Get me off of this rollercoaster!

lap1970 Posts: 32 Member
Hi my new MFP family,

Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. I have been a member for awhile now...but never really committed. But my weight has just gotten ridiculous! Somebody stop me! lol. In all seriousness, I am hoping this will help me stay the course and lose this weight for good!

Kind Regards,


  • jamiefire7
    I am with ya!!! Sick of yo-yo-ing... I am gonna do this starting today!!!
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Hi, there, it's all in your mind. Find somebody near you in real life who will be your motivation. Mine, was my sister-in-law who lost half of herself during the course of 2 years.
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Great place to be!!! :) I stinkin love it!!!
  • JJBRAY85
    JJBRAY85 Posts: 35 Member
    Well, welcome BACK lol... good luck with your goals. There are plenty of people with amazing stories that will deffinitly keep you motivated.. GOOD LUCK!
  • Perfectlycrooked
    Perfectlycrooked Posts: 275 Member
    We're here for support! (: We're all in the same boat, trust me :P
  • jentidd
    jentidd Posts: 80
    welcome and good luck to you!
  • shongables
    Welcome back cuz. First just hold yourself accountable for everything you eat!!! You may not be able to stay under calorie count, but you will now be aware of portion control. Increase intake of water. Before eating, drink 8 ozs... time to start tricking the body. Finally, get 15 mins of cardio a day in. NO MATTER WHAT. Walk, skip, jump rope, walk stairs... you can do this!! And now you have army of friends rooting for you, encouraging you... and in this same race with you. I learned from logging calories... I have a much greater sweet tooth than I thought. I eat when I am not even hungry... and I don't eat as healthy as I had thought. I too have work to do... plus I've really cranked up the exercise. I am so sore today... I am not doing NADA!!!!!