Binge eating

Hello all ! I'm back trying to calorie count and loose weight. In the past I have stuck to it and have been successful in weightloss. This time around I have noticed with my nerves, I have often found myself binge eating. If others have some
Suggestions or are also struggling with this as well , let's motivate each other !


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Eat more ice cream, that always helps me
  • desidieter
    You really have to have a plan if you want to be successful in losing weight. If you love junk food, don't necessarily restrict, just find ways eat in moderation, if possible. Going cold turkey is really difficult. What I do personally is eat healthy for two or three weeks straight with very small rewards along the way (a small piece of cake or chocolate or a latte here and there, as long as it fits into my calories for the day...), and then, depending on how I've done during those 2-3 weeks, I give myself a cheat day where I don't count calories and eat whatever the heck I want. I find that having these cheat days as an incentive really help me say no the rest of the time that I'm watching what I eat.
  • RAWR1202
    Binge eating usually happens if you're overly restrictive. I would say if you're having trouble with it, possibly try and increase how much you're eating daily a little bit. Alternatively, if you know what foods tend to trigger a binge, keep them out of the house or keep them in small quantities - e.g. buy the single portions of things such as ice cream and chocolate - plus they tend more expensive so it might put you off buying them too often too.
  • una2282
    una2282 Posts: 48 Member
    I personally have a problem with that, but i did find that having that one cheat day a week helps me a ton during the fitness journey. If i don't reward myself i become a cookie/cake/chocolate/icecream monster and then it is on for calories and me!
    Seriously though, having that one day where you go out and have a yummy treat seems to do wonders for me. I tried diets where they allow you 1 cheat meal every 2 weeks and that cheat meal couldn't be more than 750 calories. I simply could not do it. If i crave something now, i will get the serving size of it and log it. It helps when it lets me know how long i will have to do cardio to burn off those calories i just swallowed too! :D
  • mcallister1012
    mcallister1012 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks guys for the input !
  • klaff411
    klaff411 Posts: 169 Member
    Hello all ! I'm back trying to calorie count and loose weight. In the past I have stuck to it and have been successful in weightloss. This time around I have noticed with my nerves, I have often found myself binge eating. If others have some
    Suggestions or are also struggling with this as well , let's motivate each other !

    Okay. There are two schools of thought on this. I used to be a compulsive overeater. So I've tried both ways. People who preach moderation don't have an unhealthy relationship with food. So they can have a bag of m&ms in their house and be totally disinterested. There are some people who buy a bag of m&ms and in the span of a few hours they are gone.

    The "Moderation" approach doesn't work for me, personally. I've simply stopped eating "junk foods" and changed my diet to a more carb restricted regime. I found that high carb foods like breads and sugars made me hungrier. When I ate proteins, fats, and fibers, I was full. I also stopped drinking soda. Lots of water.

    I don't buy junk foods like ice cream, chips, cookies, candy, etc. In fact, I stopped eating them because I don't want them now. Food is fuel. You can enjoy it. But you need to change your relationship with food in order to be successful long term. Food cannot be a crutch because it only offers temporary comfort and ultimately will let you down. That's a personal journey that you need to find your own way.

    TBH - There is no magic. Exercise and self-discipline. There are days I still struggle. But I say to myself, am I really hungry or 1) bored, 2) stressed, etc. If so, I take a walk. That usually helps. But now, I've been doing this so long. Those days are very few and far between.
  • missylectro
    missylectro Posts: 448 Member
    Hello all ! I'm back trying to calorie count and loose weight. In the past I have stuck to it and have been successful in weightloss. This time around I have noticed with my nerves, I have often found myself binge eating. If others have some
    Suggestions or are also struggling with this as well , let's motivate each other !

    Okay. There are two schools of thought on this. I used to be a compulsive overeater. So I've tried both ways. People who preach moderation don't have an unhealthy relationship with food. So they can have a bag of m&ms in their house and be totally disinterested. There are some people who buy a bag of m&ms and in the span of a few hours they are gone.

    The "Moderation" approach doesn't work for me, personally. I've simply stopped eating "junk foods" and changed my diet to a more carb restricted regime. I found that high carb foods like breads and sugars made me hungrier. When I ate proteins, fats, and fibers, I was full. I also stopped drinking soda. Lots of water.

    I don't buy junk foods like ice cream, chips, cookies, candy, etc. In fact, I stopped eating them because I don't want them now. Food is fuel. You can enjoy it. But you need to change your relationship with food in order to be successful long term. Food cannot be a crutch because it only offers temporary comfort and ultimately will let you down. That's a personal journey that you need to find your own way.

    TBH - There is no magic. Exercise and self-discipline. There are days I still struggle. But I say to myself, am I really hungry or 1) bored, 2) stressed, etc. If so, I take a walk. That usually helps. But now, I've been doing this so long. Those days are very few and far between.
    I am the same. I cannot do moderation. I either don't have any at all or I eat lots of it.
  • gonzanab
    gonzanab Posts: 117 Member
    I don't know about binge eating, but if you do get that craving, try to binge on healthy snacks like fruits or salads. Do you have any other stress relievers that can help? If so, try doing those instead of heading for the fridge. You could also write in a journal to remind yourself how bad you feel after binge eating.
  • cuteaintfit
    Hello! I too struggle with the same things. No diet will work for you unless you face **WHY** you binge. I suggest reading "Stop eating your feelings" by Meryl Hershey Beck. I purchased it last week and it's done more for me in a week than years of therapy.

    Also try to look up "How to have your cake and skinny jeans too".

    I know they sound silly but I promise you; once you face the reasons WHY you have these issues- you can change them!

    Think of it like this. If you know something's wrong with your car- you figure out WHAT needs to be fixed and WHY before you just randomly start fixing things!
  • PurrlyGirl
    PurrlyGirl Posts: 59 Member
    Hello! I too struggle with the same things. No diet will work for you unless you face **WHY** you binge. I suggest reading "Stop eating your feelings" by Meryl Hershey Beck. I purchased it last week and it's done more for me in a week than years of therapy.

    Also try to look up "How to have your cake and skinny jeans too".

    I know they sound silly but I promise you; once you face the reasons WHY you have these issues- you can change them!

    Think of it like this. If you know something's wrong with your car- you figure out WHAT needs to be fixed and WHY before you just randomly start fixing things!

    This is genuinely the best answer here, in my opinion. If you binge, it's for a reason. Genuine binge eating isn't just a "self control" issue. Most people may really really want that piece of cake, and some may have a moment of weakness and eat it, but a binge eater will compulsively eat it...and several more along with it, if not the whole thing.

    I've had an awful pattern the past several years of gaining weight, then claiming I'm going to diet and get healthy, which turns into over-restriction, which turns into binge eating. Every time. This has been the only time I haven't succumbed to that pattern, and it's because I've finally faced my demons that caused the binging in the first place. If you're binge eating, then you have to get to the why as it through books or therapists or internal dialogue and accountability. Whatever it takes. :flowerforyou:
  • mcallister1012
    mcallister1012 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks guys for the responses !
  • vgnfarmer
    vgnfarmer Posts: 108 Member
    There are certain foods like cereal, cookies and crackers that trigger me and when I'm stressed and eat them I usually can't stop. I avoid buying these foods for the house and have them on the weekend outside of the house. I plan for them and track them. If I do buy them and bring home I only bring one or two single-servings.
    Eating enough calories helps a lot too. If I am in a binge I try to remember halfway through that it is ok and still better to stop now. Its hard though. Usually ends up with me kicking myself after and wondering why I let it happen AGAIN!
    OA meetings?
    Good luck!