90 day low carb challenge starting Oct. 20th ...

Hi, I'm starting the 90 day low carb challenge on October 20th. Would like to stay motivated and interested to keep in touch with others doing the same ... let me know so we can work together on this challenge :)


  • meletamt
    meletamt Posts: 1 Member
    This is just what I need to help keep me accountable!
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    welcome and best wishes on your WOE.
  • GetFitCarrie
    GetFitCarrie Posts: 10 Member
    I'd love to join up! I just started today - but know I will fall off the wagon this weekend. Count me in on Monday.
  • What's your idea of low carb? Keeping it under 100g a day will put you in ketosis for most of the day and is a pretty easy goal to stick to.
  • Meandlife
    Meandlife Posts: 19 Member
    Hi .. I'm in ... But how do u guys plan to do it
  • bangorborn
    bangorborn Posts: 1 Member
    Yes I'm in :)
  • Yay! I'm in, and been looking for some help and support from others in the same boat.. I have been trying to lose/maintain weight the low fat/calorie way (since I got ridiculed for low carbing around a year ago) and have really struggled the last six months. I lost my little boy in April which lead to a whopping 14kg weight gain (people constantly trying to feed me etc and then I just fell off the wagon) I really need to get back on track before it gets anymore out of control.

    Start weight: 89kgs / 196lbs
    Goal 90days : 75kgs / 165lbs (I have successfully lost 50lbs doing atkins last year, 30 been in the 1st 3 months so I believe it's not to much of a stretch at all.

    Excited and Looking forward to everyone's success
  • LeslieTSUK
    LeslieTSUK Posts: 215 Member
    i've been doing the low carb for past 3 years, only way I can keep on top of my diabetes, well, lowish carbs almost no sugar, so if anyone ever needs me, just add me or message me, :) best of luck everyone
  • is this starting Monday?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I *may* join. I'm geeky, and like experiments. :) How are we defining low carb?
  • amy32lynn
    amy32lynn Posts: 157 Member
    im in!
  • I'm personally going with good old Atkins. Going to start with 20 net carbs per day and up them slowly as I feel I need to. the first time I stayed on twenty carbs feeling great for almost two months, then started upping because I wanted to make sure I eventually found my Maintenence
  • ajasper12
    ajasper12 Posts: 2 Member
    im new at this but im in
  • PolarPurple
    PolarPurple Posts: 11 Member
    I would like to customize the MFP goal percentages (carb, protein, fat) for a low carb plan. Any suggestions what they should be?
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    I would like to customize the MFP goal percentages (carb, protein, fat) for a low carb plan. Any suggestions what they should be?

    My goal would be 7% carbs...if they allowed you to do that. They just have it in increments of 5. :disappointed: It just depends on your personal calorie goal. For example, my percentages are set to 5% carbs, 25% protein, 70% fat. At my current calorie goal (unadjusted) that comes out to 17g carbs, 86g protein and 100-ish grams fat. But when I exercise, they all go up. I personally just count my carbs and use the percentages of the others as a guide to try to reach, but it's no biggie if I don't. I just keep under my calorie goal, unadjusted for days I don't workout, adjusted for the days I do.

    For mine, 30% would be about 100g carbs. Play around with what each looks like with your calorie goals and see what you feel comfortable with. It depends on how much breads, pasta, and rice you plan to include. I eat none of those, so 30g is easy for me. I'd imagine that if you aren't willing to cut those like that, and many people aren't as crazy as me, you might want to do 100-150g to start. Then if you feel like you need to go lower once you are used to the whole business, then you can.

    Very importantly though, do make sure you eat enough fats! They keep you full and make food tasty. Moderate protein. I would make my fat percentage higher than the protein percentage.

    Anyone else have a couple cents to add to the conversation?

    Oh...and I'm in. I've been keto for 140 days as of yesterday. I have no plans to end anytime soon. :smiley:
  • sophrosyne_
    sophrosyne_ Posts: 18 Member
    I'm in!
  • Count me in, I have fallen off the straight and narrow.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I just downloaded the Atkins app, to play around with it. It's not user friendly at all, is it.
  • I would like to customize the MFP goal percentages (carb, protein, fat) for a low carb plan. Any suggestions what they should be?

    Got mine set at 5% for carbs - it takes it to 15 which works approx for me because it rounds up and down to the nearest whole number. So anything under half a carb registers as zero, figure it gives me decent lee way, if I hit fifteen I'm probably at goal :smile: I try to eat between twenty and twenty five carbs a day - it works for me. But as above, just play around, high fat and I don't worry about calories.

    ^^^^ and 140 days in keto!! That's amazing, well done. Is the weight still flying off??

  • harmar21
    harmar21 Posts: 215 Member
    im in although been doing keto 6 weeks now. I have my goal carbs <30g / day.