Mirena and weight loss

I have always had a really hard time losing weight, but it seems like it is even harder now. Has anyone else had trouble losing weight with the IUD?


  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Do a search for it. There are numerous threads on Mirena and weight. tl;dr? Lots of women say it makes them gain (me), lots of women say it makes it hard to lose, lots of women say they have no problem losing on it, lots of women say they didn't gain.

    Seems to vary.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    If you hit search and type in "Mirena" I am sure you will find a lot of other women who feel it has inhibited their weight loss. I, personally, never had that issue and have had the Mirena for about 8 years.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I had the Mirena placed roughly at the same time as I started here. I had no problems what so ever losing weight.

    I had it removed and had another procedure in January of this year... I can't lose weight now .. lol go figure. Although my stall is almost 100% on me. Not logging properly, not eating right, not exercising as much... the fun stuff.
  • llbennett74
    llbennett74 Posts: 132 Member
    I've had Mirena for almost 7 years now and honetly, it's not different for me than any other birth control. Really as long as I eat what I'm supposed to and exercise, I can control my weight.
  • xoeva
    xoeva Posts: 209 Member
    About a third of women gain weight, a third lose weight and a third stay the same... for Mirena and other birth control like the pill. I worked at a birth control clinic and I teach sex education. This is a common question.
  • carinthea
    carinthea Posts: 97 Member
    I had the Mirena for 5 years to control my period (as they won't sterilise me). They were the worst 5 years of my life but I had to lose weight to get it removed. It took me 3 years of diet and exercise to lose 2 stone, had the nightmare removed and I lost 6 stone in 6 months following the exact same plan. I would rather have the issues I had before (which I do) than EVER have another one.
  • perfectlytrained
    perfectlytrained Posts: 83 Member
    I started my weight loss journey in October of last year. 3 months later (January) I had the Mirena put in.

    From October to January, I lost 30 lbs
    From January to March, I lost 5 addtl lbs
    From March to now, I've gained 10 lbs

    I am actively counting calories (macros conscious) and lifting heavy. I get around 100 grams or protein and about 30 grams of fiber everyday. I drink a minimum of 96 oz water everyday as well.

    I am suspecting that the Mirena is affecting my weight loss. If this trend continues, I plan to have the Mirena removed and looking into alternative birth control methods.
  • BuddhaMom74
    This coming Feb I will have had my Mirena in for 5 years (and will be having it replaced as per the instructions to replace every 5 years).

    In the last 5 years; I lost 52lbs with weight watchers; had emergency surgery (unrelated to the Mirena) and gained 40lbs of it back; joined MFP in July and have lost 27lbs. The Mirena has had absolutely no effect on my weight loss (or gain). I DO however, love not having periods!

  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    I have always had a really hard time losing weight, but it seems like it is even harder now. Has anyone else had trouble losing weight with the IUD?

    Nope. I've gone down nearly 40. Now if I stop losing weight I'll try to find something to blame, like my IUD. :neutral_face: I'll let you know.
  • cnave99
    cnave99 Posts: 63 Member
    I have the Mirena and also have had weightloss. I don't know if its affecting my numbers or not- but I am losing.

    If it has slowed down my loss, thats fine with me. The horror that my cycle caused me in pain and aggravation, its been worth it to me.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I have always had a really hard time losing weight, but it seems like it is even harder now. Has anyone else had trouble losing weight with the IUD?

    Nope. I've gone down nearly 40. Now if I stop losing weight I'll try to find something to blame, like my IUD. :neutral_face: I'll let you know.

    And it might BE your mirena. :)

  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    I had mine placed in July and have had no issues what-so-ever. I had no issues with birth control either. The IUD is the best thing I have ever had to be honest. Way more reliable then the oral birth control.
  • Raclex
    Raclex Posts: 238
    Urgh. Hated Mirena. From day 1. Do loads of research before you decide to have it put in place Mine was removed within 10 days. It definitely affects hormones therefore, could affect your eating habits. Seriously. Research it.
  • Vicky45897
    Vicky45897 Posts: 10 Member
    Yes me, I have been very active most of my adult life I used to do thai boxing have done insanity and I go on my treadmill a few times a week, I had my coil in Jan last year and put on at least two stone! it is water retention due to hormones and the way your body deals with the hormones Google it and you will see loads and loads of women have the same issues, I am going to have it taken out and have the copper coil back in. Don't let anyone tell you any different ie your eating to much or not working out enough it is your coil! I have loved not having a period and I love my curves/boobs but just don't feel comfy in my own skin if you understand me! xx
  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    I lost 30 pounds two years ago with diet, exercise and MFP. Gained it back after a location change. I then lost 45 pounds doing the same thing. Gained that back with another location change. I then got pregnant on top of that 45 pounds. I lost all but 15 of the baby weight after my son was born.

    I had the mirena put in five months ago (when he was four months old) and I am currently down 14 pounds in three weeks-- the exact same track I was on the first couple of times I lost weight. I actually forgot I even it had it until I opened this thread!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I got my IUD in 2010 after losing 100 pounds. Which I maintained with no issues. It's coming out next year and I may finally be in perimenopause so I probably won't replace it but if I'm still ovulating, I will. I love having no menses!
  • fobs13
    fobs13 Posts: 1,080 Member
    Love the mirena. At end of my second one. Have been within 14lbs of my normal weight during these 10 years. Love having no periods so hope to get another. Dont think it affects weight but my 2 sisters did.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Raclex wrote: »
    Urgh. Hated Mirena. From day 1. Do loads of research before you decide to have it put in place Mine was removed within 10 days. It definitely affects hormones therefore, could affect your eating habits. Seriously. Research it.

    I totally agree. Have they finally stopped saying there are "no systemic hormone effects" at least? I remember getting mine put in. Within 10 days, my bra size had gone up, I was bloated, migraines, acne, and irritable beyond belief. Not systemic my *kitten*!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I use mirena for 7 years loved it...lost most of weight with it in and now Depo...no issues

    Not saying there aren't side effects there are...bloating, water retention, headaches, thinning hair etc..none of which I experienced.
  • Myrmilt
    Myrmilt Posts: 124 Member
    No issues with Mirena for me, but I still get longish menses and cramping regularly too, which others don't get. I am happy enough with it, no babies. No more babies for me.