Need support

I think it's mainly just a friendly surrounding of nice people than anything. I have been trying to stop drinking. I haven't drank since last Saturday, so it's been 8 days. I have been really depressed over the fact because I just realized how much of my social life is in a bar. Haha... Well, I have still been jogging. For the last 8 days, I have been jogging 10 miles a day because I have nothing else to do. I am so deprived of human interaction. I haven't even had virtual interaction. I am desperately in need of some interaction because I am going back into a dark depression, which I don't want to go back to.


  • thefoodaddict
    thefoodaddict Posts: 93 Member
    Feel free to message me hun.
  • QueenE_
    QueenE_ Posts: 522 Member
    Congrats on not drinking the last few days. It is hard but your body will thank you. ..I know. What about surrounding yourself around family? Do all of your friends drink?
  • WorkoutJunkie1
    Yes, a big chunk of my friends drink and the ones who don't have kids. I can hear my liver telling me, "thank you so much, I can finally breath." LOL... I feel my body is transforming even more. These last 8 days have been filled with healthy foods, water, and 10 miles a day.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Congratulations on your eight days. Each day is a success that you can celebrate.
  • mlange85
    mlange85 Posts: 6 Member
    That's awesome that you haven't had a drink in 8 days. I'm going to try to do the same. For almost a month I haven't drank during the week. I was still having a few drinks on the weekend. I'm finding it easier as I go and even finding that I don't really want to drink much on weekend anymore. Don't get me wrong- love my wine! But hate the way my body feels after! I feel like I'm undoing all I worked for during the week. Trying to find a happy medium. I also feel like I have no social life anymore.hahaha. keep on fighting that good fight! I bet you are saving alot of money too! Maybe hit up a store and buy yourself something small as a reward??? Either way good luck!