Help a vegan with diet & exercise?

jhboise Posts: 27 Member
Hello all,

I follow a vegan diet, and wondered whether there were any folks here with nutritional experience who could advise on how best to do so for weight loss? I'm 58, 5'0" and 121, which is about 15 lbs heavier than I'm used to being (thanks, menopause!). I've been recommended a 1200 calorie-per-day diet. It's hard to reach that number without a fair amount of carbs (pasta, rice) and fat (mostly olive oil).

I attend a fitness "boot camp" for strength and metabolism changes three times a week, and there isn't any way to accurately log that on MFP; I also do Pilates twice a week, which can be logged. How do I account for my workouts? I have been logging 20 minutes of Calisthenics (vigorous) and 10 minutes of Aerobics (high impact) which is the closest I can get to the 30-minute continuous workout in the Boot Camp, but I'm not sure this is the best way to go about it.

I joined MFP last week to help me be accountable for what I eat, and that seems to be going well. But I've been on virtually the identical program for 3 weeks without a change in my weight. What's advisable? I'd like to see the scale move a bit!

