54lbs down!

ASH2038602 Posts: 215 Member
I am so excited to finally be at a place where I feel like I can (almost) be considered a success. I still have more weight to lose, but wanted to share my accomplishments so far in hopes of inspiring someone, like so many of you have inspired me.

I was never overweight as a child or teenager. I got pregnant when I was 18 years old, and weighed 130lbs (I am 5'6)at my first appointment. After giving birth to my son I was 160lbs. I maintained that weight for about 3 years. After that I moved in with my boyfriend, and quite frankly a lot of beer, fast food, and depression made me balloon up to 245lbs. I honestly wasn't one to think too much about my weight (obviously :p ) but when I did it really bummed me out. I was definitely the "I'm not THAT big" girl. Aside from being bummed about my ever growing waist line, I felt like crap all the time. I physically felt sick to my stomach every time I ate. It got to the point where I literally had to plan my day around being able to lay down for an hour or so after eating anything. It really sucked for me, my boyfriend, and my son.

In April, my family and I moved and for some reason that's when I decided to make small changes. I started only by watching my portion sizes. I stopped using dinner plates, and use the smaller ones instead. If I ate what was on my plate and still felt hungry I made myself drink some water (or if we are being honest soda) and wait 20 minutes. More often than not I would find I wasn't hungry. If I was, I tried to get more vegetables. From that alone I realized I lost 7lbs. In May, I joined My Fitness Pal and thought "Hey, maybe I can lose 20lbs or so" but not really believing I could. Come June, I had lost about 18lbs and joined a gym thinking I would try and go 2-3 times a week, but again not really believing I would.

Well, here we are in October. I have been pretty damn consistent in my loss, I don't feel sick to my stomach anymore, I am more active and involved with my son, and I am at the gym 5 days a week. I have lost 54lbs going from 245lbs to 191lbs, over 40 total body inches, and went from a size 18-20 jean to a size 12.

If I can do this, seriously anyone can! I am so grateful for all of you, and this site. I really don't think I would have done it without being able to come here and get advice and see other people that are/were in the same boat as me.

tl;dr- I ate better, I worked out, I got less fat ;)


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