

  • emitc534
    emitc534 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, my goal is to lose 100 lbs. I have lost 33 lbs. I refuse to give any more money to any programs. I'm just shopping differently. Eating more fruits and vegetables, baking or grilling instead of frying. I keep two 32 oz bottles of water in the refrigerator and make sure I drink them everyday. I figured out how many blocks I have to walk to and from that adds up to half hour. I put my headphones on and before I know it I'm done. I don't say diet, but eating better. I go online and find out the calories of everything I eat. I wish you good luck, and would like for you to add me on your friend list.
  • erikakane214
    erikakane214 Posts: 17 Member
    I started off a little bigger than you at 340 lbs. It took me about a 13 months to get to my original goal of 170. I then lost a little more while figuring out maintenance, so I am currently about 145 lbs - but I made pretty drastic changes to my diet and was under a doctor's care the whole time.

    It's hard to tell you what to change first as I don't know you or your lifestyle. For me, all I focused on in the beginning was my diet. I stopped takeout and finally learned how to cook and appreciate my vegetables (and all food) Not to say that you can't occasionally eat out, but you should have more control on what you are eating. Along the way, my tastes changed so before I would have told you that I hated vegetables, now just about every meal I eat has vegetables.

    Once I started eating better and doing it more regularly, and started losing, I started walking - Now I do walk daily for 2-3 miles, but in the beginning, it was just anything I could do and then as I started losing then I was able to keep going.

    Drink lots of water :) it is good for you.

    I would tell you to talk to your GP, they generally are pretty helpful and can advise you the right and wrong way to approach things. (although, it did take me a while to realize this... mostly I just tried not to visibly roll my eyes when she talked about dieting)

    I wish you luck on your journey

    170 lbs! Oh my goodness that's amazing! I can't even imagine myself at that weight, although that is what I should weigh. For some reason, in the past I kept telling myself that I could not get down to my goal weight, it wasn't possible. But now I know it's very possible! I see so many people on here that have done it. Thanks for the feedback!
  • erikakane214
    erikakane214 Posts: 17 Member
    emitc534 wrote: »
    Hi, my goal is to lose 100 lbs. I have lost 33 lbs. I refuse to give any more money to any programs. I'm just shopping differently. Eating more fruits and vegetables, baking or grilling instead of frying. I keep two 32 oz bottles of water in the refrigerator and make sure I drink them everyday. I figured out how many blocks I have to walk to and from that adds up to half hour. I put my headphones on and before I know it I'm done. I don't say diet, but eating better. I go online and find out the calories of everything I eat. I wish you good luck, and would like for you to add me on your friend list.

    I like your approach. I also find out the calories of everything I eat vs making big changes over night. Thanks for your input, I added you as a friend. :)
  • I have 146 lbs to lose I've lost 52, I'm like you tho an concentrating on the first 100. I am seeing a dr. because i was so unfit and so unhealthy. Now I'm just below average, so maybe one day I will excel!? I started out swimming then slowly tried out different equipment at the gym. My advice:
    1- If you can, see a doctor
    2 - join a gym (preferably one that includes classes... you will get there one day)
    3 - avoid the toxic friends, we all have 'em. The ones that cheer your success with donuts and cocktails.
    4 - believe in yourself, it's slow going but calculate what you eat vs. what you do in exercise and try to keep those in balance.

    good luck and peace be with you.
  • ewhip17
    ewhip17 Posts: 515 Member
    I started Jan 1st and have lost 102lbs. For me it's 100% about mindset. I anticipated small losses each week and considered those small losses a success. Some weeks I lost .02lbs some weeks I lost 4lbs. Once I managed to settle into this mindset it was easier to deal with weeks where I "only" lost 1lb, or days where I ate too much, or times when I normally would have thrown in the towel. Once you get some momentum it gets a bit easier. People want to know "the secret" now. When I tell them that the secret is to be sensible, have some patience and never quit, they are visibly disappointed... :-)
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    I have well over 100 pounds to lose, and so far I've lost 47 pounds, in about 6 months. The first thing I started doing was changing my diet, mostly eat less foods and make some better decisions, including no more McDonald's drive thru every morning. Then I started walking, and then swimming, then running & other gym workouts and now I have a personal trainer.

    I also met with a dietitian a few times. She is 100% covered by my insurance (most will cover it, it is way cheaper to pay for a dietitian than the complications of obesity.) She is wonderful, especially in the beginning when I really needed it.

    It is a big mind game, it will take a long time, and not every day will be a good one. You can't let it get you down, just be patient, if you are logging accurately, you should be successful! Best of luck!
  • heyjude345
    heyjude345 Posts: 66 Member
    Nepq wrote: »
    I lost about 45 kg (99 pounds), so I can't help you, sorry haha ;)
    It took me about 400 days. At the moment I'm on my goal weight and trying to reduce my body fat and maintaining my weight.

    I too have only lost 99 pounds, but I'll throw in my two cents anyway. :D I have done it very slowly. I lost the first 65 pounds over the first year and then let took it easy and maintained for a while. I started back again at the beginning of this year and added in running. I am down another 34 pounds and still going strong. This isn't about the speed in which you lose the weight; it's about the long haul, so make changes you can live with.
  • shfoster0721
    shfoster0721 Posts: 239 Member
    I have lost over a hundred pounds since January. It was a lifestyle change for me. It has taken the support and motivation from my wife and friends to help keep it up. I have lost weight before but it was with a fad diet only for it to creep back up. If you want to hear more about my journey, chat, need advice, support, or motivation feel free to add me. My name is Steve.
  • erikakane214
    erikakane214 Posts: 17 Member
    edited October 2014
    All of you guys are inspiring. Thanks for taking the time to respond. Whether you are just starting or half way there or reached your goal, all of the advice and feedback really motivates me to keep going!
  • Ronamarlene66
    Ronamarlene66 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone, that is wonderful news about losing over 100 pounds or near losing. Everyone seems to be so inspiring and I certainly want to get on the 'band wagon' and follow suit. I'm starting on my weightloss journey for the 5th or 6th time, but new to MFP today. Just reading everyone's inspirational notes is a start to motivate and try my best to stay on course. I certainly welcome any feedback so that I can stay in the correct lane of weightloss. My name is Rona and continued success to everyone on this weightloss journey.