why are goals so low

idk if its just me but i read these forums and it makes me sad sometimes to see such low goals . im 5' 5 and i weight 177.5 my goal as of now is 160 but i will adjust to 150 when i reach first goal. but i see woman my height shooting for 115/ 120 i feel that is so low . maybe it depends on your body type. im very pear shaped ,so i hold weight pretty well. when i gained i didnt even notice till about 15 to 20 pound later and neither did anyone else i told everyone how much i weighed they were shocked and guessed 15/20 less than i was.
but i think if i weighed any less that 140 i would look to thin . idk i have a better vision of my body now that i am alittle older even at this weight i dont hate my body i am alittle self conscious. also seeing people on here trying to loose 5 pounds when they are already thin to me it seams like so much body criticism, but i could be that im being judgmental myself.

what do you all think


  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    It really depends on frame size and personal preference. I am 5'9" and 160lbs and at a healthy weight (BMI) and body fat percentage. However I'd like to be leaner (for atheistic reasons) and lighter (to help with mountain biking). At my goal I will still be at a healthy weight and body fat percentage.
  • Aniluz7
    Aniluz7 Posts: 12 Member
    I guess it depends on the individual. I know before I had my daughter I was 105 pounds (I am 5' 7 so that was very thin. I am now at 171 and my goal is 130. After I had my daughter I went down to 145 and I loved the way I looked but still had a good 10-15 I could lose and still be healthy. Honestly, I am not so concerned if I don't hit 130 because my ultimate goal is to be fit. But, everyone is different. You adjust as you get closer to your goal, maybe they find that they are happier at a heavier weight but don't know until they see changes in their body.

    best of luck!
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I am 5'5" too. My goal right now is in the 140s to have a healthy BMI. I think I probably will readjust it when I get there. I am not sure what my final goal will be. I don't know that 120 is so low. I weighed that in college and i wasn't overly thin.

    That is nice if you are concerned about others. I am mostly concerned with my own goals. This is a BMI range for 5"5" females 114 to 144 lbs.
  • kangaroux92
    kangaroux92 Posts: 188 Member
    "busyrae" i appreciate the reply and looking at your profile, i ask if i may, why do you feel you need to loose 7 more pounds? you look beautiful and blow my body away. aesthetically theres nothing to loose in my opinion. and as for athletic reasons if you are competitive in nature i understand that aspect athletes i know are all about getting to the next level . but for the average person 5 pounds or 7 is nearly invisible
  • kangaroux92
    kangaroux92 Posts: 188 Member
    maybe my image is distorted because i have been chubby my whole life and throughout my teens and early adulthood have not weighed less than 148 so the idea of being 120 or even 130 seems almost impossible to me at least
  • Aniluz7
    Aniluz7 Posts: 12 Member
    Rouxkayla, maybe that's exactly what it is. Since you have never been there, you can't imagine it.

    When I tell people I have another 41 pounds to go they are like "you are crazy. you can't lose that much", but I know I can because I have weighed less in the past.

    As you go along in your journey, your goals may change and that's ok.

  • kangaroux92
    kangaroux92 Posts: 188 Member
    very true i wanted to loose weight when i was at 150 but i was in my teens and as i got alittle older i gained and it didn't even faze me much, i realized wanted to loose weight more for health reasons and i don't want to buy new clothes. so now i would be very happy to be 150 again i wish i appreciated and saw my body when i was at that weight.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Rouxkayla, maybe that's exactly what it is. Since you have never been there, you can't imagine it.

    When I tell people I have another 41 pounds to go they are like "you are crazy. you can't lose that much", but I know I can because I have weighed less in the past.

    As you go along in your journey, your goals may change and that's ok.

    Me too. When I tell people that I'm 30 solid pounds overweight they look at me like I'm crazy.

  • sarahjane135
    sarahjane135 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm not trying to be rude here but it seems you are overly worried about the weight loss goals of strangers. Everyone has a different idea of healthy and where their body looks best. Also 15-20 lbs is different for some. I gained about 23 lbs and it took me from a size 2/4 to a 8/10 but that's just me.
  • Amyafm
    Amyafm Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 5'8 and when I was younger I was always between 155 - 165 without doing much to try. Even when I exercise and count calories, and am at the lower weights, I never look really skinny. Have had a big chest since I was 14-15 and a bubble butt since I was a kid (used to get called bubble butt even! haha). Anyway, when I lost weight in 2013, my lowest I think was 156 and a size 10 pant. I thought I needed to be 130, but really in reality for ME i think 155 - 160 is a good, realistic weight.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Different people have different frame sizes and different goals. Don't worry about other people's goals. It's a personal choice. Don't compare to others. Do what you want and let others do what they want. It certainly may be a comfort level. I have always been small. It's just the way it is.
  • Amyafm
    Amyafm Posts: 18 Member
    I also learned over the years not to let the scale dictate too much. Measuring is important also, how you feel, and generally how you feel overall...
  • kangaroux92
    kangaroux92 Posts: 188 Member
    hey as i said im not trying to judge anyone just curious as to people reasoning for there weight goals. im focused on my weight, i just made an observation over the months ive been on this site so i though id get some opinions on it.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    I am 5'3 and my goal is 150 lbs.

    It is that persons shape and preference. Some are extreme goals, but to each their own.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    rouxkayla wrote: »
    "busyrae" i appreciate the reply and looking at your profile, i ask if i may, why do you feel you need to loose 7 more pounds? you look beautiful and blow my body away. aesthetically theres nothing to loose in my opinion. and as for athletic reasons if you are competitive in nature i understand that aspect athletes i know are all about getting to the next level . but for the average person 5 pounds or 7 is nearly invisible

    Thank you. Like I said it's just personal preference. I'm going for a leaner than average almost "fitness model" look. It's just what I prefer. Hopefully I'll be losing mostly fat and little muscle, which should produce a visible difference even at 7 to 10 pounds.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I usually feel the opposite, and read people's goals and think they're really high. But I'm 5'6 and my highest weight (besides pregnancy) was 135. So my perspective of "normal" may just be different than someone who is 5'6 and has a goal weight of, say, 160 lbs.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    edited October 2014
    rouxkayla wrote: »
    hey as i said im not trying to judge anyone just curious as to people reasoning for there weight goals. im focused on my weight, i just made an observation over the months ive been on this site so i though id get some opinions on it.

    I'm not saying that you are judging. I'm just trying to answer your question in the most productive way that I know how. There is variation in people. You just need to know that. If you compare yourself to others, you will always be confused by this.

    I don't really know what else to say.

    I am a life long dancer. I have always been petite and small. I have a small bone structure. A smaller bone structure (especially on a short person) means there is less space, so smaller organs, less space for all body mass. I have always been small. Even after giving birth to my second baby I weighed 110 to 115, and lost the very small amount of weight gain quickly from resuming my normal activity level and breastfeeding. I eat plentifully, but within my TDEE. I lift weights. Not sure what else to say. I hope this helps.

  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I usually feel the opposite, and read people's goals and think they're really high. But I'm 5'6 and my highest weight (besides pregnancy) was 135. So my perspective of "normal" may just be different than someone who is 5'6 and has a goal weight of, say, 160 lbs.

    I've noticed the same. I'll feel a little puzzled when someone says they'd be too thin at a "normal" weight but I realize it's not my body, not my business. So I just shrug it off and move along.

  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    maidentl wrote: »
    I usually feel the opposite, and read people's goals and think they're really high. But I'm 5'6 and my highest weight (besides pregnancy) was 135. So my perspective of "normal" may just be different than someone who is 5'6 and has a goal weight of, say, 160 lbs.

    I've noticed the same. I'll feel a little puzzled when someone says they'd be too thin at a "normal" weight but I realize it's not my body, not my business. So I just shrug it off and move along.

    I think it is because what people consider "normal" these days is actually overweight, or close to it. When the majority of people you see on a daily basis could use to drop a few, it starts to skew one's perception of normal.

  • judiness101
    judiness101 Posts: 119 Member
    That's a good question actually, I think you nailed it when you mentioned you were pear shape. I'm also the same and at almost 5'9 I look almost sickly at 145 and ex colleague of mine is a model and the same height and she looks fantastic at 115 and not sick at all. She has less hip and a smaller frame.

    In my case I want to look and feel at my best, even though after a certain weight, most of my extra weight is in my legs and breast, I prefer to be leaner because it's less heavy on my feet and I feel more proportioned.