how do you cope with fatigue?!

I frequently have to work long hours and get really tired. In these sisituation s I can reach for the carbs and chocolate..... What are your tips for avoiding the t fatigue binges?!?


  • salgal33
    salgal33 Posts: 49 Member
    Reaching for carbs is so easy....I have started keeping an apple in the car for my drive home - along with a bottle of water. I eat the apple and try to drink the whole bottle before I get home. That puts a serious stop to the picking and bites when I get home.

    But really you need to ask yourself before each and every food choice "does this fit in my plan for today?" If it does, go ahead. If not, walk away or choose something else.
  • Sedna_51
    Sedna_51 Posts: 277 Member
    Oh man, I completely feel you. I have definitely had days where I get through the door and go "everything I can reach is going into my mouth RIGHT NOW". There are a couple of tricks I've found that help me out, though. I keep pre-measured snacks in my drawer at work (granola bars, 100 calorie cracker packs, mini bags of microwave popcorn, tea and coffee, etc). I've tried to pick snacks and food that are higher in protein and/or fiber, which tend to make me feel more satisfied for longer. And I try my best not to let myself get too hungry! It's a lot easier to make good food choices when you don't have to fight with you body going I AM STARVING AND WILL START DIGESTING MY OWN STOMACH LINING, GIVE ME CHOCOLATE RIGHT NOW.
  • 21million
    21million Posts: 113 Member
    The whole hunger problem with dieting is my problem! I don't want to be hungry or tired, goddamn it. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    I make sure that I hydrate and keep busy so I can't dwell. The hydration is usually caffeniated to keep me up.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Unholy amounts of caffeine.
  • lastfarewell
    lastfarewell Posts: 45 Member
    I enjoy hot tea and some fruit or veggies and a TBS of hummus.
  • TossaBeanBag
    TossaBeanBag Posts: 458 Member
    Up the protein, eat smaller meals (5x a day)... and avoid the ups and downs. I hated those ups and downs.
  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    JenniferIsLosingIt Posts: 595 Member
    Keep good for you snacks and plenty of good ol H2O on hand!~ IT goes a long way towards helping keep you on track
  • PumpJockeyy
    PumpJockeyy Posts: 98 Member
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    I keep fresh fruit and unsalted nuts to hand at the office, along with plenty of water. Fatigue used to be an issue ... along with the evening cookie binge ... but no more.
  • sylviedrozz
    try liquid vitamin B drops. they're great. Give mate tea a try -it's a stimulant without the crash you get with caffeine. if getting up in the morning is hard try a body clock And if all else fails = zero calorie energy drinks x
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Make sure I get proper nutrition in the first place.
    Proper hydration.
    Eat a banana.
    If I needed a boost and was really struggling, then caffeine.
    Good sleep the previous day.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Also at times where I have to work all nighters or really late, then the radio keeps me awake or music.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    Make sure you are eating enough protein. For me, a hearty breakfast and lunch with adequate protein helps. Also, sometimes on really long days, I find I'm craving a snack when really I'm thirsty, so drinking water helps.
  • pleasurelittletreasure
    pleasurelittletreasure Posts: 236 Member
    edited October 2014
    When I struggle with fatigue, I have to avoid carbs or it makes it worse. So I try to broil up enough chicken for dinner that we can have leftovers. That way, if I am tired and peckish, I can grab the protein instead of carbs. Also, it helps to pre-measure out some smaller containers of fruit or veg and pop them in the fridge so that when you get home you can grab one of them to munch on while you let your brain fog clear a bit. Once something is settled in your stomach, it becomes easier to make healthier choices. And if you do want carbs, just measure out a bit and put the package away. I know that helps me quite a lot. You get some of what you are craving without mindlessly eating the whole bag/box.

    *Edited 'puckish' to 'peckish'. Although at times I admit to feeling puckish as well. ;)
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I stay full throughout the day. Eat a lot at lunch, so when I get home I am full until dinner. Not only that, but I try to make myself work out or stay active so I don't get into that sluggish tired slump as well.
  • MamaMollyT
    MamaMollyT Posts: 197 Member
    Hydrate, healthy snack and make sure I'm not eating simple carbs that make me crash. When I worked at a desk I used to walk around anytime I could. Instead of emailing something I would walk it up to someone. Part of that fatigue is that our bodies just aren't meant to sit still all day. Yes I probably wasted some time here and there but I never took long lunch breaks or smoke breaks like others so I figured it evened out. I tried to walk at lunch if I could as well. Sunshine is great!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,574 Member
    I don't really equate fatigue with eating least not anymore. With working out, maybe.
  • EMergise
    EMergise Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks guys, lots of good tips!!! I think my main solution is to get more sleep, but it's not always possible!!

    I agree that since upping my protein I definitely seem to snack less, so will keep up with that :-)
  • kcaitbpaitw
    kcaitbpaitw Posts: 14 Member
    I tend to make really bad decisions on my hour-long commute home if I get too hungry and tired. I keep a Fiber One protein bar in my purse, and make sure I have a water or iced tea as well. If nothing else, it keeps me out of the McDonalds drive-thru on the way home, and I make less ravenous decisions when I get home. Plus I still get the carbs, chocolate, AND protein. win-win-win
  • CarolinaAcorn
    CarolinaAcorn Posts: 418 Member
    wheird wrote: »
    Unholy amounts of caffeine.
