Just started with fitness Pal

Hi, my name is Karen and I am new here. After my recent check-up I was told I am borderline Diabetic, I need to loose weight and cut the carbs.
I started this new way of life on Sept 15th, I have lost 5.5 pounds.
My goal is to loose 50 pounds, but to me that seems impossible so I have set small goals, in groups of 10 pounds. So I am halfway to my first goal. I get discourage easily and need the positive reinforcement. I hope that I can make some friends here, so we can encourage each other.


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    You are off to a great start! I'm down 112 and have 20 to go. Add me if you need support!
  • barbz2119
    barbz2119 Posts: 124 Member
    Well done on the weight loss so far and welcome to MFP. Add me if you like and I'll give you all the encouragement I can.
  • GlucernaBrand
    I like the way you're setting small goals Karen. You might also look for non scale victories, or the positives you're seeing as a result of making changes in your food choices and exercise outside of weight loss on the scale. The more positives you notice, the better you'll feel and that will help you continue to stay motivated. ~Lynn /Glucerna
  • pinkhazze
    pinkhazze Posts: 2 Member
    You can add me if you need some positive energy
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    edited October 2014
    Welcome Karen, and how lucky you are to get forewarned on this horrible disease diabetes. And congratulations on your weight loss so far! My daughter is a nurse practitioner, and she's told me several times that losing the weight the key to keeping you healthy, and out of the type 2 diabetes.

    Yes, it's hard to lose weight. I had 25 pounds to lose, and now I am at goal weight. At my age it came off very slowly, 2- 1/2 years to be exact. My problem was my refusal to get on the scale. I was so bad I would even tell the nurse at the doctors office to not tell me how much I weighed. My doctor always made sure I knew though, haha. One visit my doctor suggested that I get a diabetes test, and that insulted me. I thought I am not that fat, there is no way I have diabetes. Well I didn't take the test, and thankfully I am not diabetic. But I watched a show on TlV and realized a person only needs to be a few pounds overweight to get this disease. That was my wake up call.

    I rejoined my Jazzercise class, took off about 18 pounds in the first nine months, then hit a plateau for over a year, of two pounds up, 2 pounds down. I finally joined MFP and realized what I was doing wrong. Obviously I was still consuming too many calories. And then the scale slowly but surely started heading in the right direction.

    Today, I feel decades younger, much lighter on my feet, and can now catch the grand kids. I can tell you it's all worth it.

    Weight loss is simply calories in versus calories out. No diets, just eat less, move more. As you log in each day you will start to realize which foods you're eating that are rich and calories, and adjust your portion sizes to fit into your daily calorie goal. Low carb is one piece of bread versus two, a piece of cake is now a sliver. You can substitute and make healthier choices. In restaurants I usually order the salads and I have gotten so accustomed to that, that I prefer them over other items. I have my blow days where I am going to have a Big Mac, but I skip the French fries. As long as it fits into your daily calorie goal you will continue to lose weight.

    Be faithful about logging in everything you're eating and drinking and you'll catch on quickly.

    Good luck to you, you can do this.

  • kmn2819
    kmn2819 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you for note, and congrats on your weight loss.
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    Welcome Karen. I am Deb from Canada. Add me if you like. :)
  • Dumbbell69
    Dumbbell69 Posts: 199 Member
    I've lost over 50lbs. Feel free to add me
  • shfoster0721
    shfoster0721 Posts: 239 Member
    Hi nice to meet you. My name is Steve. Feel free to add me for support and motivation. I have been there and know what you are going through. In January of this year my wife went with me to the doctor. I stepped on the scale and my jaw could have hit the floor. I weighed in at 341 pounds the biggest I have ever been. I had high blood pressure, hypertension, high cholesterol and was pre-diabetic taking meds for most of those. We decided then that it was time for a change. I wanted to be around for the family that we plan on having. It's taken me since January and I am down 110 pounds and am off all the meds. I have done it slowly with a lifestyle change and support. Feel free to add me because I have been in your shoes. I know what it feels like. I am not done losing weight but I am on the right path. Remember, you can do it but it does take time.
