How long have you been at your goal weight?



  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    edited October 2014
    I hit my original goals weight - middle of the healthy BMI range - almost two years ago. I hit my goal range (BMI of 20) 15 months ago. I dropped 4 pounds lower than that (without doing anything different) 5 months ago and upped my calories. I haven't put anything back on.

    It has gotten easier over time, not harder. I use a fitbit and try to walk 10,000 steps (I walk for exercise at least an hour maybe 5 days a week).

    I just do what I did. I hit my calorie goals. I try to be active. I log everything. I eat back my exercise calories. It isn't rocket science and it doesn't have to be fancy. I love to eat and eat food I love. Always 3 meals a day. Usually a dessert snack around 9.

    I do find it helpful to keep my carbs under 40% over the course of a week. But that's still a reasonably high amount of carbs. It just pushes me to up my protein.
  • JeanCricket
    JeanCricket Posts: 160 Member
    I'm 5'7" at my GW of 130 for 6 weeks, so I'm at the beginning of maintenance and loving it! I keep to a goal range of 128-132. Over these past 6 weeks I've been in the 128-130 range...

    I'm at 1520 cals/day and often eat back exercise calories. Cardio 30 min 5x/wk. Just starting a muscle toning program...

    I log on here on MFP daily and intend to continue :-)

    Good luck and enjoy maintenance!


    PS. Just turned 54 - feeling GREAT!
  • runny111
    runny111 Posts: 58 Member
    5"2" - Current weigh 117. Goal weight is 112-115. So a little up after a summer of fun (some of it is time of month water retention).

    I don't have a problem trimming up for a few weeks, after a bit of indulgence.
    Generally, I workout 1 hour a day to maintain. I eat 1700-1800 a day on average. Light days 1400, going out days 2000-2500. I also took 1 year to lose 50lbs and have maintained it for 18month. Never getting more than 3lbs of fat above goal (sometimes an additional 2lbs of water retention adds to that). But I haven't seen 120's in 15months. I also eat lean and green for the times I am not going out. 2/3rd of my meals contain no grains. I get my carbs via vegetables and fruits. Then save the wheat for eating out. I am 41.
  • runny111
    runny111 Posts: 58 Member
    And I though intermittent fasting was 6:1 to maintain?
  • Lysander666
    Lysander666 Posts: 275 Member
    edited October 2014
    I've been maintaining for about 18 months or so. I honestly don't find it that hard at all, I suppose I'm lucky because I just don't like any kind of junk food or drink and I don't tend to eat big. If I do eat big, it's healthy stuff that my wife makes a lot of the time.

    Like yesterday I was in a shop and I was really hungry and wanted a snack. I looked around at everything, crisps, crackers, chocolate, cereal bars. There was literally nothing I wanted so I just went outside and bought a banana. There is literally so much junk food out there I don't think that people notice.

    So as for how many calories I eat a day, I don't know because I don't tend to count. But it's in the region of about 2500-3000 I would say. I don't go to the gym (I should) but I do walk everywhere or use public transport which probably helps a bit.
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    My goal was between 120-130 pounds. I've maintained 125-130 for 2-3 years now.
    I was regularly working out 3 times a week up until this past summer. Now honestly, I haven't worked out in about a month and this is probably going to keep up until January. My weight has been steady at 128lbs now since this stressful period.

    I eat around 1300-1900 calories a day. I'm 5'2''. I'm 22 years old. I'm in a stressful period of finishing up my B.A. Degree and my professors this semester are horrible men who don't care about people... so that stresses me out more.

    I haven't found it too difficult, but since I've stopped working out I have struggled with eating less food since I'm not working out. I want to keep eating even though I don't have those calories to spare like I used to.
  • saphin
    saphin Posts: 246 Member
    Female, 48 years old, office worker
    Height - 5'6
    Weight - 57.1 kg
    Exersise - cycling about 250 to 300 km a week (10 to 12 hours) plus 10,000 steps a day and 2 hours dragon boat a week. I also try any other sports offered and do the odd light weight/high rep workout (when I have time so normally a couple of times a week)
    Daily calories - average about 2,500 to 3,000
    Maintenance of current weight for two or three years but haven't dieted for 10 years
    Note: I live in Singapore so have a lower daily calorie requirement than when I was living in a colder climate but need to drink 5 to 6 litres of water a day due to high level of perspiration in exersise

    If you are struggling to maintain, load one of the "map my fitness" applications, log all your workouts, install a pedometer such as "pacer" on your phone and carry it with you all the time, link both apps to my fitness pal, reset your calorie goal to match your day job and life should become simpler.

    Exersise is vital to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle. Make sure you do some cardio exersise that makes you slightly breathless (but still able to talk) for AT LEAST 150 minutes a week total. Brisk walking (minimum 4mph) is a great start.

    Remember to increase your water consumption to match the extra water used by your body and you'll be fine.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Beccca said, "I haven't found it too difficult, but since I've stopped working out I have struggled with eating less food since I'm not working out. I want to keep eating even though I don't have those calories to spare like I used to."

    Yes that is my experience too, that's why i'm not even trying to do a lot of exercise anymore. I mean i know now that i can't maintain a heavy exercise load for more than a few months at a time.

    Next year i'm going to Japan for a couple of months. I will have to eat more when i'm there because i will be cycling around everywhere. When i get home, its going to be very tricky making the adjustment back to eating less.
  • schulersam
    schulersam Posts: 17 Member
    55 year, 5'6', 150 When I hit 50ish everything changed for me. Hormones messed up my metabolism and I started gaining where I have never had to be too careful. Now at 55, things are settling out (still have crazy hot flashes) and have been able to lose the 10 lbs that snuck on. I eat very little 1000-1200 and work out, but you have to find the right combination that will work for you, fit into your lifestyle, and be sustainable. There are days that I open the cupboard and will want to eat anything I can see. But overall, it is about living a healthy lifestyle. Remember that stress also screws with your metabolism, so I don't know what is going on in your life, but grown children, aging parents and retirement looming can certainly add to the mix. Keep healthy. Good luck.
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    Patttience wrote: »
    I've just about hit goal but i'm also just starting to struggle with my appetite. My food is really healthy. My macros are pretty good. I ve been doing the 5:2 fasting diet for about 8 weeks i guess. I feel like my body is starting to fight back.

    I managed to hit goal doing the 5:2 and when I got to maintenance I started the 6:1 as recommend by Dr Michael Mosely. It may help to do this to stop the urges of hunger? Saying that I'm in no place to dish out advice as I managed to regain some weight back after a holiday blow out.
  • toolzz
    toolzz Posts: 163 Member
    51, 5'6, 139lbs - maintaining for about 7 years - give or take 5/10 lbs. the difference in weights made no difference in was just changing body shape and work outs. I have mfp set to 1500 cals a day but that's just a number I plucked out of my mind based on TDEE calculations. I probably average around 1700-2k. I don't really worry about my calories as I love food and offset it by working out (which I also love). I guess I am not providing anything helpful here....I think my point is, I know how it all works for me now and don't really think about it because it's how I operate on a daily basis....I just use mfp to track macros and because I like tracking.
  • Crawflowr
    Crawflowr Posts: 106 Member
    I'm 49, 5'7", 140-144lb (was 177 when I started on MFP August 2011 reached goal April 2012 and have maintained steady since then. I net around 1650 calories a day (eating my exercise calories), I go to the gym twice a week running/cycling 3km/2km each session, I walk 6 miles on saturdays (Rambler's Association) and swim on sundays. Well that's the usual patterns. I try to walk at least 30mins a day on other days. I am comfortable with my eating patterns, can have cookies, fried breakfasts, chips, sweets, biscuits, chinese and pizza. Somedays a bit up, somedays down but balance over the week. I find I can go over by 500 or so each week without sweating it. My diary is open. I couldn't even run 10 yards when I started in 2011 now I've done several 5k races and managed my first 10k in June. I'm in a good place thanks to MFP.