Exercise not showing up

I'm not sure if this question has been asked but I can't find it using search. I create my own exercises quite a bit since I have my own calorie burner counter I just input my own stats. But I've noticed that once I create an exercise and if I try to add the same exercise on a different day, it's not in the list for me to choose. It's in my database of exercises I created, but I can't select it to add to my exercise diary for the day. Can someone explain this to me? I only have one page of created exercises unlike with my food diary, all my created foods or foods I have used, I have pages of entries to choose from. I don't want to have to keep entering the exercise again just to add it to my daily exercise diary.

:grumble: :ohwell:


  • It should show up in your "My exercises" I believe.
  • redzgal
    redzgal Posts: 255 Member
    Yes it does but I can't select it to add to my diary from my exercises.
  • xaipete
    xaipete Posts: 9 Member
    My problem exactly. Yesterday I created a new exercise "Weeding". Today I weeded some more (it never ends!). It's in my list of exercises, but the only choices are to edit or delete the exercise. There is no option to add it to the diary. If I edit it, it doesn't add to the diary. If I create a new exercise it tells me it's already there. If you can add foods from "My meals", "My foods", and "My recipes" to the food diary, why can't you add exercises from "My exercises" to the exercise diary just the same way? The pattern is there; it shouldn't be hard to code.
  • xaipete
    xaipete Posts: 9 Member
    Oops... just found it, maybe. An hour ago when I searched the database the exercises I added yesterday were not there. Now they are. This makes no sense! But anyhow, now I can add them. All the discussions I found on this board directed me to "My exercises", and that's not where you want to be once you've added the exercise. (Question, though: why do my exercises show up in the database? When you create a food or recipe, it asks if you want to add it to the database, so you can keep yours separate. Why isn't exercise the same way?)
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    redzgal wrote: »
    Yes it does but I can't select it to add to my diary from my exercises.

    It's confusing. To add the exercise, you need to be in your Exercise Diary, click Add Exercise, then either search the database or select it from the list of recent exercises. "My Exercises" is only for creating, editing, or deleting the kind of exercise.