Sugar from carbs

I am always over in my sugar for carbs is that really bad?


  • TabiNS
    TabiNS Posts: 15
    Are they added sugars or natural? From my understanding, there are no ADA or AHA recommendations for natural sugars, just added ones.
  • kazzar77
    kazzar77 Posts: 17
    If you go to your daily nutrients under carbs the last one is sugars goal is 33 not sure where I am getting them possibly from fruit I had dried cranberries for breakfast and an apple for lunch but did have two choc digestives which obv some came from. I am 15 over already and I still have half a day to go.
  • ZachyABaby
    ZachyABaby Posts: 235
    i go over by like 40 everyday because of milk and fruit. don't sweat it.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I keep my carbs between 85-100 grams a day, regardless of what kind of sugar or starch it is.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    dried cranberries have a lot of sugar in them. Most dried fruit is high in sugar and even though it is natural sugar you can still take in too much - they are carbs. You can gain weight eating too much fruit. And you lose out on the filling part of fruit. Look at nutrition labels and ingredients. If sugar (or something ending in -ose {other than sucralose} ) then there is added sugar in it. A lot of your low fat and fat free items could have excess sugar in them to give them flavor. Even a lot of your lightly sweetened healthy cereals have as much added sugar as a bowl of sugary kid's cereal.

    You can subtract the natural sugars from the sugar column though. Since they are part of carb number I count them as that.

    I strive for 1-3 svgs of fruit per day and 3-6 svgs of fibrous veggies. I eat some whole grain and starches but that is where I try and limit my carbs.
  • TabiNS
    TabiNS Posts: 15
    Dried fruits contain, at times, a lot of added sugars. Make sure to always check the labels if you're following your sugar intake closely. :-)

    I really only try to eat foods with no added sugars. It's difficult to do at times for your favorite things (for me, it's incredibly hard finding bbq sauce with none added), but there's bound to be an alternative somewhere. heh.

    One more thing: an above poster mentioned that you can gain weight eating too much fruit. That's a broad generalization. Everything contains calories, so yes, if you're eating OVER your allotment of carbs every day, of course you're going to gain weight (because they make up a good portion of your calorie intake). :-)
  • kazzar77
    kazzar77 Posts: 17
    Thanks everyone I def don't eat too much fruit but I will check to see if the dried cranberries have added sugar. I am never over int actual carbs.