Not getting anywhere? Here might be the reason why...

We try and try to do what every authority and conventional resource tells us to do. It is ingrained in our society. If you have tried "every" diet out there, and still not getting anywhere, you are probably being educated wrong.

Your body has 3 sources of energy: Carbohydrates, protein, fat. Conventional wisdom tells us that we need to eat a bunch of carbohydrates and we will be healthy. Cool. But do you have any clue how your body metabolizes carbohydrates? Energy is neither created nor destroyed, so when you eat those carbs, and do not use them right away for energy, it gets stored as fat. But how does your body burn fat? How can it if you are too busy stuffing apples for fuel?

Everyone tells us that we should cram fruits and veggies in our face, but if you have a desk job or some sedentary lifestyle, you can restrict calories all you want. As long as you eat carbs all day (and you have to ALL DAY, because you get hungry fast), you probably won't get anywhere. I see it time and time again on the threads: people who have no idea why they can't lose weight.

Historically, humans have relied on fats in the winter, and (maybe) plants in the summer. Inuits had no choice but to rely on whale and walrus meat and fat. Mammals other than humans use fat to keep themselves alive when plants and fruits aren't available. But as I educate myself on how my body processes nutrients, I am finding it interesting that as soon as we started farming fruits and stuff, we started contracting all these weird diseases. As soon as we started mass-producing processes stuff to feed an exponentially-increasing population, everyone started to get fat. Diseases and disorders came out of the woodworks. Coincidence? Probably not.

I think people need to educate themselves on how their body operates. I see it all the time where they will come on here looking for "answers." I am just one person, who is experimenting with one method of weight loss. But the more I educate myself and experiment, the more I see that conventional wisdom is not wisdom at all.

Thank you for reading this, and I have a question for you. If you can understand this question, and find the answer to it, you might be more educated than you were before, and that may help you decide on a new path that will help in both weight loss and health:

How does your body burn fat when it is too busy burning off that apple, cereal or pasta dish you ate and packing the rest away AS fat?


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