
Hello all!
I started C25K Monday and I really like it so far. I'm hoping to document my progress and questions here. One thing I changed is that I felt 3 days wasn't enough, so I'm planning on spending 5 days a week on each "Level/week" instead of 3. I'm hoping to eventually shed 35-40lbs (not all in 9 weeks, ha) and improve my endurance, strength, stamina, etc. I would also like to make jogging a habit to stay healthy.
I just finished day 4 today (took weds off) and some things I noticed is that my breathing has improved and I can stand the min jog better than day 1 for sure. I have more energy than before starting and feel like I should move around more (ex hiking, more walking, etc). The sweating used to gross me out at first, but now it makes me feel accomplished and strong. I used to look at the seconds count down and think "OMG hurry up and end", but now I try not to focus on time so much and just concentrate my mind on my breathing and form.
Anyone else have great results with C25K?
Also, I mainly eat clean, mainly veggies, fruits, and lean meats (chicken/fish). I am a 22 year old female that's 5 foot nothing weighing 147.


  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Welcome to running!
    I suggest this active and helpful group: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/30-couch-to-5k-running-program-c25k

    The program is set up to slowly build your systems up and make you a strong runner. You do need those rest days in between running days. I would advise that you stick with running 3x a week and add something else in the other days....something that will allow you to rest your legs. Doing too much at first increases the risk of injury.

    Concentrate on breathing and form (as you mentioned) and slow down your pace as required.

    C25K is great. I graduated almost 2 years ago, run 3x a week and really enjoy it.
  • heartofviolet
    heartofviolet Posts: 119 Member
    I just completed the program this week. Go easy on yourself if you don't want to burn out, three times a week is plenty for a beginner and to build up enough endurance to progress from week to week. Five days a week is fantastic but not always realistic, so go easy on yourself if you don't hit that goal! But it's a good one to aim for.

    Also, don't feel bad if you have to repeat a week. When I hit midpoint (5 minute runs) I was having difficulty with it so I repeated weeks,
  • slakkmichael
    I am on the final week of C25K and I am amazed I can run 25 minutes straight! It is mostly mental versus physical I find. I actually enjoy my run days and plan 2 move up to the 10K one next.
  • jissellc
    jissellc Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks everyone for the responses! I will stick to 3 days a week to start and up it if needed later. I went for a 2.8 hike today (quite steep), so I will probably relax this weekend and recover. I feel fine, but I want to allow myself to heal.
    I really appreciate the advice!
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I'll echo the comment that 3 days a week is ideal. Rest days are when your body adapts, you don't want to over stress it. Once you have a year of running under your belt, you might want to add more days.
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    PaytraB wrote: »
    Welcome to running!
    I suggest this active and helpful group: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/30-couch-to-5k-running-program-c25k

    The program is set up to slowly build your systems up and make you a strong runner. You do need those rest days in between running days. I would advise that you stick with running 3x a week and add something else in the other days....something that will allow you to rest your legs. Doing too much at first increases the risk of injury.

    Concentrate on breathing and form (as you mentioned) and slow down your pace as required.

    C25K is great. I graduated almost 2 years ago, run 3x a week and really enjoy it.

    I was thinking the same thing with 3x a week only because I got an overuse injury and it really did not seem like I was overdoing it, but it can happen very easily and it is a pain to get the knees better. Good luck!
  • jissellc
    jissellc Posts: 76 Member
    Today was my Week 2/ Day 1. Not as bad as I thought. I am very pleased with today! When I first attempted jogging a couple weeks ago, I could not last 90 secs of jogging. But today I did it! I also noticed I catch my breath quicker during the walk portions, than I did last week. I am pleased with my little improvements. Can't wait to see how far I progress in the coming weeks.
  • SameMe_JustLess
    SameMe_JustLess Posts: 245 Member
    I started C25K a few times and stopped. This time, I repeated weeks 1-3 to give myself a good base. By week 4 I didn't feel the need to repeat. So, I guess I am echoing some other posters, but do not hesitate to repeat days or even weeks.

    Also, I cross train on the off days, with one day of 100% rest (unless you count laundry as exercise! ha!).

    Good luck!!
  • CarrieStratfull
    Hello, I've recently been introduced to the programme and am starting week three at the moment (I started a little further in as I have been doing short run/walk intervals for a few weeks and thought weeks one and two would be a drop back from where I'm at). Week three is just fine at the moment, a little harder than I'm used to but not killing me. I did my second session this morning and am noticing improvements in breathing and recovery times already. I do swimming five days a week and gym equipment several times a week too. Lot of flab to get rid of! :-) Feel free to add me if you want someone to chat to who's kind of around the same stage xx
  • jissellc
    jissellc Posts: 76 Member
    Thank you Carrie for your response. I'm glad you are seeing progress and it makes me motivated to keep going!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited October 2014
    I'll echo the comment that 3 days a week is ideal. Rest days are when your body adapts, you don't want to over stress it. Once you have a year of running under your belt, you might want to add more days.
    This! My heart stopped when I read you were planning on 5 days per week. (I did see your later post but wanted to give some justification.) While I applaud the enthusiasm and motivation, that way lies injury. I cannot tell you how many posts I've responded to from people who got all crazy with enthusiasm and ended up with shin splints or other injuries. In addition to not running more than three days per week, don't do anything else high impact. That includes Zumba, or the 30DS, or anything else that has you jumping up and down and putting stress on your leg joints. Activities like biking, walking, swimming, the elliptical or yoga are all great choices for the other days. If you do notice any pain during or after a run, it's not normal, unless you have a pre-existing condition; running shouldn't hurt. If you do start to have pain, and are keeping to 3 days per week, the most common cause is that you need different running shoes. At that point, you'll want to go to a running store, that is, one which specializes in running. They can analyze your gait and recommend shoes that fit the way you run.

    Congrats on your progress so far! You'll be amazed how fast your body gets used to running and how quickly your endurance increases. Don't ever be afraid to repeat a session, though, if you don't feel ready to progress. I did a couple of the weeks twice (once because I'd caught a cold). Most of all, keep having fun! You might think about finding a race in your area a few weeks after your projected finish date. I find that races keep me motivated.
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    Thanks for this post. I have been thinking of trying the C25K.
  • jissellc
    jissellc Posts: 76 Member
    SueInAz wrote: »
    I'll echo the comment that 3 days a week is ideal. Rest days are when your body adapts, you don't want to over stress it. Once you have a year of running under your belt, you might want to add more days.
    This! My heart stopped when I read you were planning on 5 days per week. (I did see your later post but wanted to give some justification.) While I applaud the enthusiasm and motivation, that way lies injury. I cannot tell you how many posts I've responded to from people who got all crazy with enthusiasm and ended up with shin splints or other injuries. In addition to not running more than three days per week, don't do anything else high impact. That includes Zumba, or the 30DS, or anything else that has you jumping up and down and putting stress on your leg joints. Activities like biking, walking, swimming, the elliptical or yoga are all great choices for the other days. If you do notice any pain during or after a run, it's not normal, unless you have a pre-existing condition; running shouldn't hurt. If you do start to have pain, and are keeping to 3 days per week, the most common cause is that you need different running shoes. At that point, you'll want to go to a running store, that is, one which specializes in running. They can analyze your gait and recommend shoes that fit the way you run.

    Congrats on your progress so far! You'll be amazed how fast your body gets used to running and how quickly your endurance increases. Don't ever be afraid to repeat a session, though, if you don't feel ready to progress. I did a couple of the weeks twice (once because I'd caught a cold). Most of all, keep having fun! You might think about finding a race in your area a few weeks after your projected finish date. I find that races keep me motivated.

    Thank you for your advise! It is greatly appreciated! I do have some soreness in my shins, but that's because I went hiking Friday and it was a rocky path that lasted an hour and a half haha. It doesn't hurt when I run, just when I squat down enough to put pressure on it. And yes I am very surprised my body is adapting to running. I never thought I would like running and would always cringe and avoid it when I was in high school. Thank you for the insight!
  • jissellc
    jissellc Posts: 76 Member
    Ok so, did Week 2/ Day 3 today, I did day 2 on weds but was too busy to post. Day 2 was a bit tough because I didn't really get much sleep the night before so I felt myself getting tired during the jog portions.
    Day 3 was much much better. It felt like the 90 seconds of running went by so quick. I was using the C25K (which has been acting up >:( ) and it really helps me keep track of when to run and when to jog. But yeah, today was so much easier than day 2, my breathing was good today and I felt like I didn't jog enough haha.
    Haven't noticed any weightloss, but my calves feel less giggly and my hip muscles are more firm(?).
  • jissellc
    jissellc Posts: 76 Member
    Woah haven't posted in a while. Did Week 2 twice, it wasn't so bad. This week, yesterday actually I started Week 3/ Day 1. This week is completely different than Week 2, holy cow. 3 minutes of running straight was tough, but I am so excited because I did run for the full 3 minutes each! Before I could never ever do that! The last stretch of the last 3 min interval was tough and my legs were so tired, but I'm glad I fought through it.
    I've noticed my legs are more toned and I can feel more muscle under the fat layers. I can also feel my abs under the belly fat. I have also lost inches, not sure how much specifically. Haven't lost any weight though.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    jissellc wrote: »
    Woah haven't posted in a while. Did Week 2 twice, it wasn't so bad. This week, yesterday actually I started Week 3/ Day 1. This week is completely different than Week 2, holy cow. 3 minutes of running straight was tough, but I am so excited because I did run for the full 3 minutes each! Before I could never ever do that! The last stretch of the last 3 min interval was tough and my legs were so tired, but I'm glad I fought through it.
    I've noticed my legs are more toned and I can feel more muscle under the fat layers. I can also feel my abs under the belly fat. I have also lost inches, not sure how much specifically. Haven't lost any weight though.
    I'm in week two.

    I added a few pounds after I started and they have yet to come off. I know it wasn't food that made me gain, so I'm thinking it's running, but it could also be period-related. Very interested to see what happens over the next two weeks! Wth with the weight?!

    My thighs are already more toned...especially on the outside (lateral) parts. Holy moly! And the area where your legs become you abdomen - Wow! Slimmed down a little already! (But no weight coming off.)

    I am not doing this for muscle. I'm doing it because walking takes a long time and I just kind of wanted to pick up the pace. But, is not crying over the improvements I've already seen! Unbelievable!

    I've been making it through the 90 seconds, but I don't think I'll be able to do three minutes. I'm dying for the 90 seconds to end when they do!
  • jissellc
    jissellc Posts: 76 Member
    Yes! My period just ended and I weigh less on my period for some reason. I'm assuming because my body is losing fluid. I completely agree about the thighs! The outside of my thighs are more toned, whereas the inner thigh (my problem areas) are not as toned. Yes I've seen a big difference in my hips. Also, it will get easier. I could NOT run 3 mins straight and I barely could yesterday, but I was at least able to push through without stopping and feeling completely burned out.
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    I'm on week 3. I also felt it was slow paced, but now that I'm in it a bit more I appreciate the off days. I lift 2-3 days a week besides, alternating between the workouts, and it's perfect for me right now. The running is great and I love the app. I'm just struggling to find proper clothing to keep warm!
  • jissellc
    jissellc Posts: 76 Member
    Yeah, now that I'm at week 3 I'm thinking 3 days a week is good/do-able! I should try lifting, but I only have 5lbs weights :( I was thinking of doing some barre workouts every other day. Yeah the running is relaxing in a way, because it makes me more focused. Yeah during winter months, I'm glad I have a treadmill. It's hard running outdoors in winter because if I wear sweats, I get too hot, yet its freezing out.
  • Edie30
    Edie30 Posts: 216
    Yay! I love this programme. I couldn't run for 20 seconds when I started hardly but completed it and am now on to 8 k training ..whoop... Keep going... You are a runner :D