Is playing Just Dance on the Wii considered exercise ?



  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Raynne413 wrote: »
    It would definitely be considered cardio exercise, especially if you do it on the Just Sweat option. Some of those songs are killer! I love Dance games!

    As for muscles, no. . . LOL


    You don't "gain" muscle when eating at a deficit anyway. Moving your arms is a good thing though. Increasing movement, increases calorie burn.

    People sometimes think cardio = muscle gain because when you lose weight you lose the fat covering the muscle (that's already there)....less fat = a more muscular, lean look.

    Upper body resistance training is push ups, pull ups, that sort of thing. Not lifting a 1.5 pound (if that) remote.
  • scarletpride16
    I love Just Dance! It is an awesome game! I do consider it a good cardio workout. I will do the Just Sweat Mode for Just Dance 4 and play for like an hour and I am sweating a great deal afterwards and I estimate that I burned around 200 calories (I had played once with an HRM and the calorie count on the screen was actually pretty close). Plus again, it is super fun :)
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    lol. it's a game.

    Totally log it though. Maybe it will be good for your goals, maybe it won't. You'll find out after you invest time in data gathering and analysis.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    lol. it's a game.

    Baseball & basketball are games as well, and considered exercise. As I said earlier some will call it exercise others will not. But, it's an activity that does get you off the couch which is a good thing

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    no, those are sports.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Well then, it's a game then that caused my sister to have a blood clot dislodge from her leg and result in a pulmonary embolism.

    I had a wii fit for awhile and I would work up a sweat and increase my heartrate doing stuff on there, and if that is not what cardio is then clearly I should stop running too.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    If it gets your heart rate going, it's better than being on the couch. However, it is not as good as some other things (running, hardcore bicycling, etc). I currently work out taking a dance class 1-2 times a week, do circuit weight training 1-2 times a week (once with a trainer, other times on my own) and walk most of the rest of the days (total workouts 5-6 a week). Some people wouldn't consider my walking exercise but as I'm very overweight for me it gets my heart rate up and is definitely improving my overall cardio health.
  • tallgirlshelley
    tallgirlshelley Posts: 108 Member
    I'm thinking that those of you who don't think it's exercise have never done it. I most definitely get a good cardio workout when I play with my kids. It's not the most balanced, perfect form of exercise and won't buff anyone up. But it is most certainly exercise. I exert as much energy playing Just Dance as I do in a Zumba or kickboxing class. Different moves; still counts as exercise if your heart rate is up.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Well then, it's a game then that caused my sister to have a blood clot dislodge from her leg and result in a pulmonary embolism.

    I had a wii fit for awhile and I would work up a sweat and increase my heartrate doing stuff on there, and if that is not what cardio is then clearly I should stop running too.
    You mean sports. A sport may have exacerbated your sister's health fault, but didn't cause it.

    Increase in heartrate is not equal to cardio. I can do a lot of things that are ultimately marginally active that get my heartrate up. That doesn't make them cardio. :)
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    Eh, ignore the labels. Game, sport, exercise, it doesn't matter. This site is intended to help out with a basic equation. Calories in-calories out. If you are burning calories, log away! I've done these games, and find they can be a decent calorie burn. I agree that it is likely not as high as some others, but certainly enough to account for if you are doing it for any sustained period of time. I've done Zumba on my Wii and Zumba in a real class. I don't find them to be that different in intensity. So log away, and feel good about it :smile:
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    Eh, ignore the labels. Game, sport, exercise, it doesn't matter. This site is intended to help out with a basic equation. Calories in-calories out. If you are burning calories, log away! I've done these games, and find they can be a decent calorie burn. I agree that it is likely not as high as some others, but certainly enough to account for if you are doing it for any sustained period of time. I've done Zumba on my Wii and Zumba in a real class. I don't find them to be that different in intensity. So log away, and feel good about it :smile:

    I wish there was a like button for this!!

  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Well then, it's a game then that caused my sister to have a blood clot dislodge from her leg and result in a pulmonary embolism.

    I had a wii fit for awhile and I would work up a sweat and increase my heartrate doing stuff on there, and if that is not what cardio is then clearly I should stop running too.
    You mean sports. A sport may have exacerbated your sister's health fault, but didn't cause it.

    Increase in heartrate is not equal to cardio. I can do a lot of things that are ultimately marginally active that get my heartrate up. That doesn't make them cardio. :)

    Uhm, I know what I mean. She did not participate in any of what you consider to be "sports". Her birth control is what caused the blood clot, and using her wii fit to as a form of exercise is what dislodged the blood clot. But who knows, the VA could have been totally wrong in her diagnosis.

    Also, I'm so glad every last person on the planet has to adhere to what *you* consider to be cardio though. Are you Dr. Francis S. Collins, the Director for the National Institutes of Health?
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Eh, ignore the labels. Game, sport, exercise, it doesn't matter. This site is intended to help out with a basic equation. Calories in-calories out. If you are burning calories, log away! I've done these games, and find they can be a decent calorie burn. I agree that it is likely not as high as some others, but certainly enough to account for if you are doing it for any sustained period of time. I've done Zumba on my Wii and Zumba in a real class. I don't find them to be that different in intensity. So log away, and feel good about it :smile:

    That's reasonable.

    Like I said here:
    Totally log it though. Maybe it will be good for your goals, maybe it won't. You'll find out after you invest time in data gathering and analysis.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Increasing your heart rate = burning more calories than you would sitting on the couch. Call it whatever you want but do it and enjoy it.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    Increasing your heart rate = burning more calories than you would sitting on the couch. Call it whatever you want but do it and enjoy it.

    That's right....I did Just Dance tonight...for 40mins and timed it using my UP band according to it I burned 290 calories and if you look at the movement it looks like a HIIT workout.

  • RebelDiamond
    RebelDiamond Posts: 188 Member
    to me, exercise is prolonged physical activity you wouldn't participate in normally or for any other reason.
    exercise example: walking around a park or a lake with a friend, going to the gym or using wii fit. This is exercise because you are doing the activity for a purpose (to be fit/lose weight).

    not exercise example: going to Disney land and walking around all day, dancing at the club or walking to your car at the shops. This is an activity you would do regardless of whether you are trying to lose weight/be fit, sure it's good to move your body but I don't count "incidental exercise" as exercise.
  • Jenny_Aguayo
    Jenny_Aguayo Posts: 30 Member
    edited October 2014
    AlondraJim wrote: »
    i just don't understand, i think its exercise because it burns fat but people are saying its not exercise? i am lost. :s Im a *kitten* haha

    Your not lost I got your back GURLFRIEND
  • EsmeFuentes1
    your a what alondrajim ?