Anyone use "hello fresh" food boxes?

I've tried searching but not much is coming up. How are you finding them with using MFP? I'm love them, not one for eating such a range of food, I'm pretty boring but loving trying all the new things that comes.
How about the logging of meals? with MFP hello fresh work out the calories/fat etc for each meal and post it for us to use, we split our 2 meals between 3 of us, me, my partner and our son. So I'm pretty sure I'm not going over calories, and when I've weighted the food out separatly it's pretty much the same only 3/4cals out.
Is anyone else using and whats your experiences?
Happy cooking!


  • TJR88
    TJR88 Posts: 37 Member
    I don't use Hello Fresh but just started a similar service called Gousto - made up one the of the meals tonight actually from my first box for my lunches next week (chorizo and giant couscous) and the mouthful I had was very tasy! All the ingredients for all the meals look quite fresh and looking forward to cooking the other two meals later in the week. Not something I could afford every week but probably once or twice a month.

    Gousto do the same thing as Hello Fresh on MFP and post calories, fat and protein. I'm just taking their word on the calories etc for the moment but for real precision guess you could input the individual ingredients? Is that what you mean when you say you weighted it out separately? I may do that further down the line when I have less weight to lose and small inaccuracies could stall weight loss!
  • TweedAddict
    TweedAddict Posts: 53 Member
    Good to hear of another company that does something similar! Yes I weighed everything out one by one too see how close they were with my own. Well found then with close, and then with me making 3 meals out of the 2, the potions they give you are huge, so should always be under what they state on MFP.
    I find it saves us money, there is no way we would be able to get the ingredients for the price of the boxes, then as they are at home we do use them and not waste them. Then because they are so nice we don't eat out at all during the week-fab for the bank balance! (And waist line). But our biggest saving has been food shopping, we normally spent £120 per week on food (and still eating out) now we do 2x £20 shops and the box for £40 means that we are saving £40 per week. I do think they are fantastic
  • TJR88
    TJR88 Posts: 37 Member
    It's definitely good value for the ingredients and can see how its very economical for a family. I got the two person box with 3 recipes just for me for £35 and the portions look so generous planning to get ten meals out of that this week! But I don't often spend more than £35 on my whole weekly food shop even when getting mostly organic so it won't really saving me money unfortunately! Definitely worth doing every now and again to try out new things for me though and will check out Hello Fresh as well to see what their recipes are like.