Food for thought?

I work at a convienence store and today I was going through the nurtirion labels of various different items, candy, trail mix, etc. WOW. Before I started my journey to loosing weight I was eating a bag of chips, a whold king sized candy bar, all that NO problem. Now I estimate I was eating around 2,500 - 3,000 calories almost daily. Yikes. Now that I'm eating healthy and only healthy when I pick out the right meal I'll get full on a 300 calorie meal. It's amazing to step back and look at your old habits and compare them to your habits today. Anyone else realizing the dramatic changes they are making?


  • Ruzuki
    Ruzuki Posts: 136 Member
    Ive gotten a lot more conscious about what foods I am eating. If I end up eating out from a work social occasion I always try to research the restaurant first to find the low calorie options, and Im buying a lot more fresh fruit than I ever have before, and buying different brands... instead of always going for the cheap route like I had been before. And Im actually SAVING money on my food bill because Im eating less. (This = dramatic change for me)
  • sydneyannewyma
    sydneyannewyma Posts: 23 Member
    edited October 2014
  • sydneyannewyma
    sydneyannewyma Posts: 23 Member
    Ruzuki wrote: »
    Ive gotten a lot more conscious about what foods I am eating. If I end up eating out from a work social occasion I always try to research the restaurant first to find the low calorie options, and Im buying a lot more fresh fruit than I ever have before, and buying different brands... instead of always going for the cheap route like I had been before. And Im actually SAVING money on my food bill because Im eating less. (This = dramatic change for me)
    Agreed. I've already saved a whole lot by buying less food than I normally do. Yay us!