Anyone here a former weight watcher?

Starkle09 Posts: 238 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
I did weight watchers about 5 years ago and lost 50lbs. After having a baby I had but back on about 20lbs and couldnt get rid of it. I went back to weight watchers but I never managed to lose anything on the new points plus system. Nothing against WW it just didnt work for me the second time around. Here's to losing the weight for the last time!


  • jaimejean478
    jaimejean478 Posts: 152 Member
    I tried Points Plus for about 6 weeks at the beginning of the year, moved over here due to a lack of results. I'm still having no results, but am more comfortable counting easy calories, not mysterious points with a crazy new mathematical equation.
  • birdieandkenadi05
    birdieandkenadi05 Posts: 71 Member
    I am a former WW..before the points plus and it worked for me..I stopped because I thought I had it on my own but I also stopped losing weight and being conscious of food choices. Once I joined MFP I got back on track..I must say WW works and I loved it!!
  • couny79
    couny79 Posts: 7 Member
    I am. I've done it twice in the past and been successful each time, except for putting the weight back on! That was actually due to my 2 pregnancies though. Never got to try the newest plan though.
    This time I couldn't afford WW (its VERY expensive here in France), and someone told me about MFP. It has all the good points of WW such as tracking your food and having a daily total, but with so much more. The support network is amazing and being able to see what other people are eating and burning off is really inspiring! You don't have to wait a whole week till your next meeting!!

    Good luck with your journey!
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    Points Plus didn't work for me either. Now that I am on MFP, I think that I just got too many points with PP and was eating too much. Counting calories works better for me.
  • beckyhope
    beckyhope Posts: 104 Member
    I did weight watchers about 6 years ago and lost 25 pounds. I've had more success on MFP than I did on WW. I finally got past the plateau that I was stuck on with WW. I think MFP is a better system and a lot easier to track. It does basically the same kind of thing as WW does, calorie counting, making sure you drink enough water, plus you also have support. I like MFP so much more! Good luck!
  • Yes. I am a WW Lifetime member. I loss over 70+ gained about 15 or so of it back :noway:. I am working to get rid of it. :smile:
  • I did weight watchers point + from mid January until Mid March and I lost 11lbs. But it was a quick 11 lbs and then I stalled. I started researching it more and found it odd that mostly everyone got 29 pts, and that fruits/Veggies were zero pts. I mean a large banana has more than 100 calories! My friend told me about MFP and I tried it out. It's much easier to use, and more fun as well. I hit the goal I set for myself back in January with WW in 106 days. I decided last month to add more to it though and have 5 more lbs to go! I LOVE Mfp, and not just because it's FREE!
  • sgirl29
    sgirl29 Posts: 326 Member
    I did WW a couple of years ago and had success with it.... I've been using MFP for several months now and I have to say it's working better for me... The support here is amazing and best of all it's free... Good Luck! :)
  • u42111
    u42111 Posts: 1
    I did weight watchers about 15 years ago when it we tracked our fat and fibre and I lost 150 lbs. I hit my goal weight , stayed there for a few years, had my first child almost 7 years ago and then had to lose another 30lbs which I did with the old points system. It took me about six months that time around and life was good. Then I had another baby and he just turned 4 in December and I still have the dreaded 30 lbs that I havnen't been able to lose. I go down 10 lbs and then put it back on. I have moved to a town that doesn't have weight watcher so I heard about this site. Between January - end of Feb I lost 13 lbs and then I got sick, stopped tracking on MFP and most of the weight is back on. I am back at it again this week and I am determined to lose this weight once and for all. I have just finished reading the book "The Secret" and I am really focusing on being more positive. it does help when it comes to my weight loss journey. People I have talked to about the new points plus either love it or hate it. I haven't even looked at it to see what the difference is. I wish you well on your weight loss journey!
  • ktgirard
    ktgirard Posts: 2
    I am a lifetime member, and go every month or so just to keep myself in check. I have to say that I have not been very successful losing the last 10 lbs that I need, since my 2nd baby. It's very frustrating, so I've decided to give this a try. It's free unlike the WW app, so I'm crossing my fingers!
  • FoamyRiver
    FoamyRiver Posts: 276 Member
    I actually reached my goal weight doing WW about 20 years ago and became a lifetime member. But I gained the weight back, did WW again, gained it back, repeat, repeat, repeat. I loved the Fat & Fiber plan they had years ago and I liked the previous points system but I quit keeping track of everything like I should have. I eventually quit going altogether because it got to the point I couldn't afford the weekly meeting costs. Plus I got really discouraged when the Leader would call my friend (we always went together) and ask why she didn't make a meeting but I never heard from her if I missed a meeting. And if my friend lost 1/4 of a pound our gained 6 lbs she was always encouraged and cheered on and I was always berated because I didn't lose more or because I had a gain. I don't usually hold grudges but that Leader has left me with a very bad memory of WW and I haven't given it another chance since.

    I found MFP by accident; looking for a WW cake recipe of all things. And I absolutely love it. I'm accountable only to myself and there is always someone online to lift me up and encourage me no matter how well or how bad I do. My original goal when I started this journey was to only lose 30 lbs. I've lost almost 45 now and am taking it day by day. Now it's not just about a number on the scale...if I don't reach my ideal weight between 115 and 135 I'm perfectly fine with that. I'm working out and toning up in addition to watching what I eat and I will be satisfied when I'm happy with the way my body looks no matter what the scale says.
  • littleEj
    littleEj Posts: 35 Member
    I did WW and lost 60, had a baby and gained it back and tried the points plus and the scale didn't budge. so here I am! Hoping this is easier because I was totally confused by the new points system! :)
  • MeAfter30
    MeAfter30 Posts: 129
    I did weight watchers about four years ago losing 50 pounds, but I found once I stopped going that I didn't maintain the weight loss it slowly crept back on. Then last year I decided to lose weight on my own, just counting calories, and I did well. I lost almost 50 pounds and kept it off till I was diagnosed with cancer. Between the drugs and emotional eating I put on almost 40 pounds. When I got done with treatments I signed up with weight watchers but didn't care for it anymore. I think the points plus program isn't as good as the flex points plan I was on before, but either way I would reather count calories then "points". I think for long term succes counting calories is the way to go.
  • kecmorgan
    kecmorgan Posts: 24 Member
    I am a weight watcher, though I'm considering dropping my membership. I love the online stuff but I'm not seeing the same results as I was before they switched over to the new Points Plus program. I had lost 23 lbs. and then managed to put about 7 of it back on and it has just stuck.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I've done WW a few times and definitely attribute my weight loss during this "finally get the weight off" journey that started last January to the former (Momentum) plan. I was a member for half of last year and then did it on my own for the rest of the year and gave myself the holidays to just maintain and not worry about tracking.
    I sort of tried points plus (bought the calculator and food guides) at the beginning of this year but really didn't want to have to worry about recalculating everything or becoming a member again in order to track everything. Thankfully someone turned me on to this website just as I was trying to figure out what to do and it's working great so far!
  • eryn415
    eryn415 Posts: 98 Member
    Me!!! I lost about 25 pounds in 2010 on WW. I felt my weight loss had hit a wall though, plus I didn't want to keep paying all that money. and iphone app feel a lot like etools to me. I am a happy camper!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I still watch my weight one of these days it make do a trick
  • sonjavenae
    sonjavenae Posts: 15 Member
    I am a former WW. It did work for me. I was on weight watchers for couple of years and just decided one day that I could do it on my own and fell off.
  • brb1
    brb1 Posts: 3
    I also have had difficulties with the new PointsPlus system and have actually gained weight since the roll-out of the new plan. I'm not necessarily blaming the new system. I know I'm ultimately to blame. But I figured I'd try something new and exciting so joined myfitnesspal.

    One thing I did learn from WW is that I NEED support. So I'm really looking for some friends on this site to keep me motivated and inspired. :smile:
  • amkivela
    amkivela Posts: 4
    Yes I am and I lost a lot of weight...could go back but decided to try this forum...way cheaper and using my phone app will make it almost impossible to not be able to track what I am eating!
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