Getting used to weight loss but feeling fat again?

RunLillian Posts: 23 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
hey everyone out there! So I dont think I'm the only one that has this least I hope not....BUT I lost about 15-18lbs. I'm still not at my goal weight so Im still on my weight loss journey. The "problem" I have is that after initially losing all this weight, I felt great! Now that I've been plateauing for a bit I'm starting to feel disgusting again. I feel that I'm no longer happy with the weight I lost and I'm beginning to feel self conscious again.

This is so frustrating and I'm getting down about my weight again. I've got about 15 more lbs to lose but I can never get below 157. Weight is beginning to be on my mind all the time and I'm already dreading wearing shorts in public!

Anyone else feel this way or have some encouraging words? I could really use some right now : /


  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    I feel the same way. I was really happy initially, and now I feel disgusting even where I am. Everyone keeps complimenting me, but I feel gross. And I don't see the weight loss at all. If my pants weren't looser I'd never be able to tell I lost weight. I feel so gross sometimes--I can't wait till the day I can look in the mirror and be like 'damn, I look good!'
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I can relate, especially because I had just gotten used to how I was able to fit into some of the smaller cold weather clothes and then it went and got hot here. Now I have to readjust to how I look in the different cuts of warmer weather clothes as well as the way the lighter fabrics cling to me! I have lost 15 pounds since starting MFP and have slowed down a bit recently too. I am going to be kicking up my exercise a lot, knowing that will help since my first couple of months I was mainly focused on learning how to eat properly. After getting in two days in a row of great exercise I am feeling confident that I will start seeing the numbers go down again. Hopefully you'll get some response from some more experienced people. It's probably time to change up some of your current routines with food/exercise :) Hang in there.
  • adfranks
    adfranks Posts: 161 Member
    I have lost over 100 lbs, and my underlining body imagine issues are still there. I don't see the much thinner me when I look in the mirror. I see myself the way I look in my head... In fact, I really hate when co-workers ask things like doesn't it just feel great to have lost so much weight? or Don't you just love the new you? No, there is no "new me". I am still me.

    Don't let a plateau get you down... start working on that body image now and know that all good changes take time!
  • JJHudgens
    JJHudgens Posts: 96 Member
    Must be a common psychological thing amongst those of us losing weight. I've been there as well, and it's when I hit my plateau. Hang in there, just keep going. I don't think it will last. ;) The loose pants are what keep me going. Smiles. What I'm struggling with is how my skin looks now, it's loose and kind of droopy looking. Whereas when I was "fuller" it looked better, in my eyes. Go figure. I think we just need to keep up the exercise, and do what will tone us. ;)
  • klwood1
    klwood1 Posts: 1
    I have lost 60 lbs (still have at least 30 to go) and I still feel that way. I have days of feeling good and then I still have problem areas and I think what is the difference? I try to keep it in perspective and look at old photos. I had a bad day today and am going to do a 'motivation board' putting some old pics up so I can actually see the difference. I feel you but if you are losing weight and exercising then you have to be in better health too and on your way. You may not be there today but you are closer than you were yesterday!
  • I am currently feeling this way. It's very frustrating :(
  • biodeb
    biodeb Posts: 19
    It's easy to get discouraged when we plataeu, but try to remember that plateaus are common and they don't last forever. When you focus on the positive gains you've made - you'll feel encouraged. If you focus on the negative - you'll feel discouraged. Please give yourselves a BIG pat-on-the-back and stay positive. Keep working toward your goal, never give up and you will accomplish what your set your mind on. Hang in there!! :happy:
  • erin6026
    erin6026 Posts: 117 Member
    I hear what you're saying. It's taken me about 7 or 8 months to lose 13 pounds. After the first 8 pounds, I felt great. Jeans were looser, I felt like I just had squish on my belly instead of bulge. I can't say I necessarily feel fat now, but because I've lost the weight so slowly I never felt "suddenly" thinner. It was so gradual that my weight has constantly felt "normal".

    I have 5 pounds left. They're definitely vanity pounds, but I think it'll push me into a figure I think is skinny. At least I hope so!

    We have to learn to not be so hard on ourselves :)
  • lizluvs3
    lizluvs3 Posts: 21 Member
    Yep I got the perfect thing to make u feel better! Take a pic of urself and then compare it to an old one. Even tho u might not be able to see much diff when u look in the mirror, when u compare pics ull see that ur face is thinner, u don't have back fat, or something else that used to bother u. Its totally encouraging!
  • mrsjcmyles
    mrsjcmyles Posts: 119 Member
    I can definately relate; im going through those feelings right now. But, I keep reminding myself of all the hard work I've put in. Last time I tried losing weight, the same feelings came about around the same time and I gave up. So, I keep giving myself pep talks, and look at the success of others on here, and I know it will get better and this feeling will pass soon. So, don't give up, it will get better! :)
  • oshmom
    oshmom Posts: 78 Member
    I am right there with you. In zumba tonight I felt bouncy and fat and could hardly look in the mirror. I am hoping it is PMS. Why are we SO hard on ourselves. Think of where we were 15 pounds ago, though. We are way better off now!
  • LemonBomb
    LemonBomb Posts: 3 Member
    I wanted to reply because I can really relate to this where I am right now. Even the number, 157--for years I had tried to lose weight and never got below that number, so it became some kind of mental block for me. Right now, through logging my diet and exercise here on mfp, I've gotten down to where the past few weeks (I weigh myself daily) I weigh between 153 and 155.5 depending on the day. Whenever I start to feel fat, I just remind myself that I AM past my unreachable-below-157 weight and that I can keep going, and I remind myself of my high weight too. Think about how much weight you've lost. If you tried to pick up a dumbbell that weighed that much, you'd be impressed!

    I just try to force myself to think positively like that when I'm getting down on myself. And honestly, when I'm starting to feel fat, it usually means I haven't been working out much or I've been eating foods that make me sluggish (even if there's no change in the scale). "Feeling fat" is also an emotional barometer for me. If I'm stressed at school or work, feeling lonely or just had a fight with a friend, my negative emotions can turn on myself like that, probably due to years of habitually feeling bad about the way I looked. So I try to be realistic about what is causing the feeling, and address it head on. And if I can't think of anything that is an underlying issue (let's say everything in life is going well, and I have been being really healthy and exercising a lot) then I just force myself to think positive thoughts until the negative emotions pass.

    Hang in there, you can do this. Your mind can be your worst enemy sometimes, but it is a very powerful ally if you let it be.
  • SBug
    SBug Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in the same position right now. I have lost 16 pounds since the beginning of the year.. but I still have a ways to go. I felt so good. Clothes were fitting well and everything just like you said, and now I am "getting used to" this weight, and it seems like I am really big again, even though I am 16 pounds lighter than I was in January. What is helping me is challenging myself in my workouts.. Even though I may not SEE results right away, I can now do 12 'guy' pushups, compared to the 0 I could do before. I can burn my way through running a mile or two. Those sorts of accomplishments show me what I have accomplished, whether my brain recognizes it in the mirror. The harder I push myself physically, the better I feel and the more confidence I have. Don't give up!!!!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I've had nothing but fun on MFP. Reading these comments makes me so sad. :cry: I just wish everyone could be successful AND happy with their hard work and progress. You guys work so hard and deserve to feel as good as you look. Good luck to all! :flowerforyou:
  • I totally relate. My goal is to lose 20 lbs. I have lost about 10 lbs of the 20 lbs and initially it seemed really great. My clothes feel looser and I was pleased as to how I was beginning to look in the mirror. However, I have not lost anything since early January and all of a sudden I feel just as uncomfortable wth myself as I did 10 lbs heavier. I am looking at this as a good sign. I have not been100% committed to losing since January and have eaten to maintain not lose weight. So, I really plan to step up my healthy eating and lose those extra 10 lbs. Once there I imagine I will still have body perception issues....I want perfection and the reality of the situation is that I am not going to have the perfect body even at 10lbs less. So, I try to concentrate on being healthy. As someone else said, I am still me whether I am 20 lb less or more! Also, being in my 50's and looking back at pics, I looked great in my 30's and 40's and always thought I was fat at the time. I weighed no more than 115 during those years and now my goal weight is enjoy the journey!
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    I just had to chime in and say I am feeling the same way after 32 lbs lost. In the beginning, I felt amazing. Now, Its a strange phenomenon - its like, I've gotten used to this 32 lb lost, and now i just feel 53 lbs overweight instead of 32 lbs lighter. (I have 53 more lbs to go before goal)

    It doesn't help that I am on week three of a plateau and I want to just give up.
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    That's not at all unusual. Typically, those of us fighting our weight have some level of body dysmorphia--we can't really see ourselves as we are. Plus, we tend to be very hard on ourselves, and to think of this journey as "all or nothing." I know that lately I've had to remind myself that even though I'm at a plateau, I'm 73 pounds lighter than I used to be!! My blood pressure is lower, my cholesterol is lower, and overall I'm in way better health. But I need to remind myself of that constantly.

    You need to do that, too! You've lost weight! Every pound you lose puts you in a better place healthwise. And you are NOT disgusting. You are a person, with wonderful gifts and, yes, a few faults. Focus on the positive. Sit down and write out all the good things about you. Then note all the good things that have come from your weight loss so far. Then note all the reasons you want to lose more weight. I promise it will help your frame of mind.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I relate as well. I've lost 65 lbs and still look at my body in disgust because I'm not where I want to be. I try to just keep reminding myself of how far I've come and remember what I used to look like. It helps.
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    I've lost over 30 pounds, and a few pant sizes. I know I look smaller, but the same muffin top I've always had is STILL there, it's just peaking over the top of a size 6 or 8 instead of a size 12. Somehow, when I look in the mirror, I don't look any different (other than in my face). I know I must look different...the scale and tape measure say I'm vastly different, but I've spent 20 years with a specific image burned in my brain, and it's a hard one to erase! I hear you!
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    I'm feeling this way a little bit, too. I've lost 20 pounds, but still have another 20 to go until I'm where I want to be.

    I do feel a lot better, look better, am getting a ton of compliments, etc... but there are days that I still feel "20 pounds overweight." I guess that's what keeps me going.

    157 was a tricky number for me, too. I had not been any less than 157 for about 5 years... but finally got down to 155 this week! So it will happen. At one point, I couldn't even imagine getting down to 155, let alone 135... and I will get there!
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