Elevated liver enzymes

Hello everyone. I'm new. For the past couple of months I've had elevated liver enzymes when I see my doc. I go every three months in which he does cholesterol, sugar, and liver tests (I have/had type two diabetes but have reversed it and am off all meds) I am not overweight. I workout 6 days a week. I run one hour every morning (6 times a week) and in the evening I do another hour of either Zumba or Kickboxing(5 times a week). So I get about 120 minutes of workout for 5 days out of the week and one day a week I get 60 mins, taking one day off during the week where I do nothing. My cholesterol, hba1c/sugar tests all come back excellent...only my liver enzymes come back elevated. I always test negative for hepatitis. I just went yesterday for my tests and the nurse calls me back with the usual results..only ads at the end...try to walk at least 40 mins a day. Really? I"m doing about 120 mins. I don't understand. Any body else experience something like this?


  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    How elevated are they? My daughter developped auti-immune hepatitis which is different to the "normal" hepatitis. (Different tests)
    You could have elevated enzyme levels because of a virus. In my daughter's case it took four different doctors before she was correctly diagnosed.
    Best of luck
  • mcraza
    mcraza Posts: 7
    Thanks for replying SKME2013. The other times I don't remember what the levels were but this last time (today when they called), the nurse said it was 34 and its supposed to be no more than 31. They didn't seem to concerned...she just said "try to walk about 40 mins a day and we'll see you in three months"
  • stephen77009
    stephen77009 Posts: 4 Member
    For the past several years I have tested high for liver enzymes. I started taking a milkthistle supplement (70mg one a day) and I have seen a reduction in my numbers.
  • mcraza
    mcraza Posts: 7
    Thanks Stephen. Are there any drug interactions with that or any side effects? Were you also not given a clear picture as to why your numbers were elevated?
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    My husband had that issue for a few months, but it was a side effect of a cholesterol medication he was on. The doc took him off the medication, and the liver enzyme count has gone down significantly by now.

  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    edited October 2014
    Milkthistle and SAM-e are go-to remedies for the liver and work on multiple species - I used them to bring one my cats back from a severe case of cholangiohepatitis. They are most often prescribed together, but these are not prescription drugs.

    From the research I had done at the time, there are no harmful side-effects from either for humans or cats. Most of the sites I read related to humans because there was not much info out related to cats at the time.

    Still, do your own due diligence.
  • mcraza
    mcraza Posts: 7
    Thank you Naomi and Stealth. I did some reading on the milk thistle and I'm going to give it a try. I just was/am completely confused to why my liver enzymes are elevated.
  • mcraza
    mcraza Posts: 7
    Oh thank you Brian! Well that explains it! I always see the doc first thing in the morning right after my run. Thanks :smiley:
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I did the same thing too 5 or 6 years ago.....to my GP I was a medical mystery, elevated enzymes but no cirrhosis, no jaundice, not nafld had a great appetite (no duh,...I was running), I actually got referred to a hepatologist who, fortunately, was also a runner and asked all the right questions.