Losing motivation because of planter fasciitis

I am suffering from planter fasciitis and I am losing W/O motivation because of the pain. I use to walk 4-5 miles a few times a week and now I can't walk around the block without being in extreme pain. Has anyone had any luck treating this condition? I have to stand much of the day for my job and I do my exercises often throughout the day but I have not seen any improvement in a few months. My Dr. wants me to see an Ortho Dr. but I am not sure how much this will help. I know I can do other forms of exercise but walking was always important to me and I am finding myself getting depressed. I am not sure how long this lasts or if there is a chance to improve even. Any suggestions?


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    edited October 2014
    Has anyone had any luck treating this condition?

    I have, yes. Questions for you:

    1. do you have flat arches, or high arches? (check google images if you're unsure)

    2. what do you think started the PF?

    3. where exactly is the pain? And does it hurt worse when you get out of bed?

  • sbenner17
    sbenner17 Posts: 11 Member
    I have plantar fasciitis, and mine was caused by 1-being greatly overweight and 2- wearing horrible shoes with no support for my arches.
    It will still flare up, but not nearly as bad as when I was wearing shoes without support.
    If your Dr is recommending you to see a Orthro, I would recommend going. The orthro is more knowledgeable with pf then your General. The Orthro may prescribe physical therapy, certain exercises, and/or inserts for your shoes.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    I was just diagnosed last week myself.... the pain for me is in my heels. First thing in the morning is the worst! My Dr suggested inserts, and athletic shoes along with a series of exercises.
  • Tammy_1971
    Tammy_1971 Posts: 93 Member
    I have PF and my Dr. put me in a boot (while sleeping) so that my foot would not go to a point position. I found that the boot would make my leg cramp up, so now I just hang my feet over the end of the bed... LOL (I'm a stomach sleeper). If you go to a running store, they normally have foot sleeves that you can put on that will keep your foot in the "flex position" while sleeping. When I slept with my foot in the flex position, I went into remission... and haven't had a serious flare-up in a really long time.
  • srpm
    srpm Posts: 275 Member
    I use these
    when I am barefoot/in just socks (which is pretty much always at home), they have helped a lot. I also quit wearing shoes that don't offer support (ie ballet flats) and had to up the price tag on my heels for work a bit to make sure they offered adequate support.

    Rest is also key. When mine first started I had a horrible time even walking. I "got lucky" and my mom had to have surgery about 2 months after it started and I had to take about a month off of work to care for her so i was wearing either the strutz or tennis shoes at all times except when I was asleep for a full month. Since then I have only had problems when I run around in shoes without support (ie flip flops) or barefoot for a long period of time.
  • margie8109
    margie8109 Posts: 7 Member
    I found that putting my foot on top of an ice pack at night helped tremendously.
    I noticed that someone else mentioned good shoes. For me this was an extreme necessity.
    Good Luck!
  • srpm
    srpm Posts: 275 Member
    Oh I should add mine was caused by an injury then made worse by wearing shoes without support etc.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,299 Member
    I second the arch supports. They are designed to put your posture into the best position for feet, ankles, even knees and hips. They are well worth a try. Worked brilliantly for me several years ago and I have never looked back.
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    I have never been diagnosed but I have had pain that sounds like it. I got a hand held fascia roller (like a tiger tail) and I put it on the floor and stand on it and roll my feet on it. Helps so so much!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    You need the correct shoes, with a good support. I also do a stretching exercise, which you should do often when you have a bad flareup. Before getting out of bed, stretch both toes in a point forward--count to 10. Then, stretch your toes toward you--count to 10. Do this 10 times. I've had good luck with this exercise. Another stretch is rolling a frozen water bottle under your foot. I do the foot stretches everyday as a precaution. Good luck to you. :)
  • tinapi96
    tinapi96 Posts: 112 Member
    I have suffered with PF since I was a teenager and I am now 43. I have done PT, cortisone, "the boot" to bed, the whole gamut. Sadly, I think what works for every one is very personal. My mother had great success and relief from cortisone, which did nothing for me at all. My greatest success has been through massage (my husband knows right where to rub to relieve the cramp), wearing inserts and changing my shoes daily. I never wear the same pair two days in a row and only walk barefoot on sand. I have a pair of Champion flip flops with a high arch that I wear in the house instead of slippers. The awful truth is that my foot hurts a little all the time and has for years. It is a constant battle. I walk, do Zumba and hike for exercise and I just pray for my foot to go numb sometimes. And it does, luckily (normally after a 1.5 miles) My brother had great results from a frozen water bottle rolled under the foot. I have never personally met anyone that had great results from the PT stretches.

    I think seeing the ortho (or a podiatrist) would be a good start, but be prepared because getting off the foot may be your first course of action. Then you can try to get ahead of it by preventing it. With standing for your job, you may not be able to do that.

    I wish you all the best in finding the solutions that work for you.

  • jmbajb921
    jmbajb921 Posts: 4 Member
    edited October 2014
    Definitely go see your Dr recommended Ortho. I had it horribly last year, to the point I was falling down stairs in a regular basis. I went thru 8 weeks of PT - helped me tremendously, no surgery required, no shots required either. It does still flare up, losing weight has helped it not flare up as much though.

    Things I've learned to help manage it/improve it..

    Your heals are inflamed, you need to bring that down, Ice them nightly. Use either a frozen water bottle to roll under your feet or a frozen veggie bag, that will conform to the shape of your foot nicely. The first time I did this, major improvement in just 15min!!! I kept 1 bag of frozen veggies in the freezer strictly for this purpose.

    Stretch your heals, daily - sometimes several times a day if possible. Easiest stretch is to stand on a edge of a step & dip down. Hold for 30 seconds. Do at least 3 times a day. Also, try to stretch & strengthen your calf muscles.

    Try stretching them before you get out of bed in the morning, that will help alleviate the morning pain, when it's at it's worst.

    Another exercise my therapist had me do was calf raises to strengthen those muscles.

    Massage your feet/heals. I used a hand held back massager. Don't be afraid to apply a little pressure to your heals. Yes it may be a little sore, but you need to loosen those muscles up.

    I see others have recommended sleeping with a boot to not let your feet go to point while sleeping. I never used one, but know others that it's helped.

    Good shoes & arch supports are a must!

    My therapist & Dr both also mentioned that if I was unable to walk due to pain, that biking was a great alternative! Didn't matter if I used a stationary bike or got outside on a real bike. Biking also helps in the stretching of the calf muscles as well.
  • mommyofjan
    mommyofjan Posts: 65 Member
    I had PF also and have recovered. I bought arch inserts, the wrap that goes around the foot, and much better shoes. I also got a doctor's note so I could sit at work and not have an issue. I did see the ortho, but it was so expensive that I tried other home remedies first. Like other posters have said...massage, ice and other pressure will help also. It's very painful...good luck.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I had a mild case and have used a half ball thingy to strengthen my feet and it seems to be working so far. I try to do about 50 steps a day and also just standing and balancing on it for a few minutes.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,273 Member
    I'm working on getting over it right now. You're going to need to back off the walks if you want to heal it. I am a trail runner and mine started over the summer (June 22nd, to be exact) when I tried a new shoe that didn't have the support I need. So, here we are 4 months later. I have run twice since then (both times a bad decision). Here's what I have done/do:
    *2 tubs of water in the bathtub: really warm and cold, 2 min a side, back and forth for 20 min total
    *roll my foot (arch) on a tennis ball, frozen water bottle, and/or wooden ball the size of a golf ball
    *wear a boot to bed (if I don't, I can tell)
    *calf raises on a step so that when you lower your foot, your heel goes below the step
    *ALWAYS wear a good supportive shoe, never flip flops or barefoot
    *wear a compression sock at all times except sleep
    *And I just bought some Crocks Rx because there were too many people testifying that they help and I'm so over this...
    *Return the shoes that started the whole problem
    *stop all walking/running for fitness
    *took up swimming laps, water aerobics, pool running
    *try not to complain too much, but PF is a royal pain
    *STAY PATIENT. You might be able to get over it (I did once before) and be pain free. Not everybody is, but I'm hopeful that if I stay patient, I can kick this.

    Good luck. Sorry you're dealing with this monster...
  • emileesgram
    emileesgram Posts: 141 Member
    thank you to all who have taken their time to reply to me. I will definitely see the dr. and try all the suggestions posted. This is why I love this site, everyone trying to help others <3 thanks!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    thank you to all who have taken their time to reply to me. I will definitely see the dr. and try all the suggestions posted. This is why I love this site, everyone trying to help others <3 thanks!

    PLEASE come on the next " MFP is so mean" thread and testify to this. It helps ballance things out. Best. o:)
  • lesleychev
    lesleychev Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks for this post. I am fairly new to suffering from this pain and thought I had beaten it. How wrong was I!!! I have been using Rock tape to help alleviate symptoms and it has been working up until last night. I will be looking to try some of the other suggestions on this thread. I can't cut down on the walking as I have a 16 month old greyhound who needs to walks a day. But I can ice, roll and stretch so hopefully that will help. Oh yes and possibly persuading the dog not to sleep on my feet at night ;)

  • emileesgram
    emileesgram Posts: 141 Member
    Cherimoose wrote: »
    Has anyone had any luck treating this condition?

    I have, yes. Questions for you:

    1. do you have flat arches, or high arches? (check google images if you're unsure)

    2. what do you think started the PF?

    3. where exactly is the pain? And does it hurt worse when you get out of bed?

    sorry I have not written back sooner...

    1. do you have flat arches, or high arches? (check google images if you're unsure)
    yes I have somewhat flat arches

    2. what do you think started the PF?
    I recently had sciatica, went to physical therapy where they re-aligned my pelvis, back got better but after 4 visits, I went for my usual 3 mile walk and halfway through the side of my heel started hurting. So it seemed to come on after my physical therapy sessions. Possible a change in my gait? Up till then I had been walking 3-4 miles several times a week with no problems.

    3. where exactly is the pain? And does it hurt worse when you get out of bed?

    The pain is more the sides of my heel than the direct bottom of my heel. I have tried icing, rolling on a ball, stretching, wearing good sneakers to work and taking an anti-inflammatory..I have not had much luck as I have to stand for much of my job. The pain is not always worse in the morning rather when I stand or walk for longer periods of time. thank you for responding, if you have any recommendations I would welcome them.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Love this topic, great ideas.

    I've had PF for about 6 years. I love the orthaheel/vionic brand of shoes and wear the flip flops all the time (only barefoot in the shower). I have high arches, though. I also stretch my heels regularly. I think it's also important to strengthen your entire leg... I've been working on balance, various stretches, and strength exercises. My podiatrist taught me how to tape my foot which provides the best support, but I'm usually lazy about doing it.