1200 cals/day = Guilt.



  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Two words. Yuengling Light. 99 Calories per serving. That and baked or grilled chicken breast instead of fried wings. Get the wing sauce on the side. Baked potato with only a little shredded cheese, or just butter and salt & pepper. You'd be surprised at how good those alternatives can be, and if you are even just a little mindful of the portions, you can have it all for under 500 calories.

    one word: why?

    I mean come on people if you can't go out from time and time and enjoy some buffalo wings and beer, what the hell is the point of living? Are we just going to burry ourselves in our homes and eat baked chicken and veggies for the rest of our lives..??????????

    Why not? For some people, a light beer and baked chicken with wing sauce is a good compromise. For others not. It's an individual thing.

    Because you can "spend" and extra 30ish calories and drink a Guinness?!?! When I go for wings I get a salad with grilled tenders tossed in wing sauce and fat free ranch. Clocks in around 500 calories. Beer, all bets are off. I usually go for a draught IPA, and those are pretty high in calories.

    Of course you can. But maybe someone else would rather spend on other indulgences. Or meet their calorie goals without indulging. Lots of valid options.

  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I would have a couple of wings, a few fries, and a beer (or two). Log it all. Exercise earlier in the day if that's an option. If you go over, just move on to Wednesday and stick with your usual plan. No need to feel deprived or go off the deep end, either. I consider this process to be about learning how to live life with fewer calories but still enjoying food.
  • rightaboutmeow
    rightaboutmeow Posts: 77 Member
    It's not the end of the world, I used to have huge cheat days every week when I first started here and I still lost. Plus, do you think that watching everyone else eat what you want while you have a salad is going to be a sustainable thing? Chances are, probably not. You'll probably end up getting fed up with it and totally binging and feeling guilty about it. I mean this is just speaking from prior experience, but if you have yourself on a heavily restricted diet, it's most likely not going to be sustainable.
    I say you go, have a good time, eat what you like but just don't go crazy. Moderation is key here.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,102 Member
    OP, why do you HAVE to have wings and fries and beer? Tradition? Habit? Because sports? I mean, I think it's fine and even a good idea to eat up to your maintenance once in a while on your diet so you don't have to always feel so limited, but if you're worried it's more than a one-time event (or that it'll even put you over maintenance cals) ... here's the thing.

    We got to a weight we didn't like or that was outright unhealthy because of habits like this. Chew on that, and look at it in a different light. Why do you have to eat *those* items? You can change what you're eating there. You can change how much, you can sub the fries for celery, you can choose unbreaded chicken, you can have less beer. This is all within your control. When you feel tempted, remember that giving in and eating everything you want to is how you got to Square 1 in the first place. Don't cheat yourself and go back there.

    Why does she have to have wings and beer? Well, she doesnt - but sounds like she wants to - doesnt sound like she wants celery and plain chicken instead. :s

    I think most of us got overweight by habits like consuming too many calories most of the time - not by haveing a special occasion/ indulgent meal/cheat meal/whatever terminology you prefer, in moderation.
    if one does this in moderation in terms of both portion sizes and frequency, this is fine - no need to view it as cheating oneself or giving in to tempation or going back where you started or any other such nonsense.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Two words. Yuengling Light. 99 Calories per serving. That and baked or grilled chicken breast instead of fried wings. Get the wing sauce on the side. Baked potato with only a little shredded cheese, or just butter and salt & pepper. You'd be surprised at how good those alternatives can be, and if you are even just a little mindful of the portions, you can have it all for under 500 calories.

    one word: why?

    I mean come on people if you can't go out from time and time and enjoy some buffalo wings and beer, what the hell is the point of living? Are we just going to burry ourselves in our homes and eat baked chicken and veggies for the rest of our lives..??????????
    It's very easy to say that you wouldn't want to live if you couldn't have beer, but if your doctor sat you down and said your best chance at living was to change your diet and eliminate certain things, you might very well decide that you do want to live, after all.

    You might not!

    But you might.

    When it's no longer hypothetical, people sometimes change their minds.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,102 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Two words. Yuengling Light. 99 Calories per serving. That and baked or grilled chicken breast instead of fried wings. Get the wing sauce on the side. Baked potato with only a little shredded cheese, or just butter and salt & pepper. You'd be surprised at how good those alternatives can be, and if you are even just a little mindful of the portions, you can have it all for under 500 calories.

    one word: why?

    I mean come on people if you can't go out from time and time and enjoy some buffalo wings and beer, what the hell is the point of living? Are we just going to burry ourselves in our homes and eat baked chicken and veggies for the rest of our lives..??????????
    It's very easy to say that you wouldn't want to live if you couldn't have beer, but if your doctor sat you down and said your best chance at living was to change your diet and eliminate certain things, you might very well decide that you do want to live, after all.

    You might not!

    But you might.

    When it's no longer hypothetical, people sometimes change their minds.

    Well, yes.. If I had an anaphylactic reaction to beer and consuming it ever again would mean the chance of sudden death - sure, I would stop drinking it (hypothetical example, I dont drink it in first place IRL)

    But how is this relevant to OP's issue? and the general discussion of how to fit in special occasion meals?

    It is reasonable to assume people fitting in such meals are not allergic to them and dont have medical reasons to avoid them.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Two words. Yuengling Light. 99 Calories per serving. That and baked or grilled chicken breast instead of fried wings. Get the wing sauce on the side. Baked potato with only a little shredded cheese, or just butter and salt & pepper. You'd be surprised at how good those alternatives can be, and if you are even just a little mindful of the portions, you can have it all for under 500 calories.

    one word: why?

    I mean come on people if you can't go out from time and time and enjoy some buffalo wings and beer, what the hell is the point of living? Are we just going to burry ourselves in our homes and eat baked chicken and veggies for the rest of our lives..??????????
    It's very easy to say that you wouldn't want to live if you couldn't have beer, but if your doctor sat you down and said your best chance at living was to change your diet and eliminate certain things, you might very well decide that you do want to live, after all.

    You might not!

    But you might.

    When it's no longer hypothetical, people sometimes change their minds.

    I fail to see how this is relevant in the context of this thread…as OP has identified no medical issue...
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Two words. Yuengling Light. 99 Calories per serving. That and baked or grilled chicken breast instead of fried wings. Get the wing sauce on the side. Baked potato with only a little shredded cheese, or just butter and salt & pepper. You'd be surprised at how good those alternatives can be, and if you are even just a little mindful of the portions, you can have it all for under 500 calories.

    one word: why?

    I mean come on people if you can't go out from time and time and enjoy some buffalo wings and beer, what the hell is the point of living? Are we just going to burry ourselves in our homes and eat baked chicken and veggies for the rest of our lives..??????????
    It's very easy to say that you wouldn't want to live if you couldn't have beer, but if your doctor sat you down and said your best chance at living was to change your diet and eliminate certain things, you might very well decide that you do want to live, after all.

    You might not!

    But you might.

    When it's no longer hypothetical, people sometimes change their minds.

    Well, yes.. If I had an anaphylactic reaction to beer and consuming it ever again would mean the chance of sudden death - sure, I would stop drinking it (hypothetical example, I dont drink it in first place IRL)

    But how is this relevant to OP's issue? and the general discussion of how to fit in special occasion meals?

    It is reasonable to assume people fitting in such meals are not allergic to them and dont have medical reasons to avoid them.
    If you are looking for a fight, I will suggest that you keep on looking.
  • jwtg44
    jwtg44 Posts: 1
    How often do the Royals win anyways? Enjoy it while you can and eat up :smile:
  • adamitri
    adamitri Posts: 614 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Two words. Yuengling Light. 99 Calories per serving. That and baked or grilled chicken breast instead of fried wings. Get the wing sauce on the side. Baked potato with only a little shredded cheese, or just butter and salt & pepper. You'd be surprised at how good those alternatives can be, and if you are even just a little mindful of the portions, you can have it all for under 500 calories.

    one word: why?

    I mean come on people if you can't go out from time and time and enjoy some buffalo wings and beer, what the hell is the point of living? Are we just going to burry ourselves in our homes and eat baked chicken and veggies for the rest of our lives..??????????
    It's very easy to say that you wouldn't want to live if you couldn't have beer, but if your doctor sat you down and said your best chance at living was to change your diet and eliminate certain things, you might very well decide that you do want to live, after all.

    You might not!

    But you might.

    When it's no longer hypothetical, people sometimes change their minds.

    Well, yes.. If I had an anaphylactic reaction to beer and consuming it ever again would mean the chance of sudden death - sure, I would stop drinking it (hypothetical example, I dont drink it in first place IRL)

    But how is this relevant to OP's issue? and the general discussion of how to fit in special occasion meals?

    It is reasonable to assume people fitting in such meals are not allergic to them and dont have medical reasons to avoid them.
    If you are looking for a fight, I will suggest that you keep on looking.

    What fight? I think they answered in a very logical way.
  • 2LookGoodNaked
    2LookGoodNaked Posts: 7 Member
    Just do more exercise. Walking is a great way to burn calories. I've found that watching what I eat and not cheating on recording what I eat and how much; and monitoring how much I exercise helps with the beer and wings. It works both ways... the more I exercise the more I get to eat... and knowing I'll have to walk for an extra hour and forty minutes to work off that beer makes choices easier.
    I got a pedometer (there are FitBits and Fuelbands, etc.) park further from the store, work, take the stairs, stand up and walk in place when on the phone. It all adds up! My work mates take 10 minute smoke breaks every hour. I take a 10 minute walk break every hour. I feel better, get to eat more, boss can't complain, and I'm healthier than they are. You can do it! If you fall short today, make it up tomorrow. Enjoy your food, your guy, your friends, and your sports team. Take care of yourself. You can do it!

  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    I wish I could be supportive... well actually I am supportive of you..... but I live in Baltimore so it goes without saying I want you to stay home LOL. Enjoy your night I promise that one day won't derail your progress. Get back to it on Wednesday and move on. Enjoy the game but I'm still hoping you decide not to go ;-)
  • JazzFischer1989
    JazzFischer1989 Posts: 531 Member
    edited October 2014
    Just enjoy yourself? One night of going over your cals isn't going to hurt you in the long run. It's not like this will be the last time you ever indulge for a special occasion.
  • suzi_quzi
    MrM27 wrote: »
    jwtg44 wrote: »
    How often do the Royals win anyways? Enjoy it while you can and eat up :smile:
    Lol. I didn't want to be the first to say it. OP, what if you have to wait another 25 years to celebrate with chicken wings. You might regret it.

    Seriously. I feel like I'm living in an alternate universe.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Two words. Yuengling Light. 99 Calories per serving. That and baked or grilled chicken breast instead of fried wings. Get the wing sauce on the side. Baked potato with only a little shredded cheese, or just butter and salt & pepper. You'd be surprised at how good those alternatives can be, and if you are even just a little mindful of the portions, you can have it all for under 500 calories.

    one word: why?

    I mean come on people if you can't go out from time and time and enjoy some buffalo wings and beer, what the hell is the point of living? Are we just going to burry ourselves in our homes and eat baked chicken and veggies for the rest of our lives..??????????
    It's very easy to say that you wouldn't want to live if you couldn't have beer, but if your doctor sat you down and said your best chance at living was to change your diet and eliminate certain things, you might very well decide that you do want to live, after all.

    You might not!

    But you might.

    When it's no longer hypothetical, people sometimes change their minds.

    I fail to see how this is relevant in the context of this thread…as OP has identified no medical issue...
    I think it's relevant in that each of us weighs the pros and cons of eating certain things.

    The OP made it sound like she couldn't have an 'on plan' night out or a 'maintenance level' night out, that it was either 1200 calories or a total rout. That sounds like all or nothing thinking, which is a hair away from binge thinking. If beer & wings means a binge you might choose to avoid it for health reasons, too.