Suggestions for a three-day split

RoyalMoose11 Posts: 211 Member
edited October 2014 in Fitness and Exercise
With my gym no longer being a one block walk to my house I'm in need of changing my 4-day split and transitioning to a 3-day split. Getting to the gym on the weekend is now difficult with the new distance. I'm also starting a cut on Nov 1 so if it fits that bill it's even better.

I'm looking at three options now.
Two are here and this is the third.

I'd like a split that allows for cardio a couple times a week as well. ANy feedback would be appreciated.


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,210 Member
    Workout selection depends on the goal. What is yours?
  • RoyalMoose11
    RoyalMoose11 Posts: 211 Member
    Maintaining strength while on my cut, will be focusing on weights and less on racing next. Starting with a 6 week cut then a three month bulk.
  • alereck
    alereck Posts: 343 Member
    I think this is personal. I’ve tried splitting upper body and lower body but my DOMS was crazy after leg day and it was interfering with my daily activities including my time with my kids… anyway.

    This is what I do:
    Day 1: Biceps/triceps/shoulders
    Day 2: Chest / back
    Day 3: same as day 1

    I do lower body in between my supersets. Sometimes I will do a superset of db curl / db kickback / squats or I will do the db curl / db kickback superset and then squat in between.

    I find this easier for muscle recovery and I enjoy the workout much more. But again, you have to find what works out for you. I think that is no one way to be optimal at the gym. There is no magic formula, as long as you are hitting different muscles, different days of the week and giving yourself time for muscle recovery then you’ll be fine.
  • RoyalMoose11
    RoyalMoose11 Posts: 211 Member
    Thanks alereck. My gym only has a smith machine so I'm not thrilled about doing squats on that. I do have access to a gym with a power rack but it's only open M-F 9-5 so once a week I may be able to sneak in some squats.

    Also, what do you do with your weight? Do you go heavy? I usually do a warm up set, two sets at high weight (highest I can do with a full 8 reps), then a fourth set with the next weight up nd go until failure. I was trying to bump up 5 pounds each paycheck (helped wit timing and remembering when I needed to bump the weight).
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    sounds like a perfect scenario for ICF 5x5 but only smith machine? You may want to see about investing in a power rack yourself. At any rate ICF 5x5 for that M-W-F and some HIIT routines on off days sounds ideal.
  • Fujiberry
    Fujiberry Posts: 400 Member
    If you only have time for 3 days a week, a full body workout of mostly compound lifts each time would be the best option. Otherwise, you're resting each body part too much for you to make any progress and your volume work will most likely suffer.
  • TiberiusClaudis
    TiberiusClaudis Posts: 423 Member
    Not sure if you plan on working out for ONLY 3 days a week or if it's 3 days on, one day off? I think it's the first one. I read the hotlinks you provided. To be honest, I disagree. I think many dedicated lifters can work out for more than 3 times a week regardless if they take the "extra" supplements that pros do. Right now I'm on a 3 day on, one day off routine. I do back/chest on day one, legs on day two and shoulder/arms on day three. I do abs and calves every other workout. I also do cardio, how much depends if I'm cutting or bulking. Just moved into my cardio phase, so will do cardio 5 days a week. I haven't suffered anytype of burnout. As most people recommend, try different things to see what works for you. Good Luck. TC
  • RoyalMoose11
    RoyalMoose11 Posts: 211 Member
    My plan was for working out M/W/F. I have abs work I can do at home every other day and planned on running Saturday (longer), Sunday (recoup), and then two more in the week.
  • RoyalMoose11
    RoyalMoose11 Posts: 211 Member
    I have done Stronglifts 5x5 in the past and enjoyed the new-to-lifting gains. I did that before the 4-day split listed above but this new routine seems to do well in more targeted areas.

    On the compound lifts- maybe I can rotate in bench/overhead press and deadlifts/rows in every other day similar to StrongLifts and then do the rest of that day's activity? Maybe I just need to keep the four day split in the mix and just make the Saturday trip on the bus.
  • Wilbur_NOLA
    Wilbur_NOLA Posts: 120 Member
    I was doing a 3-day split like this:

    Monday I would do push exercises for chest, shoulders, and triceps

    Wednesday I would do pull exercies for back, traps, and biceps

    Friday I would do leg exercises

  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    I think upper/lower splits are ideal, personally-- here's a great 3 day rotation:

  • RoyalMoose11
    RoyalMoose11 Posts: 211 Member
    Wilbur- THanks for the input. Much appreciated.

    Catatomi- This looks nice, too. I like the variety and spreading it out. My worry is still being able to build muscle on every fourth day but the write up seems to be keen on it still.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    edited October 2014
    As others have said, personal preference will be a big part of it. I prefer push/pull splits, so something like:

    Day 1: deads, GHR, rows, pull-ups, lat pull downs

    Day 2: back squat, front squat, bench, ohp, dips

    Day 3: stretching/mobility, maybe some core work

    Cardio is easy enough to add in without using one of your gym days, unless you wanted to swim or something that needed special equipment/facilities.

    If your goal is to maintain strength while cutting, keep the weight heavy and the reps low regardless of the program. Is there a reason you are lookign to do a split vs full body 2 or 3 times per week?
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    Fujiberry wrote: »
    If you only have time for 3 days a week, a full body workout of mostly compound lifts each time would be the best option. Otherwise, you're resting each body part too much for you to make any progress and your volume work will most likely suffer.

    i totally agree with this. personally don't think that working a muslce group once a week is really a enough