
Hi! I am a 26 year-old lady looking to get more fit. I'm super petite -- 4'9" but about 130 pounds. I want to lose weight so that I can be comfortable and because I love, love, love clothes.

I am flexible and strong and I like almost all exercise. The problem is finding time to do it! I have been telling myself for weeks that I will wake up early to go for a run or go lift, but it has *never* happened. Aurgh! Right now, all my exercise is happening on the weekends. I would really love to have an early morning routine though, so any tips re: that would be swell.

I am a vegetarian person and for the past three weeks, I've been trying to incorporate more protein into my diet. This is mostly in the form of nonfat greek yogurt, cottage cheese, egg whites, and clif builder bars (I adore these!).

My usual eating goes:
Breakfast: smoothie with protein powder OR whole wheat toast with natural peanut butter
Snack: protein bar
Lunch: tofurky sandwich with arugula + tomato on dave's killer bread (thin sliced)
Snack: a piece of fruit, 2 tbsp. almonds, a square of dark chocolate OR nonfat greek yogurt, with frozen blueberries + 2 tbsp. granola
Dinner: 1/4 of a blue apron vegetarian recipe

For a really long time I tried to eat at a large calorie deficit and would be successful for a couple of miraculous, wonderful few days until I crashed and ended up bingeing on something to undo all of it. I'm a very *healthy* eater in terms of what foods I eat, but it is extremely easy for me to eat too much because I just don't need as many calories as most people. And I love to snack! (I haven't always been eating the way that I outlined above -- that's pretty new.)

My new plan is to track *everything* in MFP, even the bad days, to snack less, and to have a less severe calorie deficit so that I can actually maintain the pace. :)

Unrelated to Weight Stuff Lauren facts: I love poetry, animals, and music. I like to cook, ride my bike, and do yoga. I'm a fast swimmer and a slow runner. I adore my job. I clip pages of magazines and taping them on the walls. I write letters. I dance. I'm very stretchy. I have a cat. Theoretically, I know that I'm more than my weight but I'm working on acceptance/forgiveness. It's kind of hard to be trying to lose weight and also being okay with how you are.

Please friend me! I could use support. :smiley:
