Hey Brits...excited about the Royal Wedding?



  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    I'm from the States but I live in London and I am SICK OF IT ALL! The only thing I'm happy about is the four-day weekend but we're going to a different wedding...

    If I have to see Kate Middleton's face one more time on the front page of everything...I'm going to flippppp out!
  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member

    As for the point about the PM running the show, yes, he does and he is indeed elected. But he only runs 1 country, and holds office for max of 5 years whereas the Queen is Head of State of 15 countires and has been our head of state for almost 60 years, giving us remarkable continuity.
    Oh, I get it! thanks!
  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member

    I think it's a big thing in the USA - am I right?

    S x:flowerforyou:
    That's awesome you guys get the day off, I'd be excited too just for that. Here is the USA, the media is all over it. There's been a couple of movies, documentaries on the Royals on tv all the time. News shows telling us about the china, the dress, the disco balls causing some debate... It's way more than a lot of us want to know, but interesting.
  • not really i live in northern ireland part of the uk. i just want the bank holiday off!!
  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member

    The only reason I will be watching on tv is because I am using it in a lesson for my 6 year old whom I homeschool. About a month ago she asked me if the Disney princesses were real, and I told her no. She got mad at me and refused to believe it. So we started learning about real princesses. We started with Princess Mary, and then went to Princess Victoria(both current princesses). She really enjoyed learing about them. Last week she learned about Princess Diana, which led us into Kate. She is excited to be watching the wedding tomorrow.
    That's pretty cool. Out of curiosity I did a little research on the Royals starting with Queen Elizabeth I. Very interesting family and how the roles have changed and how Queen Elizabeth II became queen. Pretty cool history lesson.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I hope they have a wonderful day but in all honesty I couldn't care less about their wedding. I don't know either of them and have no interest in watching them get married or hearing about it. Surprised my hubby hasn't had to do some sort of parade being in the forces but he has the day off too.
  • rhona77
    rhona77 Posts: 17 Member
    I am in Scotland and wish the couple well and hope the day goes by peacefully. My 4 year old daughter is super excited about it but other than that i am not bothered. Looking forward to having the day of as it's a public holiday. Yippeeee!
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I am in TX ,I am sick to death of hearing about.Its on everydamn channel. I dont really understand the big deal for people in America.
    Couldn't agree more! I hate the fact that all the media outlets think we're interested in it when we're SO NOT! Why would I want to hear all about a wedding for some folks that I don't know, will never know, are of no relation to me, and really hold no power or influence over me in any way???

    When they want to give that kind of attention to my wedding or someone I'm close to, maybe I'll care about theirs. But to me, they're just strangers.
  • darblij
    darblij Posts: 89
    I'm happy about having an extra bank holiday but not too bothered about the hype of it all. I do want to see her in her dress though...and at least they're a real couple in love and not like Charles and Diana...hope it stays sunny for them!
  • I live in Glasgow, Scotland and it seems the only royal wedding street party scheduled for this city was scrapped due to lack of interest. Need I say more?

    I'm not bothered either way though. I'm not getting the day off work anyway :(
    But good luck to them! :)
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    .and at least they're a real couple in love and not like Charles and Diana
    According to the media, Charles and Diana were in love when they got married too!

    Anyway, I am completely fed up with it. As Tharrop said:
    Couldn't agree more! I hate the fact that all the media outlets think we're interested in it when we're SO NOT! Why would I want to hear all about a wedding for some folks that I don't know, will never know, are of no relation to me, and really hold no power or influence over me in any way???

    When they want to give that kind of attention to my wedding or someone I'm close to, maybe I'll care about theirs. But to me, they're just strangers.
    I don't get excited when friends get married, so why on earth should I be excited about two complete strangers? What possible bearing can their union have on my life? Even if William becomes king, it's not going to affect me, so I'm really not sure why I should care.

    I'm not against marriage, and I do wish the couple every happiness, as I would anyone embarking on a life together - I just don't think we need it rammed down our throats.

    As an aside, what I would like to know is this; getting married is supposed to be a girl's transition into womanhood - why then do so many brides want to be fairytale princesses, and not Queens or Empresses? Seems completely bizarre to me! :laugh:

  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    bloody hell what a miserable bunch lol, almost everyone I know is planning to watch and is either fairly interested or very excited and planning to celebrate in some way shape or form. i think that its a shame that people are not seeing that some good news on the front of the newspapers for a change is something to be happy about :flowerforyou:
  • bloody hell what a miserable bunch lol, almost everyone I know is planning to watch and is either fairly interested or very excited and planning to celebrate in some way shape or form. i think that its a shame that people are not seeing that some good news on the front of the newspapers for a change is something to be happy about :flowerforyou:

    I don't get why people are so upset over it over here (US).......it's a happy story. There is so much misery in the world, why not take a step back and enjoy this for a little bit. The fuss will die down soon enough.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    bloody hell what a miserable bunch lol, almost everyone I know is planning to watch and is either fairly interested or very excited and planning to celebrate in some way shape or form. i think that its a shame that people are not seeing that some good news on the front of the newspapers for a change is something to be happy about :flowerforyou:
    I'm all for good news. But my point is that it's not "news" at all. To me it's the exact same as hearing about random John & Jane's wedding from some other part of the country, who I have no clue who they are, every single day. It's good news to them (& I'm happy for them); but not to me - it's no news. I have 0 connection to them whatsoever & never will. So why cram it down my throat every day when I just wanna catch up on current events that do matter to me?
  • chris0912
    chris0912 Posts: 242 Member
    Not a Brit, but very excited about the wedding. I can remember watching Diana's wedding when I was 8 and how magical it seemed. So for me, it's a nostalgia thing.
  • T_William
    T_William Posts: 147 Member
    Not fussed, im sure 80% of people dont care (including me) its an excuse for a gathering. I love the idea of street partys tho, great for a community thing!
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    I'm all for good news. But my point is that it's not "news" at all. To me it's the exact same as hearing about random John & Jane's wedding from some other part of the country, who I have no clue who they are, every single day. It's good news to them (& I'm happy for them); but not to me - it's no news. I have 0 connection to them whatsoever & never will. So why cram it down my throat every day when I just wanna catch up on current events that do matter to me?

    Well said! :smile:
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    The royal family means nothing to me. If I don't know the people, why would I be interested in their wedding? Were they interested in mine???
  • kettlewitch
    kettlewitch Posts: 277 Member
    Our company went through people's contracts with a fine tooth comb to see who they had to give the day off to so it's created moaning and whining all week from those who have to work. I'm off but will be avoiding the whole thing. The constant coverage has nearly driven me round the bend and I attempted to do some food shopping tonight and it would appear that world war 3 is going to break out tomorrow and people are panic buying. I abandoned my trolley and have had a sandwich for dinner so generally have the right *kitten* about it all. Yes it makes a change from the usual doom and gloom and the sordid adventures of Katie price but it's an obscene display of privilege and wealth when I work in the care industry and see what effects the government cuts are having.

    I hope it bloody rains , bah humbug :angry:
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i couldnt give a flying f*** about the royal wedding, or any of the royal family and wont be watching, but am happy about the long weekend :)
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