Eating Vegetables: Can you eat too much Veggies?



  • tsimblist
    tsimblist Posts: 206 Member
    Is there any particular reason why you are avoiding starchy vegetables? If there isnt reintroducing them might help slow the weight loss and fuel your marathon training - as would adding fats by adding oil or frying them.

    As others have said cooking can help with digesting micronutrients.

    I agree that starchy vegetables would better fuel your marathon training.
  • fonjiva
    fonjiva Posts: 5 Member
    you can never have too many veggies! :) obviously if you eat brussels sprouts or kale and you body isn't used to it, you get bloated (counts for every veggie btw). carrots can turn your skin yellow/orange, and beetroot (except boiled) can make your poop/pee purple (been there, done that lol).

    But just like my boyfriend gets terribly bloated from eating kale and I dont, I get bloated from eating meat. I look like a 6 month pregnant if I do, so I went vegetarian..
    If you get used to the amounts of veggies you want to eat, then no, you can't eat too many - unless you eat like 2 pounds of bell pepers which can cause poisonings in large amounts (night shade family).

    eat eat eat! veggies are healthy! :)
  • onionparsleysage
    onionparsleysage Posts: 103 Member
    Sure, you can eat too many veggies. You can eat too much of anything.

    I'd definitely start cooking your vegetables to make them more digestible. There are plenty of successful vegan runners, BUT you need to figure out how to eat enough fuel to satisfy your body. Nuts, chia seeds, sweet potatoes, coconut meat, there are plenty of denser vegan options than what you're eating. Jurek's book is a great place to start! He's one of my favorite runners, and he has clearly figured out how to appropriately fuel his body.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    As my former Weight Watchers leader told us, "Have you ever heard of anyone getting fat from eating too many vegetables?!?" Eat away!!!

    What the heck? Yes, I have heard of that.