"H20" Exploding the pounds - 10 Week Challenge - Week 1



  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Okay, Ladies, need some serious help here.

    Our computer charger is dying AGAIN - this is our 4th charger and the computer people are no help with it. :grumble: They are happy to sell me a new charger for $72 and we JUST bought one not too long ago! :noway: Anyway, so I haven't been able to get online to track my food and I'm just wanting to give this whole thing up - HELP!!!!!

    I can't get on the computer to workout, so therefore, I want to just throw in the towel - NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

    Cazz, I need one of your pep talks. :laugh: I CAN'T give up! I MUST keep going!!!!

    Tracking my food just helps me so much and then the computer won't stay charged long enough for me to get a workout in and I'm just kind of frustrated!!!!!! :grumble: :grumble:

    Well, I need to snap out of it - thanks for letting me vent! ANY kicks in the backside would be helpful. :laugh: :laugh:

    Noooo, don't let stupid technology beat you. I am right there with you though, my wii and xbox have both broke, I don't have a dvd player either so all my workouts are lost to me. I have been dancing round the room and gardening. Only workout that still works is biggest loser, which I am not a fan of. We can't let this beat us. We gotz the skillz :D

    On that note, does anyone know where I can find free online workouts?
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I know I am I am late but i really want to do this ... this is my first challenge but i need help getting motivated hope it works.... i need to lose weight to fit into my wedding dress


    and advice and help is greatly appreciated

    Welcome lulu, you have come to the right place trust me, just keep in mind, looking fab in your dress and you will do it.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    pmkelly - Nice discovery with pilates On Demand! I always forget that those free programs are there.

    JustJenn419 - The three daily happy thoughts were started in the last challenge. You're not forced to post them, but it is a reminder to remember at least three things that happened in your day that made yo uhappy. It is so easy to let negatives bog you down...mental health is just as important as physical! Oh, and do a YouTube search on reverse crunch. There's a bunch of videos on how to do it right.

    CrystalS - NO GIVING UP! Did you buy the charger at a store? Have you tried returning it to them? I hate how much chargers cost. I've had to replace my laptop charger before and like you, that was $75 down the drain. Oy, electronics!

    lulusland - WELCOME! :)

    bjshooter - Have you taken a look at exercisetv.com? I think they have some free workout videos there.

    annalobdell - Right on! Great loss!

    autumn_lea85 - That's fantastic! :)

    Cazz - I hope your tooth gets right back to normal ASAP!
  • autumn_lea85
    CRYSTALS: If i were you I would save my 72 dollars on chargers becuase it sounds like it's your computer that may be the culprit of your problems...take 70 bucks out of your next few checks and invest in a better computer. In the meantime, do you have on demand? You can do some exercises off of there, or you can check out your local library sometimes they have good exercise DVDs. As far as logging goes, buy a journal and do everything the old fashioned way...Good Luck. IF you are really desperate for a pep talk I can always e-mail you my cell phone number and we can text until you get your comp problems fixed .Hope that helps!!!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    I have lost 3 pounds!!! Woo-Hoo!!! Just walked 1 mile. Thought it was gonna kill me, but I did it.

    AWESOME Anna! Keep it up!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I'm so crazy tired after the hectic day at work I had, but I'm still pretty proud of myself. Since both my boys were playing with friends and hubby (who was supposed to be home around 5pm) was delayed (until around 9pm) I went to the gym!!!! Did my warm up jog and lifted weights for 45 minutes!!!! I was going to do some more cardio, but I'm just pooped and don't want to injure myself like I tend to do when I push too hard. Plus I have a six mile training run planned for tomorrow morning... after I sleep in, that is!!!!

    Hope you all had a good day, I'm going to take a quick shower and get a light supper... more logging and more jogging... that's my new motto!!!

    My happy's for today:
    It stopped raining. (for now)
    I worked out even though I didn't feel like it.
    I had a patient ask me how my tummy got so flat!!!!! (made me feel really really good!!!!)
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    I have lost 3 pounds!!! Woo-Hoo!!! Just walked 1 mile. Thought it was gonna kill me, but I did it.

    Awesome job!! Always a great feeling, congrats!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome! I decided to set a goal weight for this challenge to keep me even more motivated.
    CW:206.8 (All that pizza did me in this week, eep, but it was soooooo good! official weekly weigh in is tomorrow but this is what the scale said earlier)

    1) Ordered my fancy new road bike with my dad! He's helping me to pay for it so I could get the one I want/need to improve! Happy Birthday to me! Can wait for it to be here in 2 weeks. Then we'll start training for distance rides.
    2) Did 5K in 40:16 I was determined to make it in 40 mins so when I got to the last 1K I set the treadmill to 6.5 and just ran. I felt like I was going to die afterward but it was awesome!
    3) I earned all the snacks and birthday pizza I wanted on my birthday. Even with all I ate I still came in under my cals. Barely but I did it.
  • lulusland
    lulusland Posts: 21 Member
    Just signed up to the website too...... Downloaded a excel spreadsheet to track everything.....

    this is going to be great... espeically when my dad just brought Pizza home.... now I really have to go work out
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Also I did take my Before pictures yesterday. I added them to my blog with some other things to help me track for this challenge.

    lulusland- Welcome to H20 it's one of the greatest groups I've ever found! :flowerforyou:
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    I don't have a lot of time - I snuck down to my husbands work (principal of a school) to get online while he's with the kids. :wink:

    Thank you for the advise and encouragement. I think what I've decided to do is, until we get a new charger, or something fixed, I'm just going to run/fast walk the property that we live on. (10 acres) - school/church campus. I think it would take about 4 times around to make a mile, but I could do that while he's with the kids after they're in bed. There's NO WAY, I'm jiggling around in daylight with all the students and staff peeping out the windows. :noway: :noway: HA - NO thank you!!!!

    I don't have a phone that I can get online with, so I can't track that way. We don't have a library in our town - crazy, I know. We have a MAC and I thought those were supposed to be the "good" computers. :grumble: The only way to play DVD's is on our computer. SO I'm kind of stuck, but I REFUSE to give up!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Thank again for all the encouragement. I REALLY do appreicate it!

    To all the new members - WELCOME!!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I wish I had time to reply to everyone, but I have to get back up to the house. Hopefully, I can check back in tomorrow night again. You guys are doing SO great! I'm really proud of all of you. :bigsmile:

    My 3 happies:

    *I didn't rain much today
    *Hubs has a computer and internet at work :happy:
    *My MFP friends!! :heart:

    Thank you, Friends!:flowerforyou:
  • aprildauer
    aprildauer Posts: 168
    JustJenn419-So glad you are in. I'm glad my spreadsheet is working for you. I would love to join your 5k if I lived closer. We will all be here with all the encouragement you need to keep going. And if you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask. Do a search on youtube for the reverse crunches and it will give you a video to show you what they are. Its easier then trying to describe them.

    fitterpam-All that matters is you are doing something. It doesn't matter what you follow. I like your line up though might have to save that for another time. :)

    annalobdell-Awesome job on the 3 lbs!

    CrystalS-Sorry to hear about your computer. :( Maybe try writing down some workouts to do. Just some simple combination of things that works arms, legs, cardio, abs, etc. At least until you can figure something different out with the computer. So glad you not giving up!


    Nikstergirl-Yay for making it to the gym! Always nice to have some time to yourself to take off and workout.
    cenedria235-Awesome on the bike. I love going on bike rides. I bought a trailer for mine so I can pull my kids with me.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Was planning on going back to the track again tonight and just walking, but I'm actually sore from yesterday's run. So, taking hubby's advice, I'm taking it easy tonight and am staying home. I might give the crunches a whirl...I dunno. I'm in semi-blob mode right now. :laugh:
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    I'm in semi-blob mode right now. :laugh:

    At least it's only SEMI-blob mode!! :laugh:

    Okay, so the Percocet is working it's magic! Which is good because I have to go back to work tomoz. :ohwell:

    I DID get to eat today. I called the oral surgeon and complained that I couldn't just eat cold, soft food. (If I allowed myself ice cream it wouldn't have been a problem!!) So, he said I could eat hot, soft foods as well. I made my calories... by eating brown rice and roasted veg. I had to steam the veggies (they were already roasted - leftover from Sat.) so they were super soft - like "old people food". :sad: (That's what we call over cooked veg!) I didn't like it, but at least I was able to eat. So between that and my protein shakes... it wasn't too bad a day for me. I am supposed to eat soft foods again tomoz... :sad: The upside to all of this is: I drank more water than usual!! Room temperature water... but water all the same!! :smile:

    I have already popped Steel Cut Oats into my crock pot so I will have a nice breakfast tomoz! (And for the next few days as well!) I just LOVE that stuff! :bigsmile: I added an apple - cubed, 1/4 cup of raisins, 1/4 cup of dried cranberries a bit of cinnamon and 2 TBSP brown sugar. It's enough for 4 servings and is probably the most filling breakfast ever. Always holds me over 'til lunch. :smile: SO good! My mouth is watering just thinking about it! :tongue: Now, I just have to remember to turn the darn thing on before I go to bed!!

    Since I am on-call tomoz night, I won't be able to get to the gym... so I guess Fri and Sat will have to finish out my 4 days for the week. (Maybe I'll have a decent weigh-in with the Slave Driver on Monday!?)

    My Happies for today:

    1) The side of my face isn't swollen any more :happy:
    2) Percocet is good :bigsmile:
    3) Steel Cut Oats for breaky tomoz!! :tongue:
  • elysetoplin
    elysetoplin Posts: 253
    sorry to vent for a minute: the only thing that sucks is that this challenge is starting at the same time as finals! i was able to get a few good workouts in the last couple of days (i did Jillian Michaels' No More Trouble Zones, and I think I'm going to try and do that throughout this challenge instead of one of the other DVDs because it gives me such a good workout and I'm a big runner who never does strength training so that should help even it out). today was not so great, though, i only got in a 3 mile run and it took forever so it was really discouraging. i kept on thinking about how i have two papers to be working on and how i should really just go home and shower and go to the library (where i've been pretty much for the last twelve hours, give or take). i really want to start building up my speed and endurance again - i ran a half marathon two months ago and kept about an 11-minute mile throughout the whole race, and i feel like i've lost so much endurance and just overall motivation since then.
    but i guess everyone has bad runs and bad days (it was also REALLY hot out today, and humid) and tomorrow is another day so i can just keep on going. tomorrow i'm going to take a picture for this challenge and start doing everything! i made a checklist of this week's challenges that i can put up on GoogleDocs if anyone else wants to use it to stay on track - basically i broke down approximately what you need to do each day so that you can check everything off as you go. but when i get home from the library i'm going to do the crunches and the reverse crunches and go to bed, and then tomorrow get up and keep going.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    At least it's only SEMI-blob mode!! :laugh:

    Indeed! If I were in complete blob mode, I would have a bag of mini Cadbury eggs balancing on my belly and a Diet Coke in hand, no intentions of getting housework done or a workout in. The bag of crack is still unopened, and there's no Diet Coke (liquid crack!) in the house. I'll get off the couch and put the computer away eventually. :laugh:

    My 4-27-11 Happy List

    1) I took swimsuit pictures...comparing them to my first swimsuit pictures (taken in Jan 2010) I'm just amazed at the difference in my body! *pat on the back time*
    2) I'm actually starting to like my thighs. I've always considered them tree trunks/thunderous, but for the first time ever I caught myself looking at them approvingly in the mirror!
    3) Even though I've already got my own little business and a retail job, I've got thoughts swirling around in my head of another venture and I don't feel overwhelmed about it, more intrigued and excited...must think this thing through before buying my stake in it.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    bjshooter - Have you taken a look at exercisetv.com? I think they have some free workout videos there.

    Yay, thank you, I just did a cardio workout on there and it was quite good :D
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    bjshooter - Have you taken a look at exercisetv.com? I think they have some free workout videos there.

    Yay, thank you, I just did a cardio workout on there and it was quite good :D


    I just realized too it is exercisetv.tv. Obviously you're smarter than me and found it, but in case anyone else was looking for the website and got an error...d'oh!
  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    So yesterday I was able to walk nearly 3 miles. I did 180 crunches and I didn't binge late last night. When I got up and I felt like I was hungry, I ate a hardboiled egg. Just 1. I am proud of myself.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    So yesterday I was able to walk nearly 3 miles. I did 180 crunches and I didn't binge late last night. When I got up and I felt like I was hungry, I ate a hardboiled egg. Just 1. I am proud of myself.

    That is so great - see how much yuo have advanced already - from 1 mile almost killing you to doing nearly 3! well done!