Not recording all my binge food

Noticed another thing that has gotten out of hand.

block cheese. I started buying bigger blocks and using more and more, while recording less and less.

Result in 3 weeks gained 3 pounds. Still have a net loss of 35 pounds, but don't want to go in the wrong direction.

For me and some foods, 1 is too many and 1000 never enough.

Just saying

Also, speaking fo some foods, a few days ago, I reached a goal of 3500 days without ANY cookies. (not even fortune cookies)

And YOU _______?


  • lsgibbs83
    lsgibbs83 Posts: 254 Member
    There are certain foods that I know will trigger a binge. I refuse to bring them into the house. If they are not at hand, I cannot binge.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I record everything. Even my 14 cookies binge from yesterday (although I had to guess the calories a little). And today I had some cookies too, but I stopped at 4 without too much trouble. And I should still have a deficit tonight.

    Just because I have a bad day occasionally doesn't mean I have to deprive myself of foods I love... that would be sad. And the reason I log everything is because my diary is a tool. I'm only cheating myself if I don't record my binges, I mean, how will I know how much of a deficit I really had for the week if I didn't log everything? It kinda defeats the purpose. Plus I still had a 900 calorie deficit last week, even after yesterday, so it's not the end of the world.
  • ravenzwart
    ravenzwart Posts: 108 Member
    I have noticed that I minimize my binge moments to myself if I don't log them. So I log them to avoid that I kid myself.
  • ZakiJaye
    ZakiJaye Posts: 24 Member
    I log everything, I don't beat myself up about bad days and binges but am very aware of when the numbers on MFP go red and it motivates me to keep them green the next day. It has made me realise what my triggers are a lot more and I am looking for strategies to overcome them.
  • lyrical_melody
    lyrical_melody Posts: 242 Member
    I log I know how to make it up and do better later on in the week. If you log it or dont log it, your body knows and it will show eventually....

    I once saw a photo that said that,,,,but cant find it now lol
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    I log everything... even yesterday's celebration with my boyfriend... Hella drinking for me. Oh well... :drinker: :blushing:
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Another reason to log everything is so you can more accurately determine what your maintenance is, and thus what you need to eat to lose. That's what forces me to be as honest as possible (knowing some things are estimates or guesses), even when I'd rather not see the red.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    For me and some foods, 1 is too many and 1000 never enough.

    Pepsi is a very slippery slope for me.
  • Thanks for all your transparency. It is very helpful and healing for us individually and as a support group. Each of us has to identify what works for our bodies.
    As in some clothing "One size, does not fit all."

    "if we can't laugh at ourselves, someone will beat us too it".

    One of my light bulbs that finally went off, was when I walked into a tailor to have my strait jacket(I use it as a comedy prop) to be let out. It was like other clothes items to small.

    Ha Ha can lead to Ah HA!
  • shraab
    shraab Posts: 6 Member
    I do my best to log everything right before I eat it. Sometimes seeing the extra calories added makes me put the food back down. However, I'm a total sweet and chocoholic. I made chocolate chip pumpkin muffins last week and scarfed four down before I even tallied the calories. In the moment, I just did not care. It sucked seeing I had basically eaten a 1200 calorie breakfast. I knew I'd binge on them again and gave them to a neighbor. My will power is about zero, so I pretty much cannot keep sweet things in the house other than fruits.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    For me it is so critical to log everything. Thankfully, no bingeing in about 53 days, but I think logging my last binge was a big step forward. If I binge again, I will absolutely log it.
  • jessica43062
    jessica43062 Posts: 12 Member
    I live with a friend and we're both working on our weight. She's lost a ton. I just started.

    She has this ritual where if we plan all of our meals for the week, prepare them, eat them, and the fridge is empty on Saturday night, we win! Which, really, we do, because doing that week-in and week-out is a pretty great accomplishment. Except winning, for her, equals ordering pizza. And of course, I am SO on board in the moment. With my wits still about me, I always insist we make a salad to go with it (which I actually really enjoy as a combo), thinking somehow that will curb my appetite for cheese. But then the pizza comes, and she eats 2 pieces, and she's done. Whereas for me, there's now A LOT OF PIZZA on the table and I CAN'T STOP at 2 pieces.

    I hate her will power. And I hate my will power for not telling her NO! No pizza! Because damn if I'm not just a fatty following her around waiting for her to suggest it every week.
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    When I binge I don't log it either lmao. At most I might get like halfway, but then realize I ate so much crap that I don't even feel like putting in the effort to log it.

    I binge so rarely that it doesn't even really matter though. I had a binge last week after about 3 months so it wasn't a big deal to me.

    Then I just went back to eating like normal the next day.
  • TJFireworks
    TJFireworks Posts: 11 Member
    I record everything. Its a reality check to do better. However, I love cake and for some reason I have so many office parties comming up; so I have to stay strong. lol

    But the few times I binged it really took all of me to include it; as I was a little ashamed but the next day it made me do better. I would say cookies, chips and bread are my triggers..
  • Francl27 wrote: »
    I record everything. Even my 14 cookies binge from yesterday (although I had to guess the calories a little). And today I had some cookies too, but I stopped at 4 without too much trouble. And I should still have a deficit tonight.

    Just because I have a bad day occasionally doesn't mean I have to deprive myself of foods I love... that would be sad. And the reason I log everything is because my diary is a tool. I'm only cheating myself if I don't record my binges, I mean, how will I know how much of a deficit I really had for the week if I didn't log everything? It kinda defeats the purpose. Plus I still had a 900 calorie deficit last week, even after yesterday, so it's not the end of the world.

    That is so true, even if we didn't record it ... well it doesn't just evaporate into nothing. I record everything even the stuff I don't want to look at.
    I also do avoid things I know I will crave more of once I eat it. like potato chips, brownies ( even though brownie crisps I package and can eat just one.) I love the people on this site who are so open and honest with each other. Who knew there were so many like me out in the world when I thought I was all alone.
  • The reason I don't start on certain foods, is because I don't have the will power.
    The 1 is too many applies to things like brownies, cake, pie and now chunk cheese.
  • caminoslo
    caminoslo Posts: 239 Member
    drlaugh4u wrote: »
    Noticed another thing that has gotten out of hand.

    block cheese. I started buying bigger blocks and using more and more, while recording less and less.

    Result in 3 weeks gained 3 pounds. Still have a net loss of 35 pounds, but don't want to go in the wrong direction.

    For me and some foods, 1 is too many and 1000 never enough.

    Just saying

    Also, speaking fo some foods, a few days ago, I reached a goal of 3500 days without ANY cookies. (not even fortune cookies)

    And YOU _______?

    I always binge on cheese it doesnt cause me to gain weight........... But I LOVE LOVE LOVE over priced straight from the bakery pumpkin vegan muffins... oh the frosting is to die for.Yesterday I resisted.
  • I logged this. Went through half a loaf of fresh baked rosemary cibatta today. Still struggling with that binge thing. Two days of self care -- that is eating well and getting exercise. Felt restraining but ate well, etc. Period too arrived. So all of this Not out the window, but that half loaf. Ugh. I know that I'm stressed about a trip. Lots to do. Pack kids, self, the 8 hour drive (with 2 kids)... etc etc. That is definitely what drove this. What is ahead tonight. Working quite early tomorrow (5am). Not complaining but doing this to myself is habit. stressing and then finally doing. then not stressing and eating stops. I wonder if writing it here and confessing it to I'm not exactly sure whom will lift the evil spell.
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    I have a hard time making homemade cookies, as well, and not only eating a LOT of them, but eating the dough, the sugar etc. Its usually a disaster for me, calorie-wise. That being said, if it does happen, I log it and make sure I am a little more diligent the next day.
  • Small changes over time, make for great results.
    I learn from my success as well as my set backs.

    Keep growing and glowing in your journey to health.
    It's a marathon, not a sprint.