Over 60 - what do you do to stay in shape?



  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Hi, I'm also from the 50+ thread.:flowerforyou:

    How lucky we older folks are if we are retired and have more time to look after ourselves.:happy:
    I do 70 mins cardio daily on machines I have in the spare bedroom. Rowing, elliptical and recumbent bike. Then I go into my bedroom and do 20 - 30 mins strength training, body weight, dumbbells, knee exercises, balance etc. This has changed my shape for the better. For biceps and triceps I use 9kg weights.
    On Tuesday I have a "day off" and go to a yoga class. :laugh:
    I will be 65 next week.:happy:

    I feel in better shape now than I have been since I was a young woman. I have knee issues, ankle issues, pronation etc, but all are sooooooo much improved. I don't think I will ever be able to run though and walking more than 4 miles is uncomfortable.. A few years ago I could barely walk downstairs and had to lift my bad knee leg into the car with my hands.

    Getting fit has changed my life so much.:bigsmile: :drinker:
  • abeachlady
    I'm 69, not maintaining, but still losing. I do Zumba two hours a week, and take a full body conditioning class, circuit training, three hours a week.
  • shouldice9
    shouldice9 Posts: 12 Member
    By the way....BRAVO to all you folks! There are younger people out there who would not be able to keep up to you all!
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    Same thing I should have been doing my whole life, but did not. Enjoy eating good foods in proper amounts and have fun moving around.

    Because I did not most of my life, now I need to make extra effort.

    Diet - change from large amounts of simple carbohydrates to a balanced diet of greens, vegetables, vegetables, vegetables, protein, and some carbohydrates. Same things I used to have, just in different proportions and quantiies.

    Exercise - this is just me, try things and do what you like

    I have a major goal next year to cycle 100 miles in a day
    There are other smaller physical challenges
    Going to the gym every day, alternate days of cardio and resistance training
    One day per week, take a really difficult cardio class (difficult for me, easy for some)
    Do simple yoga before working out. It has helped with various aches and pains.
    cycle. I looove cycling.

    Not retired. Very little spare time, so I cram in as much as possible in 20 to 45 minutes at the gym.
  • trm68
    trm68 Posts: 55 Member

    copy and paste this,,,Tae Bo Flex, real slow, non intimidating, I can do this one, do not have to use slow motion settings, and yes, you have time to breathe.lol
  • lauraschulkind600
    Hi- My profile says 56, but I'm 57. (I don't know how to change it.) I also use a weight lifting class. It's one hour a week. I think there's an online component you can join. It's called Deep Tone, and it's really effective.


    I'm planning to add cardio, especially to keep the arthritis in my hip from getting any worse!

  • baltimorebroad
    baltimorebroad Posts: 16 Member
    Hey everyone. 61 yrs, still working full time (nurse) my schedule is different EVERY week and can be 4,8, or 12 hr shifts, so I have never been able to join any kind of exercise class or group. ( partly how I got so heavy in the first place.) Seeing so many debilitated patients at work, my age or just a little older, and chronic joint pain, prompted me to start my first diet in 24 years.

    So happy to have found MFP in the first week! It really has made all the difference for me. As of today, I've lost 61 Pounds in 7 months with 19 to go. Stopped eating junk. Started walking more. Walk every day at lunch time (we get an hour) so can get 30 minutes in most days. Initially had trouble keeping up with my walking partner, but now I could leave her in the dust. Then, walk most evenings with husband and our little dog. Sadly, Sprout died last week - 14 y.o. Miniature Schnauzer. It's been sad and hard to walk without her. Use stationary bike other days, and now that fall is here, lots of yard work opportunities.

    Eat very little meat. That's been the case for > 10 yrs. just don't like it and then there's the whole, factory farming/animal cruelty thing. Always said my body was the result of macaroni and cheese and donuts. I've found that Cauliflower with cheese sauce is a more than adequate substitute. Really just eating healthier.

    Eat less - Move more. Good luck to all. Linda in Baltimore
  • tremroy1
    tremroy1 Posts: 90 Member
    65....walking, cycling, treadmill, weights, skiing in winter.....staying active......as much as I can. Key is to not overdo it......
  • Squatch3099
    Squatch3099 Posts: 87 Member
    I push myself to do 45 minutes twice a day of stretching and strengthening exercises designed specially for my knees. Then I do 50 to 75 situps in the morning and if I feel really motivated I do them again in the afternoon.

    I have free weights which I pick up every time I sit down to watch a movie.

    I have an exercise bicycle which I use almost every day. I try to do 10 minutes at a good pace.

    At least three times a week I drive to a nearby park and get out and use the exercise benches to do many kinds of stretching exercises.

    Having knee problems which can't be operated on I do whatever I can think up every day.:drinker:

    Its all about a POSITIVE ATTITUDE.
  • dianematt1
    I recently got a dog and that has really motivated me to get out and walk more. We go out every morning for 30 minutes, usually cover 1.25 miles on our route. I have also taken up Jazzercize and Running, did my first 5K a month ago and made it all the way without stopping. I was really happy about that. I just turned 60 this summer and lost 47 pounds but have gained some back so decided to get back to logging all my food and exercise, it's the only thing that really helps me maintain.
  • mountainmare
    mountainmare Posts: 294 Member
    Just turned 65--Have taken Tai Chi for 7 years (I even have a cool sword!) Do alot of walking and wogging on hilly terrain along with biking. Have a large collection of DVDs and if I don't hike will do one of them, favorites are Jillian Michaels and a couple of really really old Kick Butt and step. I do basic strength with 5-12lb weights.
    Last week I started taking belly dancing class.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    60 1/2. I walk a lot and do elliptical for 65 minutes 5x a week. I also lift light weights every other day. I eat lots of veggies, nuts, beans, etc., as well as eggs, fish, chicken and sometimes beef.
    I love chocolate and peanut butter!
    I've been maintaining at 122-125 for a couple of years.
    I feel and am very fit and healthy.
    I love to travel and play with my grandchildren.
    Great to meet all of you in my general age group!
  • atpoem2003
    Congrats! 80 pounds lost is just great! I am back on My Fitness Pal after being off of it for 3 years. I gained 30 lbs. after the doctor put me on insulin. NOT good! So! Here I am again and I am cutting my carb intake to a very low amount. No more sugary ice cream or cookies. Last doctor's visit was scary and he told me that I needed to start watching my diet more closely if I ever want to get off my insulin shot once a day. Keep up the good work!!! BTW, I turn 62 on October 23rd of this year.
  • atpoem2003
    I love Billy Blanks 8 minutes work out. It is a short video, but it will make you break a sweat! It is a perfect warm-up to then go on to my treadmill or my exercise bike. I, too, like Leslie Sansone and have her 1-2-3 mile videos. I like Denise Austin and Jane Fonda. I have a lot of exercise videos and rotate them so that I don't get tired of them. I am dealing with a torn meniscus in my left knee and it sometimes keeps me from exercising. That's why I recently purchased the exercise bike. It is suppose to be better on the knees. Good luck on your weight loss and fitness journey! My birthday is October 23rd and I'll turn 62. I need to lose 120 lbs. It is doable and I'm in it for the long haul this time.
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    My story is on my profile.

    However, I started running (again) last year at age 60. Last real running I did was in 1985.

    I run 3 times a week, 45-70 minutes twice on weekdays (Tuesday and Thursday) and then some specific distance on the weekend. Of course, that plan keeps me in shape to run a half-marathon at the drop of a hat and I'm almost at the point where I can do an easy run of a full marathon almost on a whim.

    I need to be more diligent on my cross-training / strength training. And I need to focus more on my fuel plan for my running an exercise, but I have been maintaining my weight in a fairly narrow range for a while.
  • atpoem2003
    Hey, my name is Anita (atpoem2003)....This is my second time signing up for MFP. I will turn 62 this month. My husband just recently retired and he loves to cook. We go round and round over what to bring into the house from the grocery store. He could stand to lose 20 lbs, but we won't go there! lol I need to lose around 120 lbs. I am a diabetic (Type II) and my doctor recently told me that I'll not be able to get off insulin unless I change my diet drastically and lose the weight. Insulin is costing me BIG bucks since my hubby retired. Anyway! I have a treadmill and an exercise bike. We also have a senior center here in my town. I'm trying to get my hubby to join with me. He has a bad back and that's the reason he had to retire. Sounds like you are really active and that is what I what to get back to. I use to walk 4 miles a day in my neighborhood and go to the gym for circuit weight training 3 times per week. I also had a mini tramp that I jumped on and I did Yoga at my home. Maybe we can become friends? I would appreciate the encouragement. I am on a low-carb diet and tallying my calories and carbs on MFP really helps.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
  • JasperPW
    JasperPW Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 60, have lost 115 since January 17, and have 35 to go for the weight that my Dr and I settled on. I work out at a gym 3 days a week and walk an hour+ in my neighborhood on the other 3 days. I just rest on Sundays! I was working out 6 days a week until I got a stress fracture on the bottom of my foot in April from working out too hard on the treadmill. But even though I had to wear a boot for weeks and weeks I still worked out but changed from the treadmill to an elliptical.

    I can't run or do stair steps because I had a heart attack 5 years ago and must watch my pulse rate. As to the weight machines I mainly try to work on the core muscles, (helping my flexibility) rotating from upper to lower on each machine. I also do crunches and am currently trying to work on strengthening my pecs to hopefully tighten up the skin in my chest...I call it my armpit boobs!?! It is definitely helping and with another 35+ pounds they may reduce some more but I'm afraid that I was too fat for too long and may not be able to make it as tight as I would like.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,454 Member
    I'm 61 and am still losing the last 5 pounds, but I strength train 3 days a week with hand weights and walk 3-5 miles 3 days a week either outside or with Leslie Sansone's DVDs. I force myself to rest one day, but it is the day I clean my house so it may not be a REAL rest day :wink: During July and August, I also hike the Adirondack Mountains at least 3-4 days a week and continue with weights for 3 days. I am stronger than I have ever been in my life. 60 is the new 50 for those of us who work out and I love being 61 going on 52! :drinker:
