Needing Some Advice/Help

Alright so I've recently started counting my macros in an attempt to finish up my weight/fat loss journey and transition it into my muscle building one. When I first start my initial journey i weighed in at 305 pounds. I was 19 years old and about 6 months out of high school and just let myself go. Throughout high school I was a year round athlete so I could really eat whatever I wanted (to some degree) and just burn it off at practice or workouts. I was never a small kid, my senior year I was 6'1 225-235 with a good amount of muscle and in then what was the best shape of my life. Fast forward 6 months to 305...still eating whatever I wanted...just not burning it off in practice anymore. I spent the next 7 months dieting (rather loosely) and busting my *kitten* in the gym and worked my way down to 225 lbs where I hit a wall. I could not for the life of me get past 225. Frustrated...I started my first month of Isagenix...a bunch of people I personally knew were doing it and seeing great results so I said to hell with it and signed up. With the help of Isagenix I finally pushed through that wall and finished my first 30 day system at 198 pounds! I haven't weighed under 200 pounds since middle school. I had dropped 27 pounds in 30 days, along with 35 inches all over my body and about 7 percent of my body fat (24% to around 17.5%) I was ecstatic and started my second 30 day system immediately. But, about a week and half into this cleanse i realized it was time to start putting on muscle instead of losing weight. So i stopped with the system and start with counting my macros and the IIFYM diet, occasionally throwing in isagenix shakes here and there. So now my question is what should my macros be to effectively build muscle but still finish up burning the remaining fat I have? Should I still stick to low carbs and higher fats and protein? I currently weigh 192 pounds and have a good workout regimen of lifting 4-5 days a week with 3 miles of cardio on the elliptical right after.

Also ever since I stopped using the isagenix system I've noticed a that I've gained a bit more fat around my mid section and other parts of my body? I know a lot of people don't agree or endorse isagenix and I'm not so sure i do either now. Keep in mind i have been eating extremely clean since stopping the system too (grilled chicken breast, salmon, cod, veggies and etc.) and I drink about a gallon of water a day. Is this fat I'm gaining simply because I'm eating real food again? Or is it all in my head? Please help! Any input is greatly, greatly appreciated!!


  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    What diet plan does the Isagenix have you on? Is it really low calorie?

    For building mass, you'll want more carbs. Carbs are your body's fuel source. If you've been eating at a very low calorie intake, start reverse dieting your calories and carbs back up. Check out this video on the subject. It certainly worked for me.

  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    You will not lose stubborn belly fat while at the same time gaining muscle. You just won't. To lose fat from areas like your abdomen, you have to get quite lean. The lower back, love handles, and abs are among the last places most men store their fat. Most men see fat leave these areas in or around 10%. You will not get to 10% body fat while gaining muscle mass. You need to be in a deficit to lose fat and a surplus to gain muscle. Some people are able to recomp but not like you are hoping. Could you possible lose a percent or 2 of body fat and gain a lb or 2 or lean tissue simultaneously? That's possible but diet and training would really need to be perfect. Even then it would take a long time. It's much quicker to alternate between fat loss phases and muscle building phases. Currently which is most important for you, losing the rest of your fat, or gaining muscle? Focus on the one you want to change the most. Fat can be lost with minimally muscle losses, and muscle gain be gained with minimal fat gain if you do things correctly. It's just very hard, and not very efficient, to do both at once.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Check the Isagenix, the only thing it's doing is taking money out of your pocket.

    Also, get rid of the loose dieting tactics and get serious.

    Learn your BMR and your TDEE (, eat real food you love at a calorie deficit, make sure you weigh your solids and measure your liquids and choose correct entries (, and make good, sustainable dietary habits your norm.

    Make sure you eat enough too, which would be your TDEE minus about five percent to lose a half pound a week, since you don't have much left to lose.

    Keep up with the weight lifting too.
  • Isagenix provides nutrients that your food cant! Google ben kellys bulking plan. My brother is an athlete, playing competitive hockey and has leaned out and increased muscle on isagenix athketes pak :)
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    aPugLife wrote: »
    Isagenix provides nutrients that your food cant! Google ben kellys bulking plan. My brother is an athlete, playing competitive hockey and has leaned out and increased muscle on isagenix athketes pak :)

    Name one.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited October 2014
    aPugLife wrote: »
    Isagenix provides nutrients that your food cant! Google ben kellys bulking plan. My brother is an athlete, playing competitive hockey and has leaned out and increased muscle on isagenix athketes pak :)

    so food can't provide nutrients that a body needs

    right :agree:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    aPugLife wrote: »
    Isagenix provides nutrients that your food cant! Google ben kellys bulking plan. My brother is an athlete, playing competitive hockey and has leaned out and increased muscle on isagenix athketes pak :)

    so food can't provide nutrients that a body needs

    right :agree:
