Gym vs. Working out at home

Do you belong to a gym or have your own fitness routine you do at home?

I've done it all and trying to figure out if I should join a gym again (as the weather is getting colder and it's going to be more difficult to workout outside). I have DVDs, weights, bands, etc at my house but it's difficult at times to motivate myself to work out at. Just wanted to see what other people do.


  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I work out at home. Saves me time & money.
  • ItsJordanNicole
    ItsJordanNicole Posts: 110 Member
    I work out at the gym. The couch is too close at home!
  • fruitsalad15
    fruitsalad15 Posts: 102 Member
    I have a gym membership but do most of my workouts at home, there is no annoying drive to and from the gym, waiting for equipment, sharing changing rooms etc! I much prefer working out at home because you can get changed and do it, within an hour or 90 minutes max (for me!) I would say you should do what works for you - I just can't motivate myself to go out to the gym!

    Good luck!
  • StraubreyR
    StraubreyR Posts: 631 Member
    I work out at home, or preferably outdoors. If the weather is really THAT bad, I wouldn't drive to the gym anyway.
  • SpockAdventures
    SpockAdventures Posts: 103 Member
    I, too, work out at home. I have a treadmill that we got for free by trading with someone on Craigslist for our Kinect! Anyway, I have also had issues in the past getting motivated to exercise at home, but this summer I found myself having one of these days and accidentally fell on the best motivational phrase I use all the time....There's no magic motivational trick, just remember:

    Just put the *kitten*' sneakers on!

  • fitfabforties
    fitfabforties Posts: 370 Member
    I work out at home.....I have a set of Select Tech dumbbells, DVDs and that's what I use....I can't afford a gym membership and I live in an apartment so I don't have room for anything more than the dumbbells....I also have a mountain bike and I try to walk lots too...
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    edited October 2014
    Do you belong to a gym or have your own fitness routine you do at home?

    I've done it all and trying to figure out if I should join a gym again (as the weather is getting colder and it's going to be more difficult to workout outside). I have DVDs, weights, bands, etc at my house but it's difficult at times to motivate myself to work out at. Just wanted to see what other people do.
    I do both and see value in each.

  • taxreliever8
    taxreliever8 Posts: 11 Member
    I've done both and see value in both, but for me, the home workouts allow me to be more consistent as I can squeeze in, even a short workout, faster than it takes me to drive to and from a gym.

    Not to mention the money savings, already mentioned.
  • djprice_69
    djprice_69 Posts: 115 Member
    I don't like spending the $ on a gym membership. Over the last few years I've spent about $800 on misc gym equipment, the most expensive purchase being $400 for a set of Ironmaster dumbbells. However, I have enough equipment at home to do most WODs if that's your thing, or just about any other workout you can think of. Bench, squat rack, C2 rower, dumbbell set, several barbells, several hundred pounds of plates, 3/4" rubber flooring, Ironmaster dumbbells that go up to 90lbs, and some more that I just can't remember. $800 might sound like a lot, but at $50/mo for a gym membership over a few years $800 doesn't sound too bad. Not to mention I now have this equipment for life, or I could choose to sell it and re-coup at least 75 cents on the dollar pretty easily. Just my two cents!
  • dianesheart88
    dianesheart88 Posts: 111 Member
    Definitely the gym. At home it's too easy not to do it or not to work out hard. At the gym I know I am there for a purpose and I make real good use of that time. I feel much better after I work out at the gym than I ever did with a at home workout.
  • PokeyBug
    PokeyBug Posts: 482 Member
    I've done both, and, while I prefer the gym, I work out at home by necessity. We sold my car and dropped my gym membership to save money when I chose to become a SAHM, so I don't have much of a choice. It took me a little time to get everything straight with working out, homeschooling, and all the additional housework from having 2 active kids in the house all day long. When I finally decided to schedule ALL my time, including workouts at 3:30 pm, things just kind of clicked in place.
  • shortntall1
    shortntall1 Posts: 333 Member
    I bought a gym membership today at the local college..getting too nippy outside for me
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Being at a gym generally means getting more "bang for your buck" in terms of time spent exercising vs. calories burned/muscles worked, mainly due to what you can do with the sheer amount of equipment you will have access to. It means being able to get more actual "work" done with far fewer movements. When working out at home with nothing more than a relatively small selection of dumbbells, you have to incorporate a larger variety of movements and experiment with more awkward exercise progressions to be able to get the same quality of workout with the equipment you have at hand. The lack of social atmosphere can be a blessing for many though. To get the best of both worlds it's best to start looking into getting some serious equipment at home.
  • millypoo128
    Thanks for everyone's input! I see the value in both just need to see what will work best for me.
  • Maquillage_
    Maquillage_ Posts: 194 Member
    I work out at home. I've been a member of the gym so many times before, and it was great for the first month, and then I'd stop going. The gym wasn't close to me so I had to get a bus, and it was hard paying for a gym membership, paying for busfare, and when I felt demotivated there was no way I was dragging myself out of bed to make a journey for the gym! So every time I joined it was a huge waste of money for me. If I'm feeling lazy I'm 100 times more likely to haul myself downstairs and force myself to work out than to try haul myself to a gym! Plus working out at home is free, and I don't like any of the gym machines that much. I bought yoga mats, dumbbells, aerobic step, and stationary bike for at home and I'm doing well so far :)
  • blabrecque_xo
    blabrecque_xo Posts: 65 Member
    I run a lot outdoors when the weather is nice, but for the most part I work out at the gym.
  • Philp0718
    Philp0718 Posts: 136 Member
    edited October 2014
    I used to go to the gym every morning, but with my new work schedule, the only time I can make it there is around 6:00-7:00pm when its crazy busy, and I hate it, so I cancelled my membership and workout at home. I made myself a schedule, and do a workout 30-60min everyday as soon as I get home after work, before I make dinner. Its been working great!! -- down 20lbs and saving money! :smile:
  • GoingSlightlyMad
    GoingSlightlyMad Posts: 190 Member
    Why not both? lol.
    I go to the gym during the week, and during the weekends I usually combine a small routine of lifting weights with my stationary bike to burn off some calories at home ;)
  • lnxjenn
    lnxjenn Posts: 64 Member
    I've done both. I liked going to the Gym because of the fewer distractions. Like right now, my home workout space is cluttered with books and stuff I am trying to repack and sort through. Both locations have their benefits. But At least at home, you have control over television observation (if you watch TV while on machine or DVD workouts, etc). And some gyms have those VERY LOUD radio/music going on...

    My previous gym membership I came to the conclusion I really couldn't afford it. Plus they carried hours that sometimes conflicted with when I could go. It is tied to a school, so the school has control over when it was open and operating. (and access to the swimming pool).

    I really prefer being outside, going for walks or hikes!

    I just say, weigh your own options and views. You'll find what works for you!