Exercising and Eating Right but Gaining Weight! Help! D:

So I have been on a new medication the past few months that made me sick to my stomach for about a month. During that time I did not exercise and ate fairly normally. I maintained my normal weight. However, a couple of weeks ago I began exercising every day (not hard) and have been craving healthier foods. I have been eating less (but definitely getting enough calorie-wise) and have been feeling great, but my belly has gotten bigger.
Now, I know I'm not pregnant. I recently went in for an ultrasound for some other issues. If I was pregnant, it would have been spotted then at the very least.
I know it sounds odd, but my breasts are larger and my belly is larger. Everything else seems the same to me, though, if not better. My legs have slimmed down a little bit. My arms are the same. I know it is not the medication because before I was exercising while on it I maintained weight when I should realistically have gained.
It's getting very annoying for me that I can't comfortably fit into my jeans when I am going on 2+ one-hour walks with dogs every day.

Help! Any insight? Has this happened to you before?

After the first week of renewed exercise I figured I had perhaps gained muscle, but now that it has been a few weeks, I have definitely noticed an increase in size in my belly and breasts. I stepped on the scale today and found that I have gained 6 pounds! D:


  • KatrineJensen
    KatrineJensen Posts: 75 Member
    You say that you're not pregnant, but maybe take a test just to be sure? I would.
    I'm sorry, I don't have any advice on what to do other than talking to your doctor and seeing what's up :smile:
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited October 2014
    Do you weigh your food?
    Are you sure it's not water retention from the new workout?

    I do agree with the pp that you should take a pregnancy test just in case. Your ultrasound could have been done too early to detect pregnancy. From what I understand the earliest a transvaginal ultrasound (it's not the same as the ultrasound with the wand being moved across your belly) can detect pregnancy is 4wks 3 days - 5wks and in some cases a bit later.
  • Bloodbury
    I would say do some research on the medication you are taking, google it perhaps it makes you retain water or fat or something like that.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    You won't gain muscle after a week of exercising. Sudden exercising could cause your muscles to retain water. Don't guess on your calories. If you don't have one, buy a food scale to make sure you are not overeating which is very easy to do. Water will eliminate water so keep up with your fluids.
  • fonjiva
    fonjiva Posts: 5 Member
    Are you getting more fiber than usual? maybe there's a food you're allergic to?
  • LiftAndBalance
    LiftAndBalance Posts: 960 Member
    Sounds a lot like water retention. Are you using any hormonal contraceptives? Or, if you're not, you could be in the luteal phase of your cycle (post-ovulation). I think retaining water in your breasts sound much more like hormonal water retention than exercise related.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    More than likely its water retention from either the medication or new exercise.