What's your "shelf life" for clothes?



  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    For classic pieces - I keep it until it's no longer wearable and can't be repaired. I've had knit sweaters re-knitted if it's a good piece.

    Trendy clothes? Sometimes a season, sometimes 3 years. Depends on how dated it looks. And if it's something that I realize was not flattering.
  • FauxFawkes
    FauxFawkes Posts: 12 Member
    I donate a bag of clothing every Christmas and Spring, and replenish with consignment sale buys! I've been wearing some of my clothes since 8th grade (7 years), and I bought a new shirt yesterday.

    It really depends on the type. I keep jeans until they're beat, cut them into shorts, and once they're threadbare I lose them. I never get rid of overwear (jackets, sweaters, etc). I keep my t-shirts as long as I still dig them (so, I've had an Iron Man shirt for a few years, and a Supernatural shirt for 5, but got rid of a butterfly print one after a season).

    Consignment sales make it easy, though - I buy new (used) clothes, then give them back, make a little cash, buy new (used) clothes... a full wardrobe could net at $50 or less! As long as you're not financially threatened, out with the old, in with the new! Both cleansing and replenishing are super refreshing :)
  • FauxFawkes
    FauxFawkes Posts: 12 Member
    (Also with primal warrior - if it's been in the closet all year, and I'm trying to convince myself I need it, I try to let it go.)
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I think it would be the point where I thought I was sick to death of the item. Which may be never. I wear clothes that I've had for more than 2 decades.
  • chele402
    chele402 Posts: 128 Member
    Totally keep stuff I love for as long as it is good. I have so many clothes (that currently don't fit me) from 7-8 years ago that I would love to wear again once I get back in shape.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    I was never into fashion and no clothes or shoe hoarder either, so when I buy clothes it means I really like them and because of that the shelf life is as long as they fall completely apart...
  • Archerychickge
    Archerychickge Posts: 606 Member
    I only buy clothes that I LOVE and are classic in style so I can update with accessories as needed. Then I will buy a few trendier pieces to spice things up from time to time. I typically wear things until they are worn out or if I get sick of them, usually after a few years at least, I'll donate them and get new pieces to go into the rotation.
  • jillybeansalad
    jillybeansalad Posts: 239 Member
    edited October 2014
    I have stuff from middle school (20 years ago)... I used to wear my clothes rather big. :P I don't follow normal fashion trends, I just wear whatever. People generally see my wear as "immature." They are just jealous of my winter unicorn hat.

    I actually bought new pants for the first time in about 7-8 years.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    i wear them until they either need to be binned or i have to make space for new items in the wardrobe and i give some stuff to charity. gave all my larger stuff away as i dont want to get back into them again.
  • LilMissTucknRoll
    LilMissTucknRoll Posts: 105 Member
    I still had a few of my high school clothes until a year ago (and my 10 yr is next summer). LOL Really bad, but I know my hips and bust will never fit again after my pregnancy. I still have clothes that are a few years old, but I have new stuff too. I have some clothes that are too small that were my favorites because I really want to fit into them again and it may be achievable. I'd say until I know I have nowhere to wear it to.
  • Steff46
    Steff46 Posts: 516 Member
    I go through my closet every Spring and Fall and if I can't remember wearing an item (mostly tops) I will donate them. I usually keep pants and skirts because they can be taken in or let out. I'm not very sentimental with clothing. I get that from my Mom. She donates her stuff often also.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I found a box of clothes up in the attic this summer and inside was a dress I had worn when I first started dating my husband 18 years ago. I washed it and wore it several times during warm weather. The clothes in my closet right now are newer than I've had in a long time just because I had to give away the majority of my old clothes -- they were comical on me since the weight loss. But most of my current wardrobe came from the thrift store because I went through 14 to 12 and now 10 and I didn't want to spend a fortune. I expect to be in an 8 eventually. I never buy new clothes because I'm tired of the old ones though, I just keep wearing them until I can't for whatever reason.
  • Tiamo719
    Tiamo719 Posts: 256 Member
    If it still fits and doesn't look worn, I wear it. I have the same stretchy pants from NY & Co from 2 years ago. They wash well and they look dressy. I have them on right now!
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I've had to replace most of my clothes every season for the last few years...I was pregnant in 07-08 (wore maternity clothes), wore my "old" clothes (pre-pregnancy) from 09-10, pregnant again 10-11 (maternity clothes again). By 2012, I was too small for my "old clothes." I've had to replace clothes for basically 3 years in a row. At the end of summer, I bought smaller shorts for next summer.

    I expect that this is the last fall wardrobe I will buy for awhile. Hopefully, I can keep this wardrobe for a good 3+ years; and just buy a couple of new items each year.
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    I'm kind of the oddball here. I hardly ever hold on to things. Except for VERY few staples (black dress pants, a nice LBD, etc), I almost completely replace my closet every year or two. I just really like to shop... :blush:
  • ILoveGingerNut
    ILoveGingerNut Posts: 367 Member
    I tend to keep my clothes for a few years before i throw them away, although i buy something new every season lol!
  • LeslieTSUK
    LeslieTSUK Posts: 215 Member
    I keep clothes till they too big to look nice on me, then i donate them if they still in good quality, and buy a new different look.