Clean Eating ?

MandeeSue Posts: 153
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
How do I do it..what do you eat on a clean diet. I really am struggling with food, and want to change my eating habbits completely..So what are some things you eat while clean eating ? I really need help with this, I was never raised to eat "healthy" it was just whatever was made you ate it..and alot of times it was not great choices. So I really need some guidance on this, would love to start my whole family on clean eating. I want to raise my 15 month old son on this get him started on the right track for food.. Please help ! Thanks


  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    How do I do it..what do you eat on a clean diet. I really am struggling with food, and want to change my eating habbits completely..So what are some things you eat while clean eating ? I really need help with this, I was never raised to eat "healthy" it was just whatever was made you ate it..and alot of times it was not great choices. So I really need some guidance on this, would love to start my whole family on clean eating. I want to raise my 15 month old son on this get him started on the right track for food.. Please help ! Thanks

    I'm not totally clean but I'm clean enough for me at the moment.

    I stopped using can foods & processed meats. Its all frozen and fresh veggies now. Fresh fruits and meats from a butcher.
  • angel_eyes17
    angel_eyes17 Posts: 103 Member
    I consider this to be a great list. It's from P90.

    Stay on the first 3 tiers as often as possible.
  • I think the saying goes " if you can grow it in a garden or it had a mother then you can eat it"
  • jtns
    jtns Posts: 11
    I would recomend "The 30 Day Total Health Makeover" by Marilu Henner. Its all about clean eating. Thats what i'm doing right now. You can probably get a good cheap used copy on amazon or Good luck. Expect to be a little bored at first if you are very addicted to junk food as your taste buds adjust to what real food tastes like
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    Clean eating basically just means eating food in its most natural state, not over processed or artificially flavored, etc....

    check out and also Google Tosca Reno, the eat clean diet

    We have pretty much changed our eating habits and for the most part we eat clean. check out my food diary. Although I have not given up splenda in my coffee, and I still it sugar free pudding as a treat.
  • lesrod82
    lesrod82 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Mandee,

    My hubby and I are trying to eat clean too. Since changing your eating habits is hard (I can't tell you how many times I've fallen off the wagon!), we decided to go slow this time. Here's some of the changes we've made, but we made them a little at a time.

    1. Made a two week menu and then slowly cleaned it out. The first week we incorporated fruit/veggie and lean protein for every snack. The second week we switched to homemade oatmeal 3x/week. The third week we added two new recipes from the Clean Eating magazine to our dinner menu.
    2. Switched out all soft drinks for water. This was hard for me so I reduced the Diet Coke over a week period and used the Crystal Light water packets to help me along the way.
    3. I cleaned out my pantry and threw away everything that was processed: Ramens (my fave), cookies, chips, mac& cheese. If it's not in the house, then I won't eat it. And I don't go to the grocery store hungry or I'll just buy that same stuff again.
    4. I make stuff in large batches on the weekends and freeze it. This helps me alot during the week. I make a big batch of lentil soup, marinara sauce, wild rice, couscous, black beans, whole wheat pizza crust and then I divide them out into single serve portions in tupperware or freezer bags.

    We've been doing this for about a month now and it's still a process and I still fall off the wagon more often than I care to admit. But I'm finding that my healthy eating out numbers my slip ups by a whole lot more than it did a few weeks ago.

    Good luck!
  • stephcorona
    stephcorona Posts: 114 Member
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Go to your library and get "The Eat Clean Diet" by Tosca Reno. It will tell you everything you want to know about clean eating. You can also find great clean eating recipes in the "Clean Eating" magazine - I've seen it on new stands in Walmart, Target and the grocery store.

    Basically clean eating is eating only whole, natural foods - nothing processed. So you eat lean meats (chicken, turkey, fish and only the leanest cuts of beef), vegetables, fruits, low-fat or non-fat milks and cheeses, and whole grains (no white flour - only whole wheat bread or pasta, brown rice, quinoa, etc.).
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    Don't overcomplicate it too much-- it's actually really easy!
    Essentially, know that if it is:

    A) Fresh Fruit
    B) Fresh Vegetable
    C) Fresh Fish/ Meat
    D) Unprocessed Grain

    than it is most likely "clean." Basically, if it isn't in a box or bag or whatever, then it's likely that it hasn't been processed. There are exceptions to this obviously-- a canister of oatmeal (provided the only ingredients are "oatmeal") is considered clean, as would be plain yogurt, but generally, if it's a fresh whole food with nothing added, its probably clean.
  • Usually the definition of clean eating is eating whole unprocessed foods. If it comes in a box, don't eat. The less processed the food the better. There are several reasons why this is recommended, first most processed foods have very high sodium levels because they use that as a preservative. Second, the more your body has to do to break down and digest food the better, the less your blood sugar will spike and which can cause your body to store the calories.
    Jillian Michaels is a big whole foods proponent, you could borrow her books from the library (save some money). There is also a clean eating magazine that has lots of recipes. The also Tosca Reno other several books about the eat clean diet.
    Hope that helps. I'm getting back on track with this style of eating. I'm not very creative when it comes to cooking, but I would be more than happy to answer any of your questions if you have any. Also, feel free to friend me if you want to.
  • ang83
    ang83 Posts: 18 Member
    bump :)
  • LittleBuddy13
    LittleBuddy13 Posts: 137 Member
    Well Im not a total clean freak but I would say definately start off with little things, for example I stopped putting creamer in my coffees, didnt even use splenda, i would add a dash of powder cinnamon to it instead, dont drink diet sodas, just water, green tea, would add slice of lemon juice or mint leaves to water or tea sometimes for flavor. Get rid of all or most salted spices if you can, I use Mr. Dash's salt free seasonings for my chicken and meats and veggies. Lots of veggies, fruits and lean meats. Look up Shirataki Noodles...if you and your family are usually into pastas this is a great substitute for the days you get your cravings. To make a long story short its staying on the outer isles of the grocery store where all the fresh produce is, try to only go in the main isles for seasonings, salad dressing and water or low sodium chicken broth...yummy for making homade soups:) I also wasnt raised to eat healthy at all my mom always cooked frozen dinners and canned stuff :/ and I too wanted to rais my son to eat healthy, not hot chiddos and mc donalds all the time. you have to make it fun for him though if you want him to like it. This one my son always loves....FRUIT SHISH KABOBS...... fruit(grapes, strawberries), chees(low fat string cheese sliced up into about 6 wedges), and 98% fat free deli turkey meat rolled up, poke them through a Shish Kabob stick and wala!! he thinks its soo fun...of course dont let them eat alone lol so they dont poke themselves with a stick, I didnt start feeding these to him till he was about 2 and I would definately help him eat it. My son loves peanut butter with apples or celery too. Dont know if you ever heard of P2? its a low fat peanut butter substitute, way low on sugar and only 1g of fat, my son loves the chocolate flavor one.

    Goodluck with eating clean those are just sum things I do:)
  • I am trying to eat a cleaner diet, but am trying to do it gradually instead of all at once. I know that I am still eating some foods that are not the best -- such as cookies and candy -- but I am adding more fresh fruits and vegetables to my diet, and am trying to cook more of my own meals at home so I'll know exactly what goes into them.
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