SWaT Team Challenge - Week 3



  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Wow Megamom! And had surgery too! Way to go!

    Everybody left the house today so I took advantage and got in the 5 mile fat burning dvd. Now I'm pooped! lol
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member

    I finished my 72km but not able to update my ticket right now. Will update and post it tomorrow.

  • Am not going to get any miles in today so my total for Week 3 is 52 miles. I hope to get some in the last few days of this challenge and super excited for the next one. But as for this week...this is it.

    Keep it up everyone!!!
  • Robin304
    Robin304 Posts: 64
    I walked 3 miles this morning of LS's Advanced Walk. Brings my total to 75 miles. I also just finished mowing my lawn and feel like I've run a Texas version of a medievel gauntlet between dodging the fire ants and the mesquitos....lol Time for a big glass of iced tea. Happy Sunday everyone:flowerforyou:
  • Robin304
    Robin304 Posts: 64
    I decided to do another 2 miles, so that's 5 miles today and 77 miles total.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Hello all!

    Sorry I haven't posted since the 1st, but moving is a royal pain!
    I've been keeping up with the walking, not so much with the diet tho, since I keep forgetting to eat...
    so my numbers look like this:
    June 28 : 1
    29 : 1
    30: 1.5
    July 1: 2.5
    2: 3
    3: 4
    4: 3
    total 16 miles
    This week:
    mon 2.5 tue 3 wed 2.5 thur2.5 fri 4 sat 2.5 sun 4 total this week 21
    no wonder I hurt:ohwell: I'm in for next month too!!!
  • maynard46
    maynard46 Posts: 134
    I walked 3.5 miles Saturday. 2 miles with LS DVD and 1.5 with the dog. Today Sunday I walked 2 more miles with the dog. Boy hes losing weight faster than I am. I have 6 miles to go to meet my goal of 60 miles. Im pretty proud of myself for sticking with this challenge.

    Thanks guys!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I got another 2 miles in this afternoon. My dd took a nap so we missed going to the Farmer's Market. We did walk to a shopping center that's just about a mile away (took the baby in his stroller) and picked up some fruit that was on sale there. It was a nice walk--not as brisk as I would have liked but dd had the baby by c-section only 12 days ago and can't go as quickly as we normally walk!
    I really don't think I'll make my goal but that's okay--I'll just try again next time!
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Updated my ticker

  • rjm8185
    rjm8185 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm nearly there, only 3 miles to go and 1 day to go.

    I did a 2 mile DVD and 1 mile with my dogs, I'm gonna do it, I'm sure you all are too.

    So the new challenge begins on the 14th July and ends 4 weeks latter on the 10th August. (the day I go on holiday)

    I'm going to set myself a target of 60 miles and my weightloss target is gonna be 15lbs AAAhhhhh.........
  • maynard46
    maynard46 Posts: 134
    Woo Hoo, I did 3 miles on the bike trail today! My dog almost pooped out on me.

    3 more to go for tomorrow.
  • Robin304
    Robin304 Posts: 64
    Did 4 miles today. Total is at 81 miles. I know we have 1 more day but today is my measurement day so.. in the 4weeks since we've been doing this challenge I've lost 10 lbs and a total of 9.75 inches. YEA! Not a bad way to spend a month:bigsmile: Really looking forward to next month's challenge and my goal is going to be 100 miles. This group has really motivated me to keep on walking and pushing myself greater distances. Thank you all so much!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Did a 2 mile walk (from the 5 Mile Fat Burning workout) before work and the 4 Mile Super Challenge this afternoon--really close to goal but I do think i'll miss it by a mile or two. I'll get there next time, though!
  • rjm8185
    rjm8185 Posts: 81 Member

    Well folks todays today, we all find out if we've made our little targets. Even if we don't, we know we've tried our best and have done more than we would have otherwise, which is great. We've all bee successful.

    I think we need some ideas for next month, maybe some weekly challenges or something a bit different, IDEAS PLEASE......

    I've been trying to do some of the boosted walking (i.e. jogging) with a few of the DVD's. I can only do it for about 20-30 seconds, but that something.

    It would be nice to find out abit more about each other, what we do for a living, hobbies etc. etc.

    So here goes. I'm Rob, I'm 40 and I'm from Birmingham, England.

    I'm not married (yet) and I have 2 lovely labrador dogs, Rosie & Charlie. I'm currently unemployed, but I've been working as a retail supervisor/Manager for the last 10-12 years before that I worked as an entertainer in holiday parks and hotels in Europe, singing, compereing and as a Magician. My hobbies are Singing and acting, Photography, Magic and WALKING ( I feel I had to say that). Well there you go, thats a start. Good luck everyone Rob

    Well folks todays today, we all find out if we've made our little targets. Even if we don't, we know we've tried our best and have done more than we would have otherwise, which is great. We've all bee successful.

    I think we need some ideas for next month, maybe some weekly challenges or something a bit different, IDEAS PLEASE......

    I've been trying to do some of the boosted walking (i.e. jogging) with a few of the DVD's. I can only do it for about 20-30 seconds, but that something.

    It would be nice to find out abit more about each other, what we do for a living, hobbies etc. etc.

    So here goes. I'm Rob, I'm 40 and I'm from Birmingham, England.

    I'm not married (yet) and I have 2 lovely labrador dogs, Rosie & Charlie. I'm currently unemployed, but I've been working as a retail supervisor/Manager for the last 10-12 years before that I worked as an entertainer in holiday parks and hotels in Europe, singing, compereing and as a Magician. My hobbies are Singing and acting, Photography, Magic and WALKING ( I feel I had to say that). Well there you go, thats a start. Good luck everyone Rob

    I agree we should get to know eachother better. Very cool the things that you do. I think that you will find that I don't have that much fun stuff to say about me. I will give something tomorrow when the 2nd challenge starts. Thanks for sharing!!! As for shaking the routine up a bit...not really sure, maybe we could work on other aspects of working out along with the walking...like maybe focus on doing some crunches one week and something else the next...Not sure I will think on it a little more! Heidi
  • rjm8185
    rjm8185 Posts: 81 Member
    Well I did it, hope you did too.

    New thread starts tomorrow SWAT TEAM CHALLENGE MONTH 2

    See you there, hopefully Rob
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    monday 3 miles today 4 miles, changed my goal half way through (50->75) and still came in over that
    next month 100 miles...hope I don't need to change again:tongue:
    so glad this walk challenge continues, great motivation for me
  • Robin304
    Robin304 Posts: 64
    I completed 4 more miles, so my total for the challenge is 85 miles. My initial goal was 50 miles (and I wasn't sure I could do that!)

    For next month, I like the idea of adding crunches or push-ups, etc to the challenge. I was doing the 30 day Shred, but couldn't do all the jumping jacks, etc...so not really interested in that, but am up for anything else that doesn't hurt my knees.

    Personal info. I'm 43, female, unmarried, at the risk of sounding conceited I am the best Aunt in the world to 2 fabulous nieces. I live in South Texas. I am an animal lover and currently have 6 rescue dogs and 1 cat (my town's animal control kills almost 3000 animals every year, so I do what I can). I am a nurse and have been for almost 20 years now, have worked for the same company for 10 years, before that I worked for a Hospice for many years which was also an amazing experience. In that time I've done a little bit of everything but for the past year I've been at our corporate office appealing Medicare denials. Other than my animals, my nieces and my friends, my favorite thing in the world is traveling. My goal is to fill up my passport before it expires! I've been to 11 countries so far, but there are so many more places to so see and people to meet. Who knows Rob, I may have crossed paths with you somewhere along the way!

    Have a great evening everyone!
  • maynard46
    maynard46 Posts: 134
    I did it too! Yea!!! :happy:

    2 miles today with my LS DVD and the last mile was a nice alittle bit slower walk with the hubby and of course the dog.

    I will set my goal for the next challenge tomorrow morning. Along with alittle about me.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    YAY to everyone reporting in their mileage. I finished mine off tonite with 5 miles over my upped goal of 60 miles and 15 over my original 50 mile goal. I think we can all count this challenge as a huge success wether we all made our goals or not. Because every mile counts and it's miles you may not have walked otherwise. And we've got a whole new month with a fresh start. :happy:

    I love the introduction idea Rob! Not much exciting here but my name is Sandy, I'm 48 years old and live in Georgia. So you can expect a "yall" every now and then! I'm married to my best friend and have a (soon to be) 17 year old son. I work in accounting so I'm behind a desk all day. Started a new job a few months ago after being unemployed and sitting around for a year gaining an additional 20 lbs. In March I finally got off my butt and decided to do something about it. (so happy to have found this site and WATP workouts) We spend most of our free time riding around on my husband's motorcycle in the North Georgia mountains with friends. And I can't forget to mention my two spoiled kitties. One day I'll get around to posting a real profile picture.

    Looking forward to Month 2 of the SWaT team challenge. Now I just gotta figure out what my goal will be. Excellent idea about some little mini challenges to spice things up!
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