Could somebody please review my food and exercise diary?

I've been back on here for over a week now and so far nothing has happened with my weight. In fact, I think over the last fortnight I've GAINED 0.5kg...

I'm not sure what else it's going to take to start losing weight. I don't have much to drop, only 5kg or so. At the moment I'm down to eating only 1200 calories a day, I've been doing this for 5 days so far and still nothing.

Could somebody please review my food and exercise diary and give me some pointers?


  • lemonlionheart
    lemonlionheart Posts: 580 Member
    Hey! First of all, 5 days isn't really enough time to evaluate whether you're on the right track or not. More than a few weeks with no progress would be more worrying.

    Ok, your diary. Do you use a food scale? Noticing a lot of entries in cups, servings and things like a 'small' banana.. these things can be way off the actual caloric value. If you want to accurately track your calories I would suggest getting a food scale and weighing everything that isn't liquid. Also, you're using the MFP estimations for calorie burns and eating the calories back, these are notorious for overestimating burns. Many people stay on the safe side by only eating back half the exercise calories.

    Good luck!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    edited October 2014
    You haven't been at it long enough to know if what you're doing is working. Give things a month before you worry too much.

    That said, you've got 3 days of the past week not logged at all. You're over your calories every day. Which is fine because 1200 is really low, but just be aware of it.

    Your diary also screams inaccurate. Not only do you have things measured by volume instead of by weight, but you're using user generated database entries that are most likely not accurate. Instead of searching for "home made lemon slice" use the recipe builder to put in what you actually used. Also look for the database entries with no asterisk. You can find them easier by adding the word "raw" to your search.
  • NakeshiaBeard
    Thanks for your replies. It's a bit disheartening to learn that a program that is meant to help you lose weight is so inaccurate! What's the point in even using it if it's so inaccurate with it's calorie calculations?! It's scary to think how many other people are just relying on the generic entries...

    Oh and those 3 days I didn't log was because I had food poisoning so I really didn't eat much or do much over those days. I mostly ate plain toast which I could barely even keep down. I needed rest, and by the time I was better I couldn't remember what I ate over the days. Some things are just more important than tracking food!
  • ilenewilliams
    ilenewilliams Posts: 48 Member
    edited October 2014
    Weigh and measure carefully, use the labels and bar codes as well as the recipe builders. Accuracy is key.

    "Also look for the database entries with no asterisk. You can find them easier by adding the word "raw" to your search."

    Thank you for this information! I hate digging through and end up using the enteries with asterisks.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Oh I'm sorry to hear about the food poisoning and I totally agree that sometimes you have to prioritize health over tracking.

    MFP has a user generated database. The entries are only as accurate as the people inputting data. The entries with no asterisk are the original database entries that are not user generated. You just have to be careful is all. Double check labels if it has one and enter your own recipes if not. You'll get out what you're willing to put in.
  • RebelDiamond
    RebelDiamond Posts: 188 Member
    I agree with lemonlion, you've only been logging for a few days (and your calories have been over 1200 for nearly all of them) try sticking with it for a few weeks, be honest with the diary and you'll find it gets easier. To put on 0.5 of a kilo is nothing really, your body fluctuates every day.
    As someone who also has about 5kg left to lose, I can tell you for certain that progress is slow at this point in the game. Persistence, honesty and dedication is the key. :smile:
  • ChildrenCryinNCoffee
    Some of your foods nutritional facts are incorrect. For example that Crustless Quiche you had for dinner with Spinach, Bacon & Egg says no sodium or sugar, that can't be true. You're not logging as accurately as you may think you are. High Sodium can cause water retention, making it SEEM like you gained weight.
  • NakeshiaBeard
    Thanks everyone. Looks like this logging is a whole lot more work than I thought...
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Thanks everyone. Looks like this logging is a whole lot more work than I thought...

    It seems that way for awhile but then it becomes second nature. It takes me less than 10 minutes per day to log.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Thanks everyone. Looks like this logging is a whole lot more work than I thought...

    It seems that way for awhile but then it becomes second nature. It takes me less than 10 minutes per day to log.

    ^this - once you've been here for a while and have similar things entered in your recent entries, it becomes a whole lot easier and faster! These days logging takes me about 10 mins too!