Looking for Phentermine Buddies....



  • mamato3babes
    It's funny how they prescribe this to anyone now. It used to be that you had to have a BMI of 30 or greater. Be careful it can be addictive. It works because it decreases your appetite severely. When I took it, I could go without eating all day and that's definitely not good.
    Im def gonna make myself eat.... and still stick to my 1200 calories :)
    I didnt think she would offer it to me.... I was kind of surprised but was excited to try it!
    oh and my bmi is 24

    Which is even more surprising because you are at a healthy BMI, <25.

    Apparently according to her as long as you can stand to lose 30 lbs and not be considered underweight you can take it.
  • kstel
    kstel Posts: 12 Member
    a few months, i never took it everyday, the doctor told me to skip a day here and there so my body doesn't get used to it. Then I got off it for almost 7 months then went back on for a little...now i stopped taking it all together because i don't feel like its doing anything.
  • scaryfairy81
    a few months, i never took it everyday, the doctor told me to skip a day here and there so my body doesn't get used to it. Then I got off it for almost 7 months then went back on for a little...now i stopped taking it all together because i don't feel like its doing anything.

    That happened to me with the other med, phendimetrazine. It's similar but not quite as strong. I stopped using it because it wasn't working very well.
  • Rosaleeh81
    Good Luck Rachel!!! :) Before you know it, ur gonna disappear when u turn sideways!! LOL...how long are u gonna be on it, til u lose what u want? I'm glad u FINALLY were able to get it, is this the same thing u were tryin' to get before? Can't wait for the gym tomorrow!!!!! :)
  • michelle277
    I've used it for about 3 months now and have lost over 30 pounds. However, I also watch what I eat and do ALOT of cardio. But, it really helps me with not being hungry and I get full quicker. :) I love it and have not had any side effects at all. Good Luck!
  • Cyn_125
    Cyn_125 Posts: 21 Member
    I used it for about 2 months and in that time I lost 30 lbs. I would've kept taking it but it did start making me get the shakes and my heart was racing. When I went in to the doctor he said it was from the pills and even gave me an EKG because he said the pill can affect your heart. Everything came back fine on the test but that scared me enough to stop taking them. I've now lost 10 lbs in the month since I stopped taking them on my own. I think it was good while it lasted because it did help me to not be as hungry and not eat much. It also got me started on my journey to losing weight. So good luck! I hope it works better for you than it did for me!
  • wagn27
    wagn27 Posts: 65
    Sorry every thing you have read here is negative! I replied on another post, so you may or may not have read this already... I've learned about weight loss medications in school (graduating Pharmacy school in a few months, yay!) because they have become so popular nowadays. Seems people want to take a pill for everything because it's a quick fix. Before you think I'm getting negative again, I will say that Adipex DOES WORK. People get a lot of good results while they are on it. The problem comes in with side effects and risks. Tons of side effects, and you can't take it with certain other meds, you aren't supposed to use it if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems, etc because you could make your condition worse. That said, how do you improve your health if you can't lose weight? At least this drug gets you started in the right direction and you can learn to eat less. Like someone else mentioned though, the effects only last for a limited time and eventually you will stop seeing results- you may need to take a break and restart later. Problem- it's addicting (controlled substance, probably one of the many reasons you have to return monthly for a script) and you may get withdrawal symptoms if you stop it suddenly. Annnnnd you'll gain all your weight back (+ some) if you don't continue your diet and exericse. Definitely let your Dr know if notice any of these side effects:

    Fast, pounding, or irregular heartbeat
    Chest pain
    Severe headache
    Trouble breathing
    Skin rash, severe itching or hives
    Unexplained fever or sore throat
    Blurred vision, confusion, or hallucinations
    Uncontrolled body movements or seizures

    Side note: less serious side effect - it may cause changes in sex drive (booo)

    All that being said, it's great for people who have tried other things without success and don't want/aren't candidates for surgical options.

    Just trying to give some helpful information :smile:

    Good luck and hopefully you will notice changes soon!
  • eileen7316
    eileen7316 Posts: 72 Member
    It works because it is SPEED. An amphetamine.

    I took it last year for about 6 weeks, but then I started having negative consequences. I became ENRAGED over the least little thing. I ended up going to therapy because I did not know what was wrong with me! After several weeks, I finally did some research online and came across others who had the same experience.

    I'm not saying everyone experiences this, but just be careful and observant. It is not worth your health to have a magic pill.
  • mamato3babes
    Good Luck Rachel!!! :) Before you know it, ur gonna disappear when u turn sideways!! LOL...how long are u gonna be on it, til u lose what u want? I'm glad u FINALLY were able to get it, is this the same thing u were tryin' to get before? Can't wait for the gym tomorrow!!!!! :)

    Thanks Rosalee! And yea that was the stuff I was talking about before. It was nice, I didnt even have to ask for it. She suggested it :) im not expecting a miracle drug ya kno? Im still doing my part w/ diet n exercise. Just getting a little help thats all :) not sure how long I will take them. Guess I'll see how it goes. She said no longer than 6 mos tho. Not that I think I would need that long anyhow... See you tonight girl! Woot Woot lol
  • mamato3babes
    Thanks to all for the feedback :)
    Again any tips or suggestions while taking this is always appreciated.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Fast, pounding, or irregular heartbeat
    Chest pain
    Severe headache
    Trouble breathing
    Skin rash, severe itching or hives
    Unexplained fever or sore throat
    Blurred vision, confusion, or hallucinations
    Uncontrolled body movements or seizures

    OMG. I'd rather be fat.
  • mamato3babes
    Fast, pounding, or irregular heartbeat
    Chest pain
    Severe headache
    Trouble breathing
    Skin rash, severe itching or hives
    Unexplained fever or sore throat
    Blurred vision, confusion, or hallucinations
    Uncontrolled body movements or seizures

    I havent experienced any of these :)
    And most meds have potential side effects doesnt mean its going to happen lol

    OMG. I'd rather be fat.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Fast, pounding, or irregular heartbeat
    Chest pain
    Severe headache
    Trouble breathing
    Skin rash, severe itching or hives
    Unexplained fever or sore throat
    Blurred vision, confusion, or hallucinations
    Uncontrolled body movements or seizures

    I havent experienced any of these :)
    And most meds have potential side effects doesnt mean its going to happen lol

    OMG. I'd rather be fat.

    For some reason for me, if there is a side effect possible, it will happen to me lol
  • mamato3babes
    So you're one of the lucky ones ;)
    Yea my dr said if i have any of those to stop immediately!
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I Took it in the past and would only have short term benefits. I also got some of the side effects, heart racing, and breathing issues so I won't take it anymore. I have lots of friends that have had really good results and were able to keep their weight off.
  • mamato3babes
    Bump! :)
  • danie2010dw
    danie2010dw Posts: 31 Member
    i lost 10lbs on it about 2 years ago. I don't feel like it works for me anymore, so i stopped taking it.

    ive heard this alot im kinda going thru it now the first round i lost 13 in a month then i stopped taking it for 11/2 month then all of a sudden i got my PCP to perscribe im jus not losing as easy so i been back on it for about one month give or take but i ummm started working out mor than i did the first round and in the last month i lost umm 3 pounds so im back to where i was at the end of my last cycle.I really think if you go off of it you have to really KICK it up when u go back on it. but we will seee since im geting a Wii soon to change up my workouts(so Excitied)... but i would encourage you to try it one more time jus keep up with the workouts you will be fine:)
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    If you dont change your eating habit this will only end in weight gain again ! what will happen when you stop taking it....uuummmm you get hungry and you eat way you always have and sooner than later your on this site wondering why you have gained the weight back. I can only speak from expierence, been there done that !!! It is a temp fix. Just follow your calorie intake and exercise it may take a little longer but do you really want to be doing this a second time around?
  • mamato3babes
    Actually... I have changed my eating habits and I work out as well. If I continue to do these things even after I stop taking it I should be fine. After all, this is a healthy lifestyle change. Im just getting a kick start.... I'm in it for the long haul :)
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Wow Seriously people?? She said in the title she is looking for phentermine buddies NOT negativity!

    She has already stated she is using it as an AID to diet and excercise, meaning she is changing her habits for the better and just wants a little help along the way.

    Also, Phentermine now has multiple dosages, this has happened within the last year, so if you were on it over a year ago its not exactly the same. Hence why they can prescribe it to people who have less to loose but possibly more stubborn fat.

    I have used it multiple times (yes multiple) with great success. Yes I personally failed once afterwards but its because I ate crap. The first time I took it I lost just shy of 50 lbs in 3 months it stayed off for over 2 years and a pregnancy. This time around I lost 43 lbs in 3 months and I have continued with the good habits I learned while ON it and I have CONTINUED to lose (feel free to add me, you can see my ticker and results) Now today I am having a horrible TOM craving everything day and yes I wish I had my adipex/phentermine but that doesnt mean Im an addict it just means I dont want to see myself fall off track.

    Half the side effects listed happen with other pills women take daily (including for MEDICAL issues) anytime you put something synthetic in your body you can have negative reactions/side effects. I personally cant ever be induced again because synthetic pitosin and my uterus dont get along. Im allergic the phenegran which is suppossed to be impossible and Vicoden makes me hyper when it should mello me out.