Who has had to completely give up alcohol for weight loss?



  • sarahrosheen
    sarahrosheen Posts: 82 Member
    gave up alcohol a couple years ago because it's not good for my body! I love my reality I don't need a substance to alter it!
  • earlyxer
    earlyxer Posts: 240 Member
    "Who has had to completely give up alcohol for weight loss?" - anyone who wants to succeed.
  • ddrmaster07
    ddrmaster07 Posts: 41 Member
    I am starting to realize for max result I can't drink. I have friends that do the Vodka club soda thing because of low cal but I'm learning more and more that you benefit from not drinking during the journey. I can log 1 glass of wine but in reality I want probably 2 or 3 glasses. By the time I'm done its almost 400 calories that I've logged and I also want to snack on stuff or crave desserts and sugars. I just stick to special occasions lol
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    Yep. Gave it up in April completely. I did have one beer recently on my birthday and didn't even finish it because I didn't like the way I felt. And I'd much rather have a dessert than a beer anyway.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Drink responsibly... meaning not only in a way that you won't run someone over with a car, but also in a way that fits within your new healthy lifestyle.
  • fobs13
    fobs13 Posts: 1,080 Member
    I haven't given up alcohol as I like it at the weekends! I have however substituted having wine with having a gin and slimline tonic. Wine makes me crave doritos and crisps wheras I can sip on a gin and tonic and not crave nibbles. I will however still have a glass of wine if I go out for a nice meal. We only do this very occasionally though.
  • notsuchaskinnybitch
    I haven't given up alcohol for weight loss. I have been in a plateau for a long time after 2.5 stone loss but I don't believe in giving up anything. I try and cut down where I can. I am jealous of anyone who can :) x
  • determinedladybug
    I am in the same boat. I find that I can fit a glass of wine into my calories but then sabotage myself with unhealthy snacking or having one glass turn into two. For now, I am just going to prioritize my goals over the relaxation of a glass of wine. Good luck.
  • sodeelish
    sodeelish Posts: 25 Member
    Never! Don't drink because it's a certain time of day or day of the week. Have a drink when you feel like you really need one.
  • FrozenTundra511
    FrozenTundra511 Posts: 206 Member
    Paige682 wrote: »
    I will give up my wine and beer when someone pries it out of my cold, dead hands.

    Agreed B)

  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I have never given up alcohol, but have lost over 100 pounds. It was a discussion with my trainer in one of our first sessions. There are times when it slows progress or I temporarily gain weight over the weekend, but not enough that it is a real problem. However, it sounds like you don't care about drinking, so why not give it up? If you are worried about what your friends think when you don't drink, or worry about them harassing you, that is another story. My friends could care less if I drink or not, so that is rarely a problem. There are times when I don't want to answer the questions of why I am not drinking, so I drink club soda, diet soda or water and make it look like a drink.
  • Cwyman1
    Cwyman1 Posts: 72 Member
    I work hard, so I can play hard. I workout so I can eat and/or drink what I want...within reason of course. Portion control, whether it's food or drink is the key. IMO!

    I can achieve my goals and still have a few adult beverages each week.

    Tip: Vodka & lemon/lime flavored water with a fresh twist of lemon/lime is a great low-cal option. About 65 calories.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    The reason I work out is to eat and drink what I want (in moderation, of course). I have a large glass of red wine (6-8 oz) a night (or every other night) and I track them everytime. It's all about calories in vs. calories out.
  • brizzeem
    brizzeem Posts: 82 Member
    everyone is going to have their own reasons for action taken on booze intake - or even removing it. this will depend on your habbits when drinking (on top of the additional cals). for me, I want to eat while drinking for the most part. when I was over-weight I would not only over-consume booze but I would add food cals to it too.
    - Yes there was times I said f it i'm not drinking at all but this was when I knew nothing about eating healthy
    - I now only drink socially (which I'll limit the amount I consume and how much per week), this also helps u avoid those hangovers so you dont waste the next day
    - whats helped me stick to this is being consistant and not drinking everyday like I used too. when those occasions come about to go out more then your "limit" a week, enjoy a non-alcoholic mixer. I've gone to bars or other places plenty of times and didnt drink. it was a big mentality change for me as it does suck when your friends are drinking and you're not but hey - u have goals right?!?!?
  • Myrmilt
    Myrmilt Posts: 124 Member
    I have mostly given it up - mostly due to timing of when I prefer to drink.

    I really enjoy have a drink when I get home, which is where the majority of my problem is. I can have just one, but why do I have to? After all I am home and once I drink, I won't go anywhere. This is my problem.
    My preferred workout time for most of my life is evenings. Mornings are evil, rushed, and a painful time period for me. When I started drinking more, it impacted my fitness activity and of course changed my calorie intake as well.
    So no, I really can't drink regularly and maintain an active lifestyle. And yes, I know others can, but I personally can't.
  • SuperSleepySchro
    SuperSleepySchro Posts: 13 Member
    I hear you on this one so I planned a little experiment for myself. I've been a weekend warrior on the party front pretty much since I graduated college four years ago. 2 weeks ago decided to go cold turkey on beer for one month to see how it affects my weight loss progress. It's not the calories consumed during drinking that bother me so much as the completely lethargic and binge prone state I am in the day after. Anything greasy becomes almost irresistible to me haha.

    Socially my big test is Friday evening at a birthday bbq for a college buddy. I'm sure there will be temptation and a little peer pressure but the goal is to prove to myself I can still have fun at such an event while sober and then workout first thing Saturday morning.

    Pending the results of this experiment, I plan to add some partying back in but find an acceptable limit...probably reduce to once a month.
  • bevhillsilly
    bevhillsilly Posts: 48 Member
    All I know is when I gave up wine for 8 days my weight did not change. When I gave up cookies for 8 days I lost. A doughnut has about 300 cals. I'd rather use that for a few nice glasses of Pinot Noir.
  • AllTheNoms
    AllTheNoms Posts: 135 Member
    I've basically had to give it up - I make terrible food choices when alcohol is involved (especially the day after) and stay up later than I normally would which makes me tired and more inclined to skip work outs. I have taken more enjoyment lately out of seeing results on the scale and in the gym. I will still have the occasional drink, but it is at a point where I more so do it so that whoever I'm with doesn't feel uncomfortable drinking by themselves (can only order so many diet cokes!).