn people about a dangerous diet scam before they are harmed by it.

    The HCG diet is very dangerous. I know people that did it, and they were suffering the whole time they were on 500 calories. They were so tired that they could barely get through the day, and were hungry most of the time. And once they finished the diet, the weight they went to all that trouble to lose came right back. In over 50 years, no scientific proof has been found to support the theory behind the HCG diet.

    If you already invested your money in the homeopathic drops, they probably wouldn't do any harm if you use them with a safe eating plan of at least 1,200 calories. But eating 500 calories a day and putting your trust in the HCG weight loss theory is just NOT worth the risk.

    When people do manage to lose weight on this diet and keep it off, it's probably just because they eliminated a food from their diet they had a sensitivity to that was making them fat, and did not reintroduce it once they were finished. But you could do that on an elimination diet or a clean eating diet without have to torture yourself with a 500 calorie diet or risk your health on unproven, unscientific theories

    .The website below has some good links to why the HCG diet is a very bad idea and dangerous to your health.
  • jstalittlecrzy
    jstalittlecrzy Posts: 127 Member
    I have used HCG wth great success - 30 lbs in first round, and kept it off by changing my way of eating and following the hcg
    maintenance protocol. I also know some people who have lost 80-120 lbs and kept it off for 4 years or more following this
    programs advice........and a few that have had the drastic gastric bypass surgery, and gained it all back. Loose the weight quickly with HCG, follow the protocol and change your eating habits and you will keep it off.
  • Jill_Clemmons
    You can do at least as well on a clean eating plan -- just get the junk food, preservatives, sugar, etc out of your diet, and you will probably lose weight rather quickly. Try it that way, and you won't even want to do a risky 500 calorie HCG diet.

    The dangerous 500 calorie HCG fad diet teaches you nothing about healthy portion control, lifestyle change, etc. You can get the info you need to accomplish that from many different sources. The HCG promoters do NOT have the corner on the weight loss market unless you give it to them. Remember, you have the power to make the changes you want in your life WITHOUT subscribing to their dangerous 500 calorie a day diet theory!
  • Bonnie1974
    Each to their own way of losing weight. I know many people who did the hcg diet and have no side effects, and have kept the weight off.

    I have been doing the HCG diet and just finishing round 1, and love it. I have lost 20 lbs in the first month. I didn't feel tired, or starving..and no side effects..

    So guess what works for some might not work for everyone..
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    Losing no more than 2 lbs. weekly is suggested for health reasons and to actually keep the weight off long term.

    I'm in it for the long haul and much prefer eating enough to fuel my body, 500 a day would never fuel my body and keep it healthy. I've always been curious when a fad diet suggests you stop exercising. Seems odd to me if it's legit that a diet plan would suggest that.
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    I have read that HCG is considered dangerous among many in the medical field, a great deal of it concerns future health issues that are as yet unknown completely.

    I've been quite successful using MFP to change my way of eating and have been very pleased and eat in a very healthy manner. I eat a balanced meal and plenty of calories each day. Diets that suggest 200-700 cals a day sound unsafe to me even if a doctor suggested it I believe I would be concerned about my doctor and look for another that had a bit more sense.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    This thread IS still alive and well, I was just there!!!
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
  • KarenB4G
    KarenB4G Posts: 252
    Day 19 and down 13 and feeling great!!!!!
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    "The facts:

    Science has spoken:

    A 1195 meta-analysis of the data showed that hCG does not promote weight loss.
    When dieters do lose weight, it's more likely from a combination of the placebo effect and calorie restriction, not the hormone.

    However, crash diets like this can lead to serious health problems and trigger or accelerate an eating disorder. When the body doesn't get the protein it needs, it can scavenge from vital organs, even the heart, which can cause sudden death, warns David Katz, MD, founding director of the Yale University Prevention advisor.

    Side effects of hCG include headache and depression as well as potentially fatal blood clots.

    Though it's legal for doctors to prescribe hCG for off label use, suggesting it as a diet aid is clearly ethically dubious. "You will part with both your money and pounds, but you may also part with your life." Dr. Katz."
  • Jill_Clemmons
    HCG is not a safe way to lose weight. I hate to hear about anyone going this route because all the people I know that did the HCG diet now wish they had never heard of it.

    There are much safer ways to lose weight without endangering your health. Any diet that promises more than a pound or two loss per week is a scam, dangerous, or both.
  • ohfong77
    ohfong77 Posts: 30 Member
    What I find COMPLETELY hilarious is that people think HCG or eating 500 calories will destroy your health??

    ok....what will being 250, 300 or 350 pounds do to you??? come on now.....that is WAY more dangerous than being on a restrictive eating plan.

    Also, my friend who had gastic bypass ate FEWER than 500 calories and did this for near 6 months because she could not hold more than that. She was just told "get 60 grams of protein" - which is 2 pieces of 4-5 ounches of chicken. YOu get this on the HCG diet too. In fact, you are eating healthier on HCG then you are when yo have gastic bypass.

    But, I find it funny that the docctors have no concerns about calorie restriction with gastric bypass....probably because they are making a lot of money from the surgery.
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 204 MFP Staff
    Dear Posters,

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