how fast did you lose weight?

I am just wondering how long it will take to lose some weight?
I know it is usually a bit in the beginning and slows as time goes by? is this true?
I would to hear how much people lost initially and how long it took?


  • missyme10
    missyme10 Posts: 38 Member
    edited October 2014
    In the first week or 2 you will loose more because your body retains water due to higher salt intake (eating healthy tends to lower your salt intake) and you have more food in your digestive tract.

    So for me when I started out, I lost 5lb first week (3lb water weight, 2lb actual body fat), then a further 2lb the next week.

    Thereafter I lost between 0.5lb and 2lb depending on how I ate. If I stayed around the 1200kcal mark a day for the whole week I'd loose the full 2lb. If I had more bad days than good then I'd loose less than 1 lb.

    Of course it does depend on how big you are to start with, the bigger the greater the loss usually as a bigger person needs more calories per day to sustain their current weight than a small person.
  • 17746991
    I am starting at 143lbs/65kg
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    Depending on your height, you may not have a lot to lose. But honestly, regardless, losing weight slowly is a healthier way to go. Really cool study about metabolic adaptation in response to low calorie dieting and large amount of weight loss. Researchers demonstrated that in this population, metabolic rate was reduced by double than what was predicted based on the amount of bodyfat lost. (Reduction in metabolic rate of 617kcal/day vs. predicted reduction of 289kcal/day). In layman's terms: "Extreme caloric restriction and fast weight loss = more metabolic adaptation = less capacity to lose fat long-term = takes longer to re-build metabolism. Whatever you do, do it gradually and systematically as opposed to the extremes." I've taken about 11 months to lose 20 lbs (had a vacation and right now I'm trying to figure out my true TDEE).
  • 17746991
    I am 5'6 do you think 124lbs is a realistic goal weight?
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    the first 20 -30 fell off fairly quickly (under 2 months) the next 16 took about 4 months. as for being 5'6" and setting 124 lbs as a goal, check with a doctor. It really depends on your body frame, what activity level you want to obtain/get to , etc. The charts are formula that get you in the neighborhood of weight ranges, but the weight that works best for you depends on a few more factors.
  • 17746991
    pkw58 wrote: »
    the first 20 -30 fell off fairly quickly (under 2 months) the next 16 took about 4 months. as for being 5'6" and setting 124 lbs as a goal, check with a doctor. It really depends on your body frame, what activity level you want to obtain/get to , etc. The charts are formula that get you in the neighborhood of weight ranges, but the weight that works best for you depends on a few more factors.

    I have a very "girly" hourglass shape and I looove to exercise
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    I don't think rapid weight loss is a realistic goal for you. You sound like you really don't have much that you can healthily lose at this point. If you wanted my advice, which I know you probably don't I would tell you to accept your current weight. You probably look and feel great. Losing more weight might be ok for your vanity. But it will probably start cutting in to the exercise you claim to love. Past a certain point losing weight just plain becomes unhealthy and a matter of vanity.
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    edited October 2014
    I changed my lifestyle 3.5 years ago. The first year I lost 100 lbs the second year about 65 lbs the third year about 35 lbs ( I had a bad year :) I think I could have done better had I been more consistent.) and so far this 5 months into my 4th year I have last about 28 lbs. So yes it has slowed down overtime but still going strong. To date total loss of 228 :)
  • sentaruu
    sentaruu Posts: 2,206 Member
    115 lbs in a little over 10 months.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    I lost an average of a pound a week for eighteen months; some weeks it went up some, some weeks it dropped some. Keep your eyes on the long game.
  • PinkyQT
    PinkyQT Posts: 56 Member
    I'm 5ft7.5 and started off as 145lb. From eating healthy foods (mainly fruit and veg) but still eating 2000calories I lost a lot of weight. In 2 months I lost 5lbs at one point. Now I am 125.5lbs and by Christmas I want to be 120lbs. I will do this by starting exercise.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    When I was Obese II, the fat just melted off. I lost SO FAST. Consistent loss and big chunks occasionally. It was easy and dreamlike. I was sure that by the end of this year, I'd be skinny!

    Obese I, pounds still flew off.

    Overweight, it slowed down. And slowed. And slowed.

    Now, as near a normal BMI, I tend to have whoosh times and then nothing. I lose a bunch...then I wait. And I must work a LOT harder for it. If it weren't for exercise, I don't think I'd lose at all.

    I shudder to think how hard it will be after I lose 25 more.

    People say the last 10-15 pounds are the hardest. My plan is to starve them off, lol.

  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    edited October 2014
    Obese III = 432lbs to 286lbs = 146lbs down (8 months, 6 day or 35 weeks)
    Obese II = 286lbs - 250lbs = 36lbs down (2 months, 28 days or 12 weeks)
    Obese = 250lbs - 216lbs = 34lbs down (2 months, 16 days or 11 weeks)
    Overweight = 213lbs (today)
  • mlheideman
    mlheideman Posts: 42 Member
    Cerakoala wrote: »
    I changed my lifestyle 3.5 years ago. The first year I lost 100 lbs the second year about 65 lbs the third year about 35 lbs ( I had a bad year :) I think I could have done better had I been more consistent.) and so far this 5 months into my 4th year I have last about 28 lbs. So yes it has slowed down overtime but still going strong. To date total loss of 228 :)

    Cerakola, You're such an inspiration. I'd love to be friends!
  • epido
    epido Posts: 353 Member
    edited October 2014
    I lost a lot initially. I started making changes to my diet, working out, etc a year ago. Between Halloween of last year, and the first of the year I lost 30-35 pounds. By June of this year, I had lost a total of 75 pounds.

    Then I hit a plateau, and lost and gained the same 5 pounds over and over until about a month ago. Part of the issue was the longer the plateau went on, the more frustrated I was becoming, and the more I began to make some poorer choices regarding food and exercise. I also had a shoulder injury that prevented me from doing any weight lifting for about 6 weeks during the end of that time period. (Let me tell you, there is only so much cardio I can stand to do!)

    Once the doctor cleared me to be able to go back to lifting, I decided it was time to buckle down again, and get back with the program. In the last month or so, I have lost another 5 pounds. It seems to be coming off a lot slower now than it was initially, but I knew that would eventually happen. Some days it really gets to me, but realistically, I know there was no way I was going to be able to keep up that rate of loss, at least not if I was going to do it in a healthy manner.

    I'm still 30 pounds away from my goal weight, and it is going to take me longer than I initially thought it would to get there, but I will get there! I just wish I had done this years ago!

  • keefmac
    keefmac Posts: 313 Member
    I've took 4 1/2 months to lose 2 stone, still losing slightly but building myself up to maintainance now..

    I nipped it in the bud, when I saw 90kg on the scale I knew it was time to sort my eating out!.

    Slow and steady wins the race..
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    edited October 2014
    I lost 40 pounds in about six and a half months on here (January-August). Then I hit a 3-week stall and have lost eight pounds in the past six weeks since I started losing again (which could have been more but I took a weekend off for celebrations).
  • Smallbluepebble
    Smallbluepebble Posts: 49 Member
    I've lost about 80lbish - it's taken me since April 2012 to do so. I still have about 15-20lb to lose & it will probably take another year to shift it.

    I workout or go to the gym everyday - I use weights, run, HIIT, swim, cycle, Tai Chi & Zumba and I change it up to keep myself interested...

    I wish you well with your goals :smiley:
  • Eudoxy
    Eudoxy Posts: 391 Member
    I'm 5'8", I've gone from 193 to 168 in 7 months. I've cheated a lot, vacations, etc. I think I've averaged around 16-1700 calories a day.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    It took me almost a year to lose 44 pounds. I've been maintaining for almost a year now, which is the longest I have ever maintained my weight in my life. I must say I'm pretty darned proud of me-self. B):D