


  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    YAY! It's this thread again!!! Quick, someone ask about Planet Fitness and Garcinia Cambogia for a hat trick!

  • andreavarangu
    andreavarangu Posts: 78 Member
    A few of us got into it and to tell you the I truth it did nothing for me, one lady said she lost some weight but she has gained even more back. Eat real food, watch portions and if you like shakes go get a good one from Sam's or Costco much cheaper. I would say it is just a waste of money.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    You people all think you know what works and what doesn't work because of what works and doesn't work for you. We are all at different levels and struggle with different things. Eating healthy doesn't come easy to some people. Some people need a regimen and strict guidelines before learning how to eat correct. Is isagenix something anyone should do for the rest of their life? Probably not, but I can tell you that I lost the first 50 lbs using isagenix. Then the next sixty eating six meals a day. Then the last thirty using my fitness pal and really honing in on it. That is what worked for me. I don't sell this **** and havn't taken it in over two years but it did work for me when I was morbidly obese. Just because its not your experience doesn't mean it doesn't work. Six minute abs works. Isagenix works. Crossfit works. Zumba works. Everything works if you work it.
    It works for about 10% of the people who go on it. That 10% had the discipline to figure out how to do it after losing so much. But the other 90% failed and regained weight. This statistic isn't just for Isagenix. It's for EVERY DIET PLAN out there.
    So yes I agree ANY plan will work, IF one adheres to it. Unfortunately for many the restriction isn't sustainable long term.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • westrujillo
    Wow it's so crazy to see so many people with negative replays. Others have great things to say First of I would like to start by saying that I don't sell Isagenix but I know it works and works for everyone. We use it in our wellness clinic. Their are similar products like Isagenix. They reason that these products are sold is due to the whole foods we eat. Of all the professional health bloggers out there we know that it doesn't matter if you eat organic or not. It's all the same soil. What matters is that your food does not have herbicides or pesticides. GMO etc. so we need good supplementation to make up the lack of nutrition from our whole foods. Just educate yourself. Things like no soy products. Bad for hormones,causes weight, birth defects, due to being generically modified then sprayed with every weed killer known to man. Read on whey protein concentrate is a better protein. Make sure it's organic. All others milk proteins are garbage because they are denatured. That means it goes thru a heat process and kills all the lives enzymes and leaves very little amino acid content left and no probiotics. Most of are right on what you bog about but if you find a program that works and you feel fantastic why would you change that? We get so many clients that come in our clinic as their last resort because they have been everywhere (Mayo, Cleveland Clinic, whatever). Once you detox the body (not just with Isagenix)and you feed the body with good Massive Nutrition with a supplement regimen it will start to heal, cancer or no cancer. Fat or not the body will start to heal itself. But give any proper program six months Remember how long it took you to get yourself to the unhealthy state your in.
  • sweetkell
    This is a very interesting read.
    I'm studying the way humans have evolved of late and if anyone gets a chance, read the book - Primal Mind, Primal Body, by Nora Gedgaudas,
    - Basically for many millions of years humans were fine! Except the last 200 or so years when sugar (poison) and grains- (they are all man made) started to grow and become of this earth we started having health issues many a kind!
    - When really all our brains hearts and more importantly our greatest amazing organ that functions and controls our entire body - Gut!!! All they need is Proteins - (organic ) Greens!! (Organic) and Good Fats!!! From Good sources Nuts, Seeds... Fermented foods are also ideal for fantastic gut health, why do we need anything else? Fructose is not actually needed...the list goes on, check out Pete Evens, chef , Facebook (from Australia ) PALEOLITHIC get some insight on what I actually beneficial for you everyone ... Getting Good gut health will be the beginning of curing and ending many diseases and sorting out every system in the human body... It's a no brainer really our ancestors were fine. Anyway , good luck everyone on your life journeys
    - Love lots and that is all that matters
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    I used Isagenix a while ago to do the 30 day cleanses. Terribly expensive and the two-day fasts are torture, which with some exercise I lost a fair amount of weight in a couple months. Eventually gained the weight back as I dreaded the Isagenix program of starving yourself on the cleanse days.
  • Going2Getthere22
    Going2Getthere22 Posts: 17 Member
    edited June 2017
    I don't know.. I've seen my boss start it and do really well on it. I say why not. It's worth a try. It's you doing it, not everyone else. If you try it and it prevents you from eating crap for a month, then great, and if it helps you lose weight, then bonus. If it doesn't work, then it's no biggy; you tried it and its a lesson learned. It's pricy, but its not your life's savings; you'll recover, and either way you'll find out if it works for you or not, and won't be always wondering. Of course there are some people that end up doing it continuously and never getting off the program, which I don't think is good - but, to each there own. Perhaps, it works for them. But, if you want to know - Try it.