I'm all about that bass, no treble.



  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    last weekend I sang Kings of Leon's "Sex on Fire" at karaoke for the first--and last--time. I knew I didn't know all the words. now I know not to do that.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    All I know is that when I walked in and my 13-year-old sis-in-law (she's was adopted as a baby) was singing that lyric in front of my kids, and you could tell she knew EXACTLY what she was singing about, I was a bit miffed. There is very little innocence left for teenagers. They know what they are singing. It's not cute when little kids do it either, IMO. I think it's inappropriate. There's plenty of time to be a sexual being when you are an adult, until then, pushing more sexuality on tweens and teenagers is inappropriate. Life isn't all about sex. It really isn't.

    Of course, my husband told me that directly or indirectly, every song is about sex. He's even more cynical than I am apparently. I may be over-protective, but my daughters won't be pregged at 13. My sis-in-law's birth mother was 12. That thought just creeps me out in the extreme. Dealing with sex and relationships is complicated enough as an adult. How are teens supposed to come out of it all unscathed? What they are constantly exposed to does affect and influence them. Because they eventually do get it. Sure we are desensitized to it all. Sure the stupid "Bass" song is "tame" compared to others. That lyric is still not appropriate for young girls. I appreciate the attempt at a "love yourself" message in the rest of it, but it didn't need that. And also she needs a larynx-ectomy. That voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

    Hubs put TImber on a mem stick for the kids because it was popular. Apparently he didn't listen to it first. I about killed him. Because I need my kids listening to that... The oldest is 12.

    "Face down booty up, that's the way we like to--what?" SMH.

    A 5-year-old singing suggestive songs isn't cute. Doubly uncute for a young teen. That *kitten* don't fly in my house.

  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    It's problematic of course, from the fact that it is a ~150lb, possibly size 12 woman singing about body acceptance while trying to make herself look as hourglass as possible, to the lyrics (not just 'skinny *kitten*', but stick-figure, silicone barbie doll) that ensure a conflict between differently-sized/shaped women in an attempt to compete for the Male Gaze.

    But it's one teeny, tiny baby step towards all women realising that confidence is the answer. We're just not there yet. And it is kinda catchy too :)
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    OK, after leaving my smart alec remark early in the thread I had to actually go and find the YouTube video for this song and listen to it for the first time. Seriously, I had heard about the kerfuffle surrounding it but never heard the song itself. And my takeaway was that I want every outfit she wears in that video...SO cute.

    And my issues with it don't include body acceptance but more how it demonstrates that it should be normal for women to compete with one another for the affection of a man, and that her body is there to please him. Believe me, after 19 years of marriage I know that my body is mainly there for hauling kids around to play practice and karate, and now, apparently, running and squats. I'd love to see a body acceptance song that tells girls they should be happy with their bodies for themselves alone, no matter what the size.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    All about the bass. No treble.....hook.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    knitapeace wrote: »

    Believe me, after 19 years of marriage I know that my body is mainly there for hauling kids around to play practice and karate, and now, apparently, running and squats.

    LOL. Isn't that the truth!

  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    edited October 2014
    "A little more booty to hold at night" is not a sexually explicit lyric. It's so tame, even sweet. I do not have a problem with that at all. And I agree this song is geared to a younger audience, but not all songs are. Adults listen to music also. And music can be sensual and sexual. That's a good thing. And kids don't need to be treated as if sex doesn't exist at all. We can teach them a healthy outlook on sex. My kids know that my husband and i share a bed at night. And they know that parents have an intimate relationship.

    I'm not a fan of "skinny *kitten*" for the younger audience.
  • Frankiigii
    Frankiigii Posts: 62 Member
    I'm generally not a fan of making any topic taboo. No one learns anything through censorship. They just become unequipped to think critically about the really complex subjects. However I think having a loving, supportive environment for your kids is the best thing you can do for them, and that can be achieved through different methods.

    As far as the song goes, it is what it is, a catchy tune that's raised some good conversation. My oldest is five so the farthest we've gotten into the female/male topic is that the world would be a boring place without different kinds of people and nothing is entirely masculine or feminine so we should be able to enjoy anything we like, whether it's colors, or books, movies, etc.

    I hope we can be frank about sexuality as well.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited October 2014
    mmm_drop wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    Here's something to argue about:
    Does no one have any trouble with their preteen/teenage girls singing about "Boys like a little more booty to hold at night"? Because young girls totes need to be singing about groping and sex, like, all the time.

    Oh please, when I was a wee girl, I was singing, er rapping, "Push It". I'm pretty sure I had no clue what the heck I was singing at the time. I don't think it in any way influenced my sexual choices either, probably because, again, I had no clue and just liked the music. Sometimes a song is just a song.

    OMG! I heard that song "Push It" a couple weeks ago after not hearing it in like forever and a day, and then I realized the things I used to sing with that song when I was a little girl too!! :astonished: LMAO!! Back then it was just a catchy song.

    And that lyric :"Boys like a little more booty to hold at night" supposedly her mom is saying it to her. Didn't your mothers ever say outta the blue comments like that to you? It's not an explicit thing to say... like the lyrics to "Push It" :blushing: LMAO!!!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Little kids that i babysat used to sing the song with the line, "I like sex and candy". Their parents told them to sing, "I like snacks and candy".
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    All about the bass. No treble.....hook.
    By far the best thing to ever be associated with this song. Ace.

  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Here's something to argue about:
    Does no one have any trouble with their preteen/teenage girls singing about "Boys like a little more booty to hold at night"? Because young girls totes need to be singing about groping and sex, like, all the time.

    I'm more concerned when they sing to Iggy, Minaj and all the others.

    Also, in spanish, there's a song that says:
    I'm a single woman and I can do whatever I want.
    I'm a single woman and I can do whomever I want.

    I had chills when I saw a 4 year old singing it while her mum encouraged her.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good discussion. :smile:
    baconslave wrote: »
    Here's something to argue about:
    Does no one have any trouble with their preteen/teenage girls singing about "Boys like a little more booty to hold at night"? Because young girls totes need to be singing about groping and sex, like, all the time.

    I'm more concerned when they sing to Iggy, Minaj and all the others.

    Also, in spanish, there's a song that says:
    I'm a single woman and I can do whatever I want.
    I'm a single woman and I can do whomever I want.

    I had chills when I saw a 4 year old singing it while her mum encouraged her.

    True. There are worse songs. Much worse.
    Helen, that would have creeped me out, too.

    You can't shelter kids forever. But I think there is an age threshold before you get lax. For us it will be upper teen years. Lots of songs are about sex and adults should get to listen to the music they want. Having kids changes everything though. You can't just blare suggestive and profane stuff as you like. I can't listen to what my Hubs calls "angry music" with the kids in the car since there is sometimes language. It's just another sacrifice made to better rear my kids. They'll hear it when they are older without a doubt, the difference is that they will be able to process it in a more mature manner.

    I hate to use the phrase "garbage in; garbage out" because it is judgmental but it illustrates my POV. (I'm not judging anyone. I listen to and watch questionable things. I have the worst potty mouth that I only just keep in check in front of the kids.) Input affects output though. We become desensitized and the questionable becomes normal to us. If there is constant sexual influences on the child or they are constantly exposed to profanity, it IS going to affect them. I would rather my tweens and young teens first learn who they are and establish a solid self-esteem before they are inundated with all the "noise" language, violence, and sex brings into the equation. But that's just my opinion.

    The Bass song is annoying just because she sounds like a chipmunk. She meant well with the message. Do we need to put in there a mental picture of a boy's hands grasping the girl's butt in bed? IMO, no. But every parent has to make the choice of what they will allow their children to be exposed to. However, to a certain extent, they will receive exposure that we can't do anything about. Like the stuff mine see at the in-laws...SMH. Or things they hear from friends. Or other things that accidentally slip through. Parenting is a balancing act, that's for sure. We can only do the best we can to get them to adulthood as well-adjusted and mature beings. After that, it is up to the new adult the directions they go.

    I just wanted everyone to think about it. And it was better than going around the "body shaming" carousel again, wasn't it? :smiley:
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    I'm all about the buttery biscuit bass

  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    edited October 2014
    IMO the parents who keep their kids in a bubble, have the kids who will rebel later on.

    I was raised pretty much in a bubble, controlled tv, controlled books, no hobbies other than the supervised, no nannies, no going out with other family members, no sleepovers, no friends over, no going out with friends anywhere, no money, etc.

    When I entered High School I had a very rough time making friends and over all adjusting to everything. Even worse at University. Depression, abusive relationships, suicide attempts, bullying, running from home, binging/purging, etc. were some of the consequences.

    Yeah, let the kids be kids for a while. Let them sing silly songs.

    Record them to embarrass them when they are teenagers.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    edited October 2014
    I said the line in the song about a little more booty to hold at night is not bothersome to me. But, I don't play the song for my kids. It's not the type of music i listen to. And I said adults can listen to sensual or sexual music. That doesn't mean I play it for my kids. But, I think sexuality is a healthy part of life. They teach it in school as part of body science, we talk about it at home. I would rather raise kids that learn about sexuality from me in a healthy way as part of body science and love, etc. Than for them to have to find out on their own. Don't kids know where babies come from? Is it really so terrible for kids to know that adults hold eachother at night. Kids will get hormones and desires with puberty. You can't shelter them from that. And they will do better and safer in life with open lines of communication, and undertstanding healthy ways of navigating the new feelings they have. I don't think sexual repression leads to healthy adults. This is just my opinion. But, we should all do what we think is best. My kids are very innocent and childlike and academic oriented. They also know where babies come from as part of body science, and they know that their parents have a loving relationship, share a bedroom, close the door, see eachother naked, hug. And i think it's healthy for them to have parents that model a healthy, loving relationship. Their childhood is very different from my own. I wasn't protected and kept safe, and i did not see healthy relationships. My kids are protected, very much so. And they are also educated, and not repressed.
  • mxmkenney
    mxmkenney Posts: 486 Member
    Catchy tune. I don't believe in "skinny shaming". I think the artist is trying to promote confidence in women with all body types. Be happy with who you are in the present. B)
  • ZombieJmau5
    ZombieJmau5 Posts: 13 Member
    great song
    LINIA Posts: 1,159 Member
    When i'm in aerobics class, that song gets me going! In fact, i put it on my IPhone and IPad.
  • TitikiOoh
    TitikiOoh Posts: 40 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top.

    Finally, a decent song promoting a healthy mental body image.
