For those who are, say 30+ years old

LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
How often do you talk on the phone to your siblings, if they don't live in your town? Just curious how I compare. Thanks.


  • Christineclendaniel
    Christineclendaniel Posts: 367 Member
    I fail in this once every 3-4 months, maybe. I will try to text on occasion, but I suck at that too.
  • Basilin
    Basilin Posts: 360 Member
    I am 28, so not 30+ but pretty close. I talk to my siblings about once or twice a year; both live in different states at least 300 miles away. But we've never been super close as my siblings are both much older than me so I'm probably an outlier.
  • Rochelle951
    Rochelle951 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Texting is quicker for my family and I.
  • haildodger
    haildodger Posts: 181 Member
    I have three siblings, and the answer is never. I text my sister about twice a year, but that's it.
  • ParamoreAddict
    ParamoreAddict Posts: 839 Member
    That's why Facebook is awesome. All my brothers and sisters are on there and we can just drop a line whenever. I also text my baby sister a lot. She's a big nerd like me so we always have stuff to talk about. :)
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    It depends on which sibling. I have one sister that lives in the same own… so obviously I talk to her a lot. Like everyday. But, I have three others siblings that don't live in the same town as I. My brother I hardly EVER talk to. Seriously. We'll call each other to wish each other a happy birthday and I'll send him a text on Fathers Day. But that's it. It's not that we are estranged or anything. There is no problem whatsoever with our relationship… but we just don't communicate that way. My oldest sister… I text and email periodically, but really only call if I'm going down to visit her and need to make arrangements. Again… no problem with our relationship… it's just how we choose to communicate. The sister just older than me is the one I talk to the most frequently. We send texts back and forth regularly about all the random stuff that's going on in our lives. I try to call her at least once a month.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    i don't. I have one brother who is in grad school in Paris, and when we correspond it's via email or FB. The rest of my family is via text. We've got a group text going with my parents, sisters, and sister in law, and that keeps us pretty connected.
  • bbexson
    I chat to my brother probably once a week.
  • NikkiJanye73
    NikkiJanye73 Posts: 242 Member
    I have one brother and we fell out two years ago, so never :-(
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    On the phone? I'm 29 years old. My brother is 32. We email every 1-2 months, and talk on the phone, I don't know, maybe once or twice a year.
  • mskeeys
    Almost never. 32 and have two brothers. We text every so often, facebook every couple of days.
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    edited October 2014
    How often do you talk on the phone to your siblings, if they don't live in your town? Just curious how I compare. Thanks.
    Things have not quite worked out for my 3 siblings, and they're insanely jealous of my success. I call about 4 times per year...they never call me.
    We're just not close any longer. Such is life... :(

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    my sister is my best friend, so i wouldnt go longer than 48 hours without texting her or hearing from her.
  • FredSetToGetFit
    FredSetToGetFit Posts: 286 Member
    I'm 40, and my sister and I speak at least once a week.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    NEVER!, I just lost both my parents, they live a hour and half drive, and so do all 4 of my older brothers, they are all losers.. always have been.
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    I'm 38, and the oldest of 4 kids. My younger brothers are 35, 33 & 25.

    Bro#1 is in the Navy, stationed in Japan. We Skype once a month, and I send him a manila envelope full of little notes or interesting things in the paper every week, I try to send him a care package every 2 weeks or so. It's harder to text or Facebook because his Wifi is spotty. This particular brother is my best friend, and I miss him terribly.

    Bro#2 is an *kitten*. He's a college administrator and lives in MS. We talk on the phone about 3-4 times a year, we message through Facebook about once a month. We don't text.

    Bro#3 got out of the Air Force three years ago and lives across the street with my mother. He has no ambition and is content to be a part-time mall cop. His live-in girlfriend is just about useless. I see him about 2-3 times per week, wave from across the yard, and say hello maybe once a week. We don't text, talk on the phone or Facebook. He stole from my 15 year old son, and I told him he needs to make that right and six months later it still isn't.

    We have an older half sister, by my dad. She is 42-43ish. I have only ever met her once when I was 12. We've spoken on the phone maybe a handful of times since then. My brothers 1 & 3 are Facebook friends with her, but Bro#2 and I are not.
  • SuninVirgo
    SuninVirgo Posts: 255 Member
    Not anymore with my younger sister! Never
  • lawandfitness
    lawandfitness Posts: 1,257 Member
    My sisters both live close, and we are super close to each other. We talk everyday if not every 2 days on the phone. I see them at least once a week
  • Jennwa
    Jennwa Posts: 107 Member
    I'm 30 and my brother 29, my only sibling, and I text a couple times a month and maybe talk on the phone 3/4 times a year. He however lives in the same town as my parents and our children love to hang out together. I actually see him in person and talk to him that way at least once a month, if not twice a month.
  • CarolinaAcorn
    CarolinaAcorn Posts: 418 Member
    We make sure to talk at least once a month, even if it's just for a quick catch up. We text frequently because of crazy schedules.