How often do you weigh in



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I used to reply to these with "every day" or " a few times a week". Now...3 times a month probably. That's mostly because I KNOW when I screw up and I know how long it will take to patch it up again, then I weight myself so I don't feel too bad!

    But knowing these trends comes from weighing myself a lot at one point.
  • LauraPa1mer
    LauraPa1mer Posts: 65 Member
    Once a week.
  • Philp0718
    Philp0718 Posts: 136 Member
    I weigh in everyday at the same time (morning, when I wake up, after bathroom). I like to keep track of the daily fluctuations and see the trend go down overall, otherwise I feel like I wouldn't be getting the full picture.
  • MelanieRBrace
    MelanieRBrace Posts: 245 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    I weigh daily, record weekly.

  • weedygumption
    weedygumption Posts: 9 Member
    once a week as i find i can get disheartened if i go up and put me in a bad mood all day :)
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    1 or 2 times a month

  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    Every day, first thing. Log it on MFP, enter it into my Excel spreadsheet, check out the long-term trend and forget about it.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    It's all personal preference.

    I weigh daily. Then I average it weekly. The weekly average helps me see the trend within the daily fluctuations.
    See my neat graph:
  • wilkimania
    wilkimania Posts: 42 Member
    When I lived at home it was daily, and probably to an unhealthy extent as I'm likely to freak out if the figures don't tell me what I want. But now I'm at uni it's become more of a case of whenever I go home, which means I have periods of months where I'm not finding out if what I'm doing is working and that's driving me equally crazy.
  • sirena192005
    sirena192005 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm a daily weigher. I log if it goes down. The only reason I weigh so often is because I am still having a block "seeing" the way I look now. To me, I still look like I did when I started, even though I'm 56 pounds lighter now. So I weight daily, which lets me see that I have made progress and it keeps me motivated. Even the fluctuations are okay with me because it's so much less than where I started. Now if only my perception of the reflection in the mirror would catch up with the scale....
  • alazio
    alazio Posts: 44 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    I weigh daily, record weekly.
    same here

    Me too
  • m_tommiss
    Once a week when I wake up after using the bathroom :)
  • bfergusonii
    bfergusonii Posts: 208 Member
    About once per month or so.
  • DapperKay
    DapperKay Posts: 140 Member
    DapperKay wrote: »
    WildOkapi wrote: »
    I weigh myself 1-4 times a day and I officially 'check in' on MFP on the 15th of each month.

    That's a bit excessive lol - do you mean a week?!

    Weight varies quite a bit day to day due to many factors including water retention, glycogen and what's in your belly at the time of weighing.

    Best thing to do is pick a setting and replicate that once a week then record. So for instance a setting would be your living room first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. You then have to replicate that every time you weigh. Ideally weigh without any clothes to get real accurate.

    To see accurate trends use something like hack diet.

    Good luck.

    Actually I weigh 1-3 times a day as well. It was a really great way for me to learn the way my body fluctuated throughout the day and to find the most accurate reading. I learned that if I weighed my self even 2 hours earlier every day it would read that I lost no weight or gained water weight, it wouldn't show a single loss, but at my IDEAL weigh time 2 hours later it shows steady decline. I never would have known that if I had randomly picked a weigh in time.

    I don't get that logic. If the point is to track weight loss, then you have to pick a reference point, pick a setting and replicate over time to see change. It doesn't matter that at some other point you might be 10g lighter, your main interest should be the weight loss amount.

    I'm not judging, to each his own, but honestly there are too many factors that change a person's weight every day. Just pick a reference and stick to it...