Overweight Fitness Instructor - thoughts?



  • bkthomas2004
    bkthomas2004 Posts: 130 Member
    I thinks its a wonderful idea. It would be such a joy to take a class with a 'real' person who connects with their class and enjoys what they're doing vs some overly muscular intimidating person that you feel is judging you or only wants your money. I'd sign up for your class. I hope you do it. Best of luck to you!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I don't think fitness instructors need to be super thin. They need to be fit, not skeletal.
  • n00dlez
    n00dlez Posts: 6
    Seriously... I think you should do it! who cares about "skinny", "fluffy" whatever... just as long as you are having a good time the class will have a good time! I would have gone more and would have felt less intimidated I know that for sure!
  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
    Right on! There's nothing wrong with a "chuncky" fitness instructor! My water aerobics instructor is overweight, and she does an amazing job!
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    My gym has been offering Zumba classes and has had a strong interest, I just finally made it to one and had a BLAST! Only to find out that the instructor is no longer going to be doing it. I thought, huh, I should do it - said it out loud kind of as a what if, but, a lot of people since have expressed a strong interest in my doing so. I said I would do it when I finally "got skinny" but many people have expressed that they don't care that I'm not. I have a very outgoing personality and I completely have the stamina for it - I workout pretty intensely quite often, and think I would be fine in that regard. I also think it would help me reach my fitness goals as well...I have several people behind me that said they'd absolutely come if I taught it, and it sounds as if the owner of the fitness center would be behind it too...I'm just slightly self concious about being a chunky "fitness" instructor. Then again, as someone pointed out, it may draw in more people because they would be less intimidated.


    I think it would be GREAT to see a fitness instructor who is fit but somewhat overweight, and see her lose weight as the classes go on...it would be very encouraging and motivational. You may have some problem with those, "EVIL Skinny Types." So, I guess it is important what fitness level you would be teaching. Any rate, You will do just fine!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I don't like when fitness instructors are chunky, it's not motivating at all (my spin class teacher is but it's the only class I like so I deal with it) but you have the support so our opinion doesn't matter.
  • Brandie0502
    Brandie0502 Posts: 20 Member
    Go for it! The instructor in the class I go to isnt obese but isnt super skinny either - she is "average" size. There are pics up in the studio of her before zumba & getting certified and she has lost a ton of weight, and looks great. I find it inspiring & think others probably do as well.
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
    Girl I say go for it! You got this!!!
  • Jill_Clemmons
    There are a few overweight fitness instructors at the local YMCA, and while most of the people in their class are not overweight, I know it can be less intimidating for the participants that are overweight. So I'd say go for it!
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Just do it. ;)
  • Becs25
    Becs25 Posts: 79
    My Zumba instructor is overweight or at least doesn't have the best body but she has soooo much energy and we have so much fun and when I wear my HRM I am burning 400 to 600 calories and that is what it is all about. Just keep everyone moving. Good luck to you. You'll do great!!!
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    DO IT!!!!!!! =)
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    Most the instructors at our gym are really super fit, which to me, gives me the impression that they know what they are doing, practice what they preach, etc. That is kinda what I expect from their appearance. One day, we had a sub, and this girl was probably a good 30-40 lbs overweight. I thought, "Seriously? She is going to teach ME how to exercise and get me sweating?" Well, I have to say, that was one of the most intense, best workouts I have had for a loooong time.

    I don't know why she is so overweight. Maybe she is still on her journey. But she rocks as an instructor. And I'll never think that again when another plump instructor comes through the door. I say, GO FOR IT! If you're good at what you do, your class will love you, no matter what size you are!
  • SSawney
    SSawney Posts: 69 Member
    I say go for it you have the backing just do it and see how you like being an instructor
  • jocelynrinear
    I use to teach Zumba and I feel I am definitely not skinny. I had so may people come up to me and say they decided to try my class because I did not look like a Barbie Doll. For teaching Zumba it is all about the positive energy you convey to the class, knowing the steps and having fun!
    I think you should do it. Please let me know how it goes. I am there for you girl!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Think you should go for it. Over-weight doesn't mean you are out of shape. If you have the stamia then do it!
  • K8egrl22
    K8egrl22 Posts: 9
    I think it would be a great motivator to those that want to try the class but, feel they hav eto be "skinny" to join in. I love going to classes that have instructors who are working on themselves as well as working out a class! I feel they put more energy into the class because they want a good burn too. If it's something you would enjoy doing I say go for it! Don't wait until your "skinny"! This could be a great way to inspire others!
  • torregro
    torregro Posts: 307
    Years ago, an instructor at my local gym came back after her baby was born to resume teaching classes. This was in the 80's when typical gym workout attire for women often included shiny tights, a thong leotard and a belt (headband and leg warmers optional). I saw her the first day back and thought she was pretty brave to be wearing that outfit given the amount of "jiggly parts" she had going on...me....I'd have been in a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt at best. BUT! As the weeks went by, she kept showing up to teach class, and her "jiggly parts" started firming up and her weight decreased, which for me at least was a huge confirmation that what she was teaching was worthwhile.

    That's a long way of saying............be an example, not an excuse. Go for it!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    I went to the Zumba Convention in Orlando last year which hosted thousands of Zumba instructors from around the world!! Name a shape, size and color and they had that type of instructor! As far as Zumba goes, it's all about the passion and what's in your heart. If you put your heart and energy into it, the students will love you. Even here in my city, we have such a variety of instructors which is the beauty of Zumba. If it is something you are striving for, ABSOULUTELY DO IT!!! I did and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. It has totally changed my life for the better!! Good luck and please let me know if you have any questions regarding getting licensed!!

    Peace, love and Zumba!!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Go for it!