Thanksgiving Dinner

The holidays are always so difficult. On thanksgiving day, should i do my regular routine of a small breakfeast , maybe a banna for lunch and just enjoy the turkey ect? Im just nervous that I will over eat and go way off track...

thanks guys


  • TheBull50
    The holidays are always so difficult. On thanksgiving day, should i do my regular routine of a small breakfeast , maybe a banna for lunch and just enjoy the turkey ect? Im just nervous that I will over eat and go way off track...

    thanks guys
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    You've lost 62# already! If you go a little off track on Thursday, I'll sure you'll jump right back up & be fine on Friday. One day isn't going to push you off the edge forever...but if you think it will, just cut back. Everything in moderation, right? You can do this! It is just another day. :wink:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hey there!

    I know the holidays can be a little scary when you are doing the weight-loss thing.

    I started my lifestyle change last September, 2007.....right before the holiday season! BUT, I got through Halloween, birthday parties, Thanksgiving, Christmas AND Super Bowl Sunday unscathed!

    I think the key is to allow yourself to relax a bit and not stress over every little thing those days but also be reasonable with things too. AND the most important thing is to not let that one day turn into the norm again. Just get back on track the next day and you will be ok! Your loss that week might not be exactly what you had been doing......but so won't hold you back for long and we do need a day here and there to allow ourselves to take it easy.

  • LuvinLife
    LuvinLife Posts: 89 Member
    I started my weight loss last November right before the holidays also. I gave myself free reign on those days, but got right back on the horse the day or two after(had to eat a few leftovers:smile: ). I found that I was not able to eat as much as I thought I would. My stomach had shrunk quite a bit and didn't need so much. My eyes were definitely much bigger than my stomach those days. I think that you will become resentful if you don't let yourself have those special free days every now and then. It's those people that bring the sweets into the office before the holiday that used to sabotage me, lol. I work out of my home, so I don't have to deal with that now, thank goodness.

    Be good to yourself.:flowerforyou:

  • TheBull50
    Thanks for all the help everyone. I guess maybe i just need to hear that it is just another day :-)
  • tlitzner
    tlitzner Posts: 124
    The thing that I think is important to remember is that this is a lifestyle change, not a diet. It's not about completely depriving yourself, it's about learning to eat sensible healthy amounts of food. I plan to eat a light breakfast and light afternoon snack so that i'm not sitting down to the Thanksgiving table starving. I will eat what I want, stop when i'm full, and take a walk after dinner; and hopefully I will be able to continue that tradition for the rest of my Thanksgivings :flowerforyou:
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    The thing that I think is important to remember is that this is a lifestyle change, not a diet. It's not about completely depriving yourself, it's about learning to eat sensible healthy amounts of food. I plan to eat a light breakfast and light afternoon snack so that i'm not sitting down to the Thanksgiving table starving. I will eat what I want, stop when i'm full, and take a walk after dinner; and hopefully I will be able to continue that tradition for the rest of my Thanksgivings :flowerforyou:

    I like what you said. I will definitely follow what you are saying. I intend to exercise all week though just to stay on track.
  • timragan
    timragan Posts: 117 Member
    I find that my changes tend to help me eat less/better even when I take a day off.

    Thats the good news. I remind myself that one day off cannot be followed by multiple days off.
  • TheBull50
    The good news is I am DEF planning on still working out each day. Thanksgiving Morning I am in a 5k race and the day after I plan on going out running. I agree that all these changes aren't a diet but a lifestyle change. It is AMAZING what results can be produced when you try very hard at it.

    I can't thank everyone enough. Your support and advise is greatly appreciated.

    -The Bull
  • i am SOOOO afraid of thanksgiving.

    i have a really big family, who, like everyone else, loves to eat.
    i'm the only one in the family managing my weight, losing some, and watching my portions.
    every year we have atleast 3 turkeys, stuffing, cranberries, candied yams, etc.

    i'm gonna try my best to not over eat, but its so hard when everyone around you doesn't really care about the food they put in their mouths, or the size of the meal. and it DEFINITELY doesn't help when you have the human garbage disposal for a boyfriend.

    i need some advice on how i should go about this bc this is the first thanksgiving and christmas that i've been watching my calories.
  • weesel80
    weesel80 Posts: 186
    This too will be my first holiday since starting my weight loss journey last August. Thankully, my family is all on board with what I am doing and are very supportive, so I think that helps when it comes to holidays, because they all know how hard I am working. The thing I would tell yourself is, it is just another day, enjoy it and remember it is more about spending time with your family than the food (though the food can be extremely tempting!!).:drinker: I approach temptation days as this, I can eat what is there, just don't go overboard, because seeing those numbers go down on the scale are more important to me than any tempting morsel!! Good luck and just enjoy the day with your family!!
  • greeneyedgirl829
    Here's my advice and my plan to get through Thanksgiving: eat smart, but remember that this is a reward for all the hard work that we have been doing :flowerforyou: . The day after, just think of it as a way to motivate you to burn it off, and continue to eat healthy. Enjoy the day, and don't stress about the food, let it be your motivation :smile: Good luck and have fun!
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    I am allowing myself to have whatever I want that family is making some alterations to our normal Thanksgiving dinner that will make it lower calorie.

    *Instead of having candied yams, we are having baked sweet potatoes
    *Our stuffing will be made with half light bread and half regular white bread (that was the ONLY change I was willing to make because my mom makes the BEST stuffing ever and it's the ONLY thing I'm willing to blow huge amounts of calories on because it's the only thing that I MUST have on Thanksgiving and cannot do withoutlol...)
    *Instead of a cheese, ring bologna, cracker, dip, pickle, and olive tray to snack on before dinner, we are having just the pickles and olives
    *Instead of just one vegetable we are having several
    *We are not having rolls or bread
    *We bought a 12-13 pound turkey instead of a 20 pound turkey

    We are making small changes that individually wouldn't save a lot of calories, but all together will add up. I am planning to have a yogurt or some oatmeal for breakfast, and carrots and dip for a snack. We usually eat our main meal around 2 or 3 so that will take the place of lunch and dinner. I will still eat throughout the day as I usually do, but in smaller quantities so as to keep the bulk of my calories for my Thanksgiving dinner.
  • Alisha28
    Alisha28 Posts: 406 Member
    Everyone deserves alittle treat day here and there. Never deprive yourself. My suggestion is a early workout I plan to run 10 miles with my sister early come back watch the parade with the kiddies and get ready to have a great meal with family and friends. What our the holidays for anyways... Or go shopping the next morning, fighting those crowds burn serious calories:laugh:

  • rlh0614
    rlh0614 Posts: 73 Member
    Yes - I refuse to deprive... that doesn't make sense on Thanksgiving... I wish I had someone to run with... make it way easier... but I'll be biking 30 miles that morning or running ... and then of course some black Friday shopping!
  • NewMK08
    NewMK08 Posts: 399 Member
    I'm trying to squeeze in some extra workouts before Thursday, and of course Thursday morning I'm running in the Turkey Trot 5K!! I don't think 3.1 miles will give me enough calories for all the eating I'm going to be doing, but it's better than nothing!
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    I don't think thanksgiving dinner is the dangerous part of the holidays. It's all the other bad eating oppurtunites that surround it. Keep you other meals that day to you plan and try to enjoy a great meal with your family. Here's a tip that might help. Go ahead and have what you want at dinner, but try using a salad plate instead of a dinner plate. It's a great way to give yourself that full plate feel with much smaller portions. Oh yeah and get out in the yard and play some football or something. Get active with the kids!

    Have a great holiday!
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    Keep in mind - an average american eats 2,000-3,000 calories alone on thanksgiving! Stay focused folks! We can get thru this week. A little knowledge goes a long way!!

    Enjoy the festive day :happy:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I'm cooking a Turkey, no stuffing (don't like it), rice for DH, squash, bell peppers, and crescent rolls. I'm throwing some garlic cloves in with the turkey towards the end of cooking time so they'll get roasted and will use that instead of butter on my rolls. Got that tip from Alton Brown Yea, AB! :drinker: And, then for dessert, I'm putting an apple or two in the over with some splenda and cinnamon--YUM!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I'm cooking a Turkey, no stuffing (don't like it), rice for DH, squash, bell peppers, and crescent rolls. I'm throwing some garlic cloves in with the turkey towards the end of cooking time so they'll get roasted and will use that instead of butter on my rolls. Got that tip from Alton Brown Yea, AB! :drinker: And, then for dessert, I'm putting an apple or two in the over with some splenda and cinnamon--YUM!

    Shore, do you leave the galic in the skin?? then open it after?? this is an awsome idea!!